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Everything posted by Schizophretard

  1. I'm also looking for a 5 volt mod to use before the Joker is ready but I will not buy one that is dangerous. I will not help a company that sells pipe bombs become more successful because us vapers already have enough problems keeping e-cigs from being banned without people getting blown up and I'm too pretty to get blown up. I will not buy one unless I can hold it while a battery is exploding without getting injured. I rather carry around some battery pack for my VPPT than take the chance of having to crawl around looking for my fingers with only one eye. Does a safe 5 volt mod exist?
  2. Dave, It would be awesome to hear a president say something like that on TV but it will never happen until we have a president that pulls his own strings.
  3. Congrats! Isn't it awesome how fast they charge? It is cool that a fast charge like that supplies so much battery life. The only reason to take the extra battery with you to work is for a back up just in case the other one breaks.
  4. You could get a gold band one and sand off the gold paint. That might work.
  5. How do you know they were Mexicans?
  6. I bet this made Jason's(Electro-Nic-Stix) day!
  7. LOL! I have a DSE 905, an eGo, some 510s, some pen styles, a Smoking Everywhere piece of crap, the entire VP Series, and a tackle box full of supplies but I don't have any backups to any of it.
  8. I believe the reason for calling them nicotine stains is just guilt by association. They are really tar stains.
  9. I agree! It wasn't meant to give the right. You can't give rights. The Constitution could say,"Citizens/civilians do not have the right to bear arms." but you and I would still have that right. Rights aren't something that are given or taken away by a piece of paper. A government can either recognize or violate our rights but it can't give them or take them away. The Nazis tried to take away the rights of the Jews but they were unsuccessful because they can write whatever they want on paper but that doesn't change the fact that we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
  10. I bought this Glycerin "VG" from Walmart in the pharmacy section. It is called Glycerin Skin Protectant. It is 99.5% USP Glycerin in a 6 FL OZ bottle. It cost me $2.98.
  11. I got a 6 oz bottle from Walmart last night for $2.98.
  12. Interesting! I wonder why I'm just now hearing about them. Have you found anywhere else to get them without them being branded?
  13. Isn't there still a possibility that the supplier is mistaken?
  14. How can this be happening in "free" countries?! Our governments obviously don't even value human life!
  15. You should show the FDA the tissue paper test!
  16. "authentic njoy ones"?
  17. LOL! That was great! :rofl:
  18. For me it goes back and forth when using the same flavor over and over. Some days the flavor comes through really well and other days it is gone. I think I get used to each flavor after about day, so I change it up a bit. I still smoke, so that is probably a factor but it still feels like it is mostly me just getting used to it. It is kind of like how turkey tastes wonderful but if you eat it all day you start to lose a taste for it. I think that is why Thanksgiving is just once a year.
  19. I vote for Libertarians.
  20. He kind of confused me. I couldn't tell if he likes them or not.
  21. Why wait until she can walk? Just put a back pack on her and have her craw to UPS. I'm also impressed by how fast you ship things out.
  22. Something like that but with no percentages. I want only ml.
  23. I can't wait to try it!
  24. Someone should explain to that guy that there is a big difference between public property and private property that is open to the public. It doesn't matter if it is legal. The Casino is private property and has authority over it's property.
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