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  1. I have discovered one downfall to the wonderful vapor of the Ejoy. I went through nearly 30ml of juice last week.
  2. First I want to give props to Arno and company at awesomevapor.com. I placed my order Tuesday night and recieved my package in just two days. I guess that should be a prop to the USPS now that I think about it! So I ordered the eGO kit along with the big atomizer for it. I was impressed enough with just the normal atomizer but with the mega-atomizer it is just simply amazing. I've been hitting this thing almost non stop for 5 hours now and the battery is still going strong. The large cartridge holds a nice supply of juice. I have only had to top it off a couple times now. All in all I give this product a perfect 10!
  3. I got a new 901 today. Felt like trying a change from my 501. After breaking in the atomizer for a bit, it was hitting good for a while. I was using the prefilled at this point. When I started using my own filled cartridge it did not perform as good. Shortly after it was blinking green. At first I thought it was a dead battery. I was shocked because all in all I was vaping for maybe an hour. I was expecting much better battery life. I now tried it again, same battery and it was working again, one good hit and then vaper production. Is there a trick to the 901 I am missing?
  4. I tend to use mainly Banana or Coffee during the day. At night I tend to switch off to something like Midnight or Grape.
  5. How much for ALL of it? I'd be set for a long time and wont have to worry about shipment bans!
  6. Has anyone ever tried stuff from juicyvapor.com? I just stumbled on the website today and they have some very awesome sounding flavors. I really want to try French Toast and candy corn. After my Cheesecake experinment I am affriad to try new flavors though. I described cheesecake as dirty feet and sour milk, my brother just calls it assjuice. It was NASTY. In my local mall not too long ago I tried a sample of Smoke 51. While the unit itself was not appealing to me, they had this smooth Vanilla flavor I really liked. I have tried vanilla from both AwesomeVapor and VaporPro, neither had the same taste I waqs looking for. This JuicyVapor website has a french vanilla, I think that might be what I am looking for. Does anyone know of another supplier that makes a french vanilla flavor?
  7. I'll try the VT Tobacco. I will be honest. Besides 555, I have not been thrilled with any of the tobacca flavored juices. Most are too harsh. THe prefilled cartridges make me sick to the stomach.
  8. A couple of mine are from Rocky Mountain as well. I just recieved another package after taking that picture. AV grape is friggin delicious, I have so many flavors I cant even try them all.
  9. Healthcabin. I have like 7 of em. While the price is right I admit I am affraid to use juice produced in China.
  10. I should also note, I order some every week whether I need it or not. The state of CT is working hard to get shipments banned to the residents. So I am stocking up now before they are succesful. My goal is to have a year supply sitting here
  11. AwesomeVapors Bananna is my everyday favorite. Vaportalks Midnight is also a favorite, I am all out of Midnight however What I am finding is this is also helping me loose weight. I have a sweet tooth. When I start craving something sweet I tend to just go to a sweeter flavor now such as butterscotch. Least favorite is Cheesecake....I'll leave the vendors name out as not to be a jerk. It taste like dirty feet. Not that I've tasted dirty feet or anything.
  12. At Christmas my uncle made similar comments. Non-stop jokes. It was funny because I predicted it to everyone else at the holiday party before he arrive. Anything "different" is a big deal for him and he doesnt like anything out of the norm. Be fore he arrived I made jokes yelling "ewww it's difffferennntt....ahhhhhh......DIFFFERENT" I basically predicted his reaction to a tee.
  13. Yup. And the FDA loves Pfizer money so they approve it. Phillip Morris will do the same with E-cigs and then they will start being as expensive as cigs.
  14. The only thing the FDA can really ban is the Nicotine. The hardware itself can not be banned by the FDA. Think of it like carrying a pot pipe, or a syringe. Those are legal to sell, it is just the controlled substance that can be banned.
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