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Everything posted by Schizophretard

  1. On my way home from work I always find myself stopping at Walmart. Sometimes I'll be walking around and I'll stealth vape. I would cover it up with my hand and act like I'm looking down at a product. The other day I was looking for something to use as a case for my e-cig stuff. I started at the tackle boxes, then went to the tool section and checked out this plastic container for screws, then went to the craft area and saw a plastic case for beads, then I went to the section with the fire proof security safes and saw one with a key pad (I thought it looked awesome! It reminded me of 007 or a case that would have a button for a nuke. I picked it up then put it back like 20 times before walking away.), then I looked at the back packs, and finally after about an hour of looking for the perfect case I went back to the original tackle box and decided to get that. Now I wish I didn't because it is almost full and I can tell that soon I'll be needing something bigger. Anyway, when I was all done, I went to the restrooms in the back. As I was taking out my equipment to piss, I thought to myself,"It is one in the morning, there are barely any customers, most of the people in the store are employees stocking shelves, I've got away with stealth vaping in the store, and I think I could get away with busting out the Spade now." So, I had the Spade in one hand and Lyndon Johnson in the other. I thought,"Isn't this great! This is like sneaking a smoke in the boys room at school! It doesn't get much better than this!" As I'm standing there high on life, the door opens. I look over and it is one of the stock boys. He startled me! I dropped my Spade but caught it before it hit my stream and quickly put it in my jacket pocket! He didn't even see it but when he turned and saw me looking at him he had this look on his face like I was a weirdo. He washed his hands then walked out. I finished then walked over to the mirror. I started dancing and vaping. I did my impression of the Green's Buffalo Bill dance. I said,"Would you vape me? I'd vape me. I'd vape me hard!" I rubbed my Spade against my lips like I was applying lip stick, blew a kiss at myself, winked, and then laughed at myself. Maybe the stock boy was right at assuming that I'm a weirdo but you got to enjoy the small things.
  2. LOL! That is the same thing I thought when I heard the name.
  3. You can't get news on TV. That's what God invented the Internet for.
  4. There isn't such a thing as the news anymore. It is just jackasses being jackasses.
  5. Excellent video! Picking that GrimmGreen clip was a great choice. I loved that review. He was all happy and it seemed perfect then five minutes later he turned into Yosemite Sam. I loved the theme of your video!
  6. LOL! I was talking about the eGo. I wanted to know how it feels in the hand. One of the things I love about the Spade is how comfortable it is to hold.
  7. That was all very funny except for the casket falling. It is bad enough that they lost a loved one but watching their casket fall like that must of been traumatizing. If someone dropped one of my loved one's casket they better run fast!
  8. I'm an ignorant American too ,I guess, because I didn't know that but I'm not so stupid that I would talk about something on TV without researching it.
  9. Let me know how it works. It definitely looks better.
  10. Did you guys know they made a third version of the Janty Stick? Janty Stick V3 improved
  11. I use a clean atty every day, so I don't have a problem with changing the flavor of my all day vape. I agree with what everyone is saying about the menthol but I seem to be able to mix the other stuff okay. If I want to get an unmixed flavor. I would just take off my all day 510 atty and use one of my 801s. I plan on having about three clean atties to use each day to be able to vape three unmixed flavors a day.
  12. That is exactly what he is trying to say. I know because I get the same effect from Traditional Tobacco but I still like it for some reason. I just can't use it as an all day vape because last time it gave me a sore throat. I don't think Perfect's problem is the nic level, a bad batch, or that all the positive "smooth" reviews are wrong. I think that we are all just made different. One person thinks an ultra light tastes like air and another person coughs up a lung from a full flavor. I've been vaping 36 mg of menthol all day with no problems but when I let my friend Josh try it I damn near killed him. He said,"That was horrible! It is way too strong!" I scratched my head, stared at my Spade, and thought,"I wish this had that effect on me."
  13. I can tell when I read stuff like this that it is just propaganda. They talk about carts but never talk about direct dripping. They talk about Chinese e-cigs but never talk about custom mods. They talk about the e-juice but never talk about DIY. It is like they only know about the basics that they learned at a mall kiosk and what the FDA said. They just sound way too ignorant. They don't even seem to research but just parrot what they heard. It is like they are talking about us but never talked to us. I'm still pretty much a noob but I know more about e-cigs than any reporter or the FDA. Why write about something if you don't know anything about it? I'll tell you why. PROPAGANDA!
  14. Those are inside when you pop off the mouth piece.
  15. Get a 510 starter kit, about four bottles of menthol, and a pcc or two mega batteries.
  16. Cool idea! I was just recently thinking about a way to make inserts for a briefcase!
  17. How about we get back packs with car batteries in them and hook VPPTs into them. We can call it the Ghost Buster Mod! We just got to make sure we don't cross vapes!
  18. How does it feel in your hand?
  19. I just don't think you understood me. I was saying what the mega battery is to the regular 510 is what the eGo is to the mega. I wasn't saying it was the same but a mega mega battery.
  20. That is why I said,"It is the 510's mega battery's mega battery basically."
  21. I think I love you. You are now a Frankenvaper! I don't like the color though. Once you go black you don't go back. So, now for your next challenge. Make it look like a 510 cart!
  22. I would send a picture if I could find my camera. My simple explanation is that there is a hole from the mouth piece to the inside of the cart. So, if you held the cart up to a light and looked in it then you would see through it. The two little vents that the air usually goes through are clogged up with super glue. Get it?
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