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Everything posted by Schizophretard

  1. Propylene glycol is an air germicide so, vaping is like the mouth, throat, nose, and lung equivalent of hand sanitizer. The second hand vape is probably sanitizing some of the outside air too. I used to get sick every time I came in contact with someone that was sick. Now , most of the time, I feel the beginning symptoms of a cold/flu and vape them away. That has never happened to me before. Even when I was a child before I smoked. The beginning symptoms always lead to full blown cold/flu but not since I started vaping. Also there is the not smoking thousands of carcinogens that helps boost my immune system. That's a huge part of it but I can definitely tell that I'm vaping away colds and the flu after I have caught them.
  2. I've been bouncing around at different forums for other things that I'm also interested in. I like to come back here every once in a while to see the new inventions, see what big government is up to, and see how everyone is doing.
  3. I had this guy walk up to my car as I was getting out. He saw me vaping my Provari. He said,"I'm not a narc or anything but what are you pulling on?" I answered,"It's a customized electronic cigarette. It is nothing illegal." He said,"That thing is huge! Ha! Ha! I thought it was a new bong!" LOL I keep vape business cards and receipts with me for when cops ask the same questions. I vape mostly in my car, at home, family's homes, and stealth vape everywhere else.
  4. The thread is labeled wrong. It should say,"Radio Shack batteries blows up Puresmoker Mod." Radio Shack should be the one to get sued by the man and Puresmoker. They advertise that you have questions, we have answers. They also won't let you leave without trying to get you to buy batteries. They don't have the answers and they don't sell the right batteries.
  5. I have over dosed from vaping too high and almost had a heart attack from getting too high of e-juice on me. I would never recommend more than 24.
  6. In my opinion, it is safe to assume that they are safer than cigarettes, sodas, junk food,... The air we breathe is polluted. We have a culture of eating junk food and drinking sodas. We are already consuming things we know to be harmful and we have no reason to assume e-cigs are as harmful or more harmful than those things. The second hand vapor would obviously be even safer than vaping. I would rather vape with a child in my car than give that child a soda or a happy meal. I can understand someone rather being safe than sorry but it makes more sense to me to focus on protecting children from things we know to be unsafe. If you are already protecting them from all those things then it would make sense to protect them from the possibility of unsafe second hand vapor. It just wouldn't make sense to worry about it as much or more than all those other things. In other words, if someone won't vape around a child but would expose them to things known to be unsafe then I don't believe they are acting on reason but on the fear of the unknown.
  7. Do you hook them all together?
  8. Atomic Cinnacide!
  9. If they made them look like Atari carts I wouldn't be able to go into a gas station.
  10. Atomic Cinnacide helped a bunch. I need the burn. It kind of reminds me of the sensation I had from the times I would try chew. Everyone talks about throat hit but I need the whole mouth hit. Vaping is fun but for the most part Atomic Cinnacide ruined the fun of trying different flavors for me. If I tried something like apple it better be like a Warheads sour apple or it would just taste like apple flavored air. When I first tried Atomic Cinnacide it was over powering. It was so intense that I had to make sure I wasn't sucking up the juice. If you know of a juice that is either hot or sour and feels like a punch to the face the first hit then please let me know. I don't remember if I said it months ago but I have completely broke my habit of poisoning myself with 48 mg or even 36 mg. I'm at 24 mg. If anybody is considering trying 48 mg and/or is a noob then DON'T DO IT! 24 mg should be your max ,36 mg is pushing it, and 48 mg is poison.
  11. Seems like they would already have made an attachment. Let me know how you like it when you get it.
  12. It was a struggle for me at first but now my addiction has completely flipped to ecigs. I bum a smoke every once in a while but never been tempted to buy a pack. My rule for myself is to never buy a pack again.
  13. Nice seeing you too. The other one born yet?
  14. What appears to be different about his screen?
  15. I have one here and there. It is usually a social smoke. It is kind of nice knowing I can have one every once in a while without getting addicted. It feels like when an alcoholic is free of their addiction and can have a beer without ruining their life again. I used to feel guilty like I'm cheating or something because I would have thoughts like,"I'm not a smoker anymore. I'm a vaper. Smoking is bad. I'm not one of those people." but then I realized I was having a self righteous attitude just like the people that are trying to ban ecigs along with everything else.
