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    Being Rich & Shameless.

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  1. Well, this site: Ecig Stores and Vape Shops In The USA Listing | Guide To Vaping is almost useful, too. Perhaps it's time for a new Topic-thread? Thanks for the input!
  2. Yep. The eGo units are quite possibly the "best" intro/entry.. (Maybe kGo as well). I still feel VV is a necessity anywhere: juices and attys vary enough to make you wish you could pump more or less electrons. And, seriously: get a Vivi Nova - they hold vastly more juice (with less screw around) than the ego "tanks". Reliable as hell. Some folks also like the CE4..CE5's, and you WILL end up buying other tanks and clearo and experimenting. (Reading only takes one so far, you must then invest and test)
  3. I've been using the same Nova for a year.. Corrosion outside, yes - leak? no. Also found another one I want to get: http://www.discountvapers.com/splitfire-3ml-tank-with-replaceable-head/
  4. I can't recommend anything looking like a "normal cigarette" - wanna' buy a Top-o-matic? ;-) Seriously, either eGo-like or the boxmods. THe former and pockets had issues with me.
  5. Ugh.. Dekang.. Meanwhile, found these on sale today: http://www.vapingzone.com/eGo-CE5_Rebuildable_Clearomizer_2_2_ohm__Single_Pc/pid-846.html
  6. This one looks much more durable and sturdy, however.
  7. Well, you can get cigar/cigarillo-sized units (Like the eGo Twist and Spinner), or boxy-mods.. Personally, I wouldn't buy anything except Variable Voltage (VV) anymore - but I tinker with my own wicks and coils. Past that, your biggest issue will be the atomizer-component. I stick with tank-styles like the Vivi Nova, Mini-Nova and so on, (smaller units are called Clearomizers instead of tanks). I also prefer boxmods and think Coppers can be gorgeous. If you want to get "wet" and switch immediately, then I'd recommend the eGo Twist or Spinner kits. From my homepage: Here's what I would piece together if I was starting all over again, (single-sourced for convenience): 2x eGo-C "Twist" 900mah batteries (black) 1x Lanyard (better than sitting on it!) 2x eGo USB charger-cables (4.2v, 420ma) 1x USB Wallwart 1x USB Automotive Adapter 1x Vivi Nova Tank Kit (it includes 3 atty) 1x eGo Thread Protector/Stabilizer (covers eGo outside threads and provides a NICE, stabie base for tanks using the 510 adapter only) Several 15/35/60ml bottles eLiquid/eJuice - I like USA Red and Desert Ship. (chain-smokers can expect 30ml used in less than 2 weeks) I managed to drop handrolled smokes due to the eGo, and I'm still using my original Nova. I no longer buy eGo and deal with boxes now. Hope this helps!
  8. I have yet to find a meatspace vape-shop. Not when I was in Colorado, or Arizona, or so far in California (Bakersfield). I begin to believe they are fairy-tales! ;-/
  9. The price was a fail before the buttons ;-)
  10. OK, this too is cute. For $30 or so, this looks like a decent gizmo.
  11. That's almost cute.
  12. Any time I can buy a battery - rather buy or make a 'pack' - it's "normal". otoh, if you consider D, C, AA, and A "normal", then only half my stuff is that. I'd still call a "mod[ification]" something not done via assembly-line. Revision? Fine. Version X? ok. If I make something, it's a "mod" - anything Mamu has done, or Breaktru - those are "mods".
  13. Yet, every battery I own is a "normal battery".
  14. If it's manufactured on a line, I'd not call it a "mod" - but I get the impression the use has to do with stealing designs and even multiple cells.
  15. I think "stacking" is not going away. I also suspect that folks blind fears are overrated. You only have "series" and "parallel" to use with simple or complex support circuits. The more elements in the circuit, the more losses. I'm becoming more and more sure that "incidents" are due to foolish [ab]users and maybe even "unprotected" batteries. Do we need more fuses?
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