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Everything posted by Schizophretard

  1. Thanks! If you are telling the truth then where is my +1?
  2. Well when you use them you don't need a cart. You use them in place of a cart. One model works with 901s and 510s. The other model works with pen styles(801s). They have an o-ring on them so they don't get loose like carts do and the o-ring keeps juice from leaking from where the T-tip connects to the atomizer. When you put them on they snap in place because of the o-ring. They don't have a juice chamber like carts do or filling for the juice. They are used just for direct dripping. The hole on the mouth piece goes straight to the atomizer bridge, so it is kind of like a metal straw. You drip in the mouth piece and since there is no cart you get a more direct hit. The width of the hole is the perfect size for the juice to drip directly onto the atomizer bridge, so there is no more looking into the atomizer and aiming for the bridge while direct dripping. The down side to the hole being the perfect size to hit the atomizer bridge is the juice can kinda settle in the hole. After you drip three drops if you look into the hole you can see the juice "floating" there. This is solved by doing a very little and short blow into the hole. If you blow too hard your atomizer will leak. If you forget to blow you will get juiced but you don't get juiced with these as much as you do with carts. It may sound like since it is just a metal straw to the atomizer that the juice would leak out the mouth piece when not in use. This is not so. I have never had juice leak out of the hole. The only way it could leak is if it is upside down for a while. It solves the problem of melting carts and since it is metal it absorbs some of the heat. It absorbing some of the heat it a good thing. It give this nice warm feeling to your lips. The part that you put against your lips is rounded, so you don't feel sharp edges like you do with round carts but instead it feels like you are kissing tiny lips. I only own the brass ones right now. They make every e-cig I own look better. They make my eGo look like a bottle of champagne. B.E.A.utiful! They don't keep that golden shine for long. They start getting that dirty dark look of pennies but still look nicer than carts. The stainless steel ones might not have that problem. I hope this helps. Anyway, how they help with dripping and driving is there is no more removing and putting on your cart to drip. It makes the process faster and easier. I pull up to a light, put my e-cig between my legs, drip three drops, do a little short blow, and then vape. These things are so awesome that any direct dripper that doesn't have one must enjoy doing things the hard way and be a masochist. Here is the review that sold me: T-Tip brass mouthpieces
  3. I'm confused because Dietsmokes and Indy Vapor Shop sell 302s. At both places they are silver. I own the silvers ones from Dietsmokes and the gold ones from VT. They do seem to be the same thing. I call both 302s. I think the 304 is Joye's version of the Janty Kissbox, so it is probably the gold one.
  4. I'm a pizza delivery driver, so it is a problem for me too. It gets frustrating trying to pull off the cart, open the bottle, drip, put on the cart, and then close the bottle. One time when I pulled off my cart I spilled my beer on my cell phone while texting. I bought a T-tip so I wouldn't have the pulling off and putting on steps to worry about. With a T-tip you just drip directly into the mouth piece. I recommend getting one of those, drip only at lights, don't drink, and don't text.
  5. seaspine, I read that thread and didn't even notice that. Good point! I disagree that caring about people over profit is no way to make a buck. Doesn't suppliers behaving in a way that you consider to be caring make you want to buy from them?
  6. That would be me. There are other ways to pay for things without being taxed. We pay for all kinds of things out of our own freewill.
  7. Because when people spend their illegal sources of money they will be fair taxed.
  8. If there were no 510s then I would recommend a pen style because noobies need information and because pen styles are popular there is plenty of information floating around. For me a recommendation to a noob is a popularity contest. 510s and pen styles are the most popular models.
  9. Sorry that your Detonator detonated but you are lucky that you still have your teeth and fingers!
  10. Get an ice cream scoop with vapor coming out of it.
  11. Way too expensive! I agree with Mark about a 510 or a cheaper penstyle. I recommend using one of our certified suppliers.
  12. Happy late Birthday! You could buy one of these then invite us all over!
  13. I've noticed the opposite. I started with a 510 and now I use a 302. A big difference I noticed is my 510 use to leak like crazy and my 302 barely leaks at all.
  14. I just have to say that those are the worst videos I have ever seen! You sounded like a complete fool and I feel less intelligent just for watching them! Please don't post any more videos because you are making vapers look retarded! Just kidding! You did great! I like the atmosphere of it. Your surroundings looked comfortable, you dressed well, had a new looking hair cut, and you spoke well. You made it easy to watch and gave good info. Great job!
  15. I scored 115. I first thought it was inaccurate because if I understood the results then I'm smarter than most people. If I'm smarter than most people then we are going extinct soon because I feel pretty stupid. After my fiancee took the test and scored 95 I changed my mind about the accuracy of the test. 95 sounds about right.
  16. Jot, there is no way you are completely wrong. Cleaning or changing the flavor of an atty with vg or pg has got to be the best way to do it because those are ingredients you already put in them. I was cleaning my atties with water because I was scared of using chemicals but after getting frustrated with having to wait for them to dry I also came up with the idea of using vg/pg. My idea was to make a device out of two 30 ml bottles. It would look like an hour glass with the atty placed in the middle. My idea was to put vg/pg in one bottle and squeeze it through the atty into the other bottle. I would just do that over and over a few times to wash out the flavoring. I'm glad I procrastinated and never done it because you vaping the flavor out just gave me a better idea. I'm going to put my atty on my VPPT, soak my atty in vg/pg(maybe ten drops), and then burn out the vg/pg. I'm not going to burn it out completely like a dry burn. I will just taste it when almost dry then add more vg/pg if needed. This is kind of a "wet" burn. I bet it will work.
  17. Use velcro stickers.
  18. I agree that the leaders of the Anti-Smoking Movement are just in it for the money but I believe the followers are in it because of their prejudices. They see themselves as superior to smokers/vapers. They want everyone to say,"Heil Hitler!" and be like them.
  19. From what I've heard about it I prefer it over the income tax but I'm against taxation.
  20. The LED holes are also vent holes.
  21. There is also the option of the mega batteries. They last longer.
  22. Sorry. I've been spending more time with the woman. Her birthday was yesterday. I also got the complete series of Firefly and been watching that. Anyway, could one make vent holes?
  23. Try intentionally flooding your atty. Let the juice soak in it for a while. Blow out the flood, add three drops, and then vape.
  24. I agree they look Hispanic but that doesn't make them Mexican. They could be Mexicans, Cubans, AMERICANS,.... My point is genetics say nothing about nationality. I understand the irony you see but do you see the irony of the drivers of the Border Patrol cars being descendants of immigrants that crossed the ocean looking for a better life?
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