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Everything posted by VapeDude

  1. Thank you for that link for the Puck. I have to give that a try. What's the total cost for the build? It says all parts available at Radio Shack but all mine sells is phones and wifi. I haven't seen the wall of capacitors and resistors at the shack for a few years now.
  2. I am having issues myself. It's usually worse with the tobacco flavor I have....the other favors not so much. When I just vaping the tobacco flavor I need Mylanta. I'll see soon if it goes away when my new juice arrives this week.
  3. I can't stand cigarette smoke either now. I'p made the full switch a couple weeks ago. I rented a carpet cleaner and then washed everything in my place that could be put in the washer. They always say, the worst non-smoker is an ex-smoker. I avoid tobacco smoke as much as I can...,cigar smoke is the worst for me..,.I actually turn green if I breath it for too long...that's how sick it makes me.
  4. With eBay just be weary of sellers trying to pass off poorly made fakes as the real thing. With batteries I always feel safer buying from a trusted website...it's worth the few extra bucks. Safety is a big concern you should always keep in mind.
  5. I tried the Njoy disposable when I was caught in a jam. For around 7 bucks not too bad and it lasted me the night. Pretty good for A heavy vapor like myself. I have a Njoy starter kit too...shame they all use proprietary stuff instead of 510s :/. There is a trick to refilling the cartos.......look it up on YouTube.
  6. Welcome...I started out with e cigs from the 7 11 and gas stations. Now that I have my Ego Pass through its like nite and day...I can charge the battery and vape at the same time. Ask all the questions you need this is a great community.
  7. Thank you everyone for the great welcome. I have my Ego PT with a 650maH and its awesome. I now have the 1000maH battery coming for that all day vape. If you're new like me,the Ego Pass through is easy to use and makes for a easy,smooth start into vaping. The 18 & 24mgs work great....24 mgs in the morning so I can have my kickstart and 18mgs when I start feeling up to par....thanks again everyone for the help.
  8. I'm glad you are liking it...I've heard nothing but good news about the twist. I can't wait to order mine and for around 30 bucks its an awesome deal.
  9. I'm not a new vapor but I've went through all the trials and errors with the gas station e cigs. I almost gave up thinking they were all the same. That's until I actually stopped being lazy and did some extensive research. I just have yo say WOW! Massive community and now I'm on information overload....am I a dropper ? Do I want to use cartomizers,tanks....or a bit of everything....lol. Anyways, I don't make this too long...I ordered the Ego pass through battery 650maH(another term I have to learn) along with some tanks. For Christmas I should be getting the Ego twist with some clear cartomizers. What else should I get....something for back up maybe...an FYI I am a massive heavy smoker 2+ packs a day. what would you recommend for nicotine levels? I'm a heavy vapor too....I'm constantly taking a toot.this may In part to low nicotine levels. Thanks in advance.
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