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  1. Sorry, I guess it did sound like I wanted to try a sub ohm on an ego... Not my plan at all. I ended up cramming two questions into one post and it didn't make sense. 1. Could the correct setting on a regular ego style variable voltage battery fix the flavor issue I'm having with the aspire clearomizer? I usually get 1.8 resistance coils. Or do the Aspire products generally not produce a lot of flavor? 2. Since I don't like a lot of throat hit, would sub ohm vaping be a waste of time and money? Like I said, love big flavor and big clouds... Big throat hit, not so much. Sorry for the confusion. Long day at work!
  2. Wow... Long time no see vapers! Hope everyone is doing well! So I've been vaping for two years and held surprisingly faithful to those beginner Vision V3 clearomizers in a 1.8 resistance. Decided to try the Aspire Mini Nautilus... Wasn't impressed. Then along comes their BVC clearomizer, so I've been using that for the past few months. I'm really trying to like both those devices but it's just... Meh. Here are the problems I've been having. The vapor just seems very dry? That doesn't make sense, but I guess that's the only way to describe it. It gives off much bigger clouds but it's just not satisfying for some reason. There is no burned taste whatsoever, so I know I'm not frying the coil. In fact, there's no taste at all. Maybe I'll get some flavor in the first few hits, but after that, nothing. Is this a common problem with Aspire products? I'm not into variable voltage, sub ohm, or mods, (seems like there's a learning curve that I don't know if I have the patience for) so I'm just using a plain old ego 1000mah battery. I've always vaped 50PG/50Vg at 6mg. Would the correct setting on a variable voltage correct the flavor issue? And is there a lot to learn to sub ohm vaping? I love big clouds, but not big on killer throat hits. Any help or insight would be greatly appreciated
  3. Thinking about adding some strawberries and cream to the clearo I have chocolate in right now. Part of the problem is that everything I have on hand is a higher nic level than I'm used to... Which means I'll have to vape less to avoid feeling woozy and racy and weird. Vape less... Ya right! Lol
  4. So, I ran out of juice (really poor planning on my part) and figured I'd buy a pack of stinkies until my order comes in Friday afternoon. Holy grossness! I can't believe I smoked those things for 20 years. I have some juices that I don't really like, but even those are better than that nastiness. Disgusting flavor, no satisfying cloud... Blech! Felt like crap immediately afterwards too. Blows my mind that the Feds have their panties in a twist about vaping.
  5. Shh... I just spent $21 on shipping I need my stuff now! lol Seriously though, most of the time I can keep it at around $20 every couple of weeks. This week I happened to run out of everything... good juice, coils need replacing, ugh! So, yeah, I'm working through my last resort stuff until the first of two orders I'll be making this week comes in. I'm already down $60 including that shipping, and I'll be spending more after the weekend is over.
  6. I've been mostly ordering from The Vapor Room. I have yet to find a French Vanilla that I like as much as their's. I usually just get my hardware from them when I order my juice. Takes about a week to get my stuff from them, but that flavor is worth the wait for me. The other two I've ordered from are Sweet Vapes and Ecigexpress. The nearest store that sells vaping stuff is an hour away. It's just a head shop with a very small selection of Dekang premixed juices and high priced starter kits... Mixed in with all the other stuff in the "18 and Over" room lol.
  7. I realize I'm going kind of backwards to the trend of what most people are using to vape, but I find myself wanting to try out the whole boge-carto-tank thing once pay day is here. I've had pretty bad luck with my last few orders of clearomizers (including the Kanger T3S I got last week. It was ok at the start but I'm starting to be less impressed.) I have some boge 510's that I'm vaping on now, and they're not half bad. The topping off thing is getting to be a pain, which is why I'm thinking of going the tank route. They also seem to be pretty cost effective, even the pre-punched cartos. Just so I know I'm getting the right stuff, I'm going to need one (or two) of these http://www.vaporbeast.com/Boge-F16-Carto-Tank-2-4-ohm-5-mL-Polished-p/62-0129-006.htm and a bunch of these? http://www.vaporbeast.com/Boge-F16-Pre-Punched-Tank-Cartomizer-1-6-2-0-ohm-p/62-0130-003.htm The carto's are able to be replaced, right? So if I order LR cartos I'll get that big low-resistance cloud of vapor lol? One thing I've noticed about the 510's I'm using now is the flavor does seem a bit weak. I have a variable voltage battery on the way. Is it possible to improve flavor with a change in voltage? I usually only use low resistance stuff... love those big clouds Any help from those more experienced would be appreciated
  8. Just bit the bullet. I do order a lot of other stuff from Amazon, but for some reason ordering ecig stuff didn't seem right. So, I have a 1000mah variable voltage pass through with LCD screen on the way. 10 bucks out of pocket after my gift cards.
  9. Wondering if anybody has experience ordering supplies through amazon. Normally, I would go directly to a vendor's web site, but here's my dilemma.... I'm broke. My 1100mah pass-thru is dead as a door nail and my 650mah knock-off i use for backk up just isn't cutting it. I have 20 dollars in gift cards sitting in my amazon account. The seller feedback I've seen has been pretty god, but just wondering if anyone has gone this route before. bummed
  10. Emergency dispatcher... Police, Fire, EMS. I tell 'em all where to go lol.
  11. Old topic, but thought I'd thank the original poster for the tip. Got my first Kanger t3s and was disappointed with the occasional dry hits. Found this thread and voila! Problem solved! it does get a little gurgly near the end of a tank, but meh, I just top it off. So far so good, so thanks
  12. *sigh* I hear ya. Occassionally I get the "now we just have to get you off that stuff" from my hubs... who was a Chantix quitter. Don't get me started on the side effects he had to deal with ( and really is still dealing with over a year later). Big Pharma and Big Tobacco are just peeved because they can't quite get their hands on a piece of the ecig pie.
  13. I just filled one that I'll let sit overnight before I try to use it tomorrow. I'm having my doubts about this dual coil business. If the newer visions can't keep up with the juice on one set of wicks, I can't imagine it would be any better with two set of wicks. Thanks for the quick replies... Love this forum
  14. Vision V3 low resistance (1.8 ohm) On a 1000 mah eGo Pass Through. This batch that I just got today are actually dual coil. Not sure that's what I ordered, but we'll see how it goes. It's just frustrating because it seems that by the time I get it broken in is right around the time it starts to die. Only seemed to start having these problems with the ones I've ordered over the past two months or so. My battery sometimes acts a little funky too, so I'm wondering if it could be time for a new battery. Charge doesn't last as long, and it occasionally shuts off while I'm in the middle of a hit. Maybe the voltage on the battery is going all wonky? I vape pretty much all day and I've had the battery almost a year.
  15. Hello Vapor Talkers! This question is for the clearomizer users... When I started almost a year ago, the clearo's I was using were pretty much fill and vape... Didn't need a lot of time to get the wicks saturated and I never got a dry hit. Lately, the past couple new clearo's I've ordered seem to take forever to break in. I let them sit now before i use them but i still get Dry hits, burned wick taste every few hits, one even had a strange oily, plasticky odor straight out of the box. I have to go through a couple tanks before it starts working right. Anyone else having issues? Thinking about trying some sort of carto....
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