  16. I wouldn't say I left it in the heat. It is more like I work in my car. It warped and changed colors slowly. By slowly I mean like watching a plant grow. It also got softer. It feels like rubber. It surprised me because it used to be so hard and clear that I thought it was glass. I was hoping it was a problem they fixed by upgrading it to fiber glass or something. Or even making it out of the same plastic as the button because it is still perfect. Did they do anything about the eternally blinking light? Know anyone that owns a Darwin? You know anything about it besides the price?
  17. For me the eGo-T seemed like it wasn't absorbing enough ejuice. It left a yucky burnt taste all the time. I went back to tail piping 801s on the Provari. Both VG and nicotine have their own flavor. The more you have of either the less of the flavoring you get. I used to do 48 mg(Don't ever try it) and it tasted like a nicotine patch. I've also done a 50/50 mix and I can tell a major difference between it and pure PG. I vape Atomic Cinnacide exclusively and at 50/50 the burn on my tongue goes away which I'm addicted to. If a bitter taste masks your flavor lower your nic. If a sweet taste masks your flavor lower your VG. Flavor does go away if you stick to one flavor. Well, kind of. It is all in your head because you get used to it. It is like when you have a cat you get used to the litter box. You leave all day and then when you get home you realize your house smells like piss.
  18. Hey kids! It has been a while. So, what new ecig technologies and big government bull has been going on in the last half year or so? Is the Provari obsolete yet? How things turn out with the Darwin? Any other mods? Anyway, the problem I'm having with my Provari is over time the display window has turned urine colored, expanded, and eventually broke off of one screw. I've been putting tape over the display to keep ejuice out. Has this became a common problem? Has it been fixed with a new material? Has there been other problems and upgrades? It's an easy fix because it is still under warranty. The hard part is using a back up while it is getting fixed because this baby is awesome! I guess that is where a new mod would come in. 8,296 members! Wow! It has doubled since I was last here! Congrats!
  19. I love it when I haven't been on for awhile and then get an email update to a link with good news. This is great news but I won't be completely happy until the FDA is out of business.
  20. I think 2.8 but that wasn't the wrong part. I ordered a kr instead of a 510. I sent a message to cancel the order so there is nothing to trade.
  21. I deliver pizzas. It is important that I hustle. Every second counts so instead of taking the time to drip before taking off I usually end up dripping and driving. I hate it. I have had some close calls including almost running people over. The MAP Tank seems to have the potential to solve this problem. The only problem is it is almost impossible for me to get one. I'm either asleep, on my way to work, or they go so fast that even when I'm ready they sell in minutes. One day I set my clock to wake me once every hour to refresh the site and see if they are in. Even then I missed it by minutes. Maybe I should of just skipped sleep and hit the refresh button nonstop until it showed up? I have been wanting to purchase one for two or three months now and I thought today would be the day. I saw they were on the site. I rushed because I was scared they would sell out quick. Obviously I went too fast because I accidentally ordered the wrong one. I thought I could solve the problem by quickly buying another one, cancelling my old order, and then apologizing for my mistake. Well, the problem is it wouldn't let me do duplicate orders so I have to wait for the wrong one to be canceled before ordering the correct one. By then they will be sold out. Anyway, I can't stand this trying to make a purchase within a limited amount of time crap. They need a waiting list or something. If they did I would probably have one by now. Apparently, I will never buy a MAP Tank. I would love to buy one but it seems to be too much of a challenge to become a customer.
  22. Worried? In vaping that word should only be used when you hear things about the FDA or Chinese New Year. Have you thought that maybe worrying could be a cause of your chain vaping? Don't worry. Buy 500 ml of Atomic Cinnacide, vape, and relax.
  23. As a member of the VIP global conspiracy I can say that we engage in Illegal gambling, orgies, booze, loud music, fight clubs, easy women, human trafficking, and are hiding Elvis. As a VIP global conspirator I can say that. That doesn't make it true. I can say whatever I want. That is one of the privileges you will receive if and when you join our ranks. Or is it?
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