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Everything posted by Travis798

  1. Lol I guess thats why there are so many distro's out there. Personally I can't stand Ubuntu. I much much prefer PCLinuxOS
  2. Some people will still swear up and down that it's better on your batteries to charge them for 8 hours first. Realistically it makes no difference. When that light on your charger turns green, the battery is done charging. Lithium Ion batteries do not require a primer charge, so feel free to start vaping! As far as the carts go, although something doesn't sound quite right in the way you are describing them, I've never seen an issue with the pre filled carts, so I'm just going to assume that I'm comprehending your description a little differently than you mean it. I'd say slap that baby in and fire it up.
  3. I understand what you are saying, but I don't think encouraging the ban of anything over 24mg is really the answer. I guess honestly it's a non issue to me. If 36mg does become unavailable and I haven't weened myself down to less by them, I can just head to blip labs, based out of Arlington Tx, and order some 75mg nic and cut it myself. I read that their nic actually taste much cleaner than nic from China anyway, and people seem to be able to get by vaping much less than the China stuff at the same nic %. I'm hoping I'll be down to 24mg by then. I'm currently vaping 30mg ecopure heavily and smoking cigs as well, which makes me wonder if it's mental, ecopure nic is less than stated, nic from wordup is more than stated, or if 6mg really makes that much of a difference. I guess 6mg might make that much of a difference, since 36mg can keep me off the analogs, but not without a fight. I struggle at 36mg but manage. I don't have the willpower for 24mg. I guess thats why I'd hate to see anything over 24mg go away. There are more people out there like me and worse, that vaping would no longer be a viable option for. Whether I physically need 36mg or just mentally need it, doesn't change the fact that I need it. Hopefully I don't need it for long, as I'm missing out on all kinds of flavors I'd love to try, but I'm not there yet. For now, it's at least 36mg or the cancer sticks. That fact makes the "anything over 24mg not be sold" comment very personal to me, which is why I felt compelled to say something. Obviously if it were 24mg max or nothing, I'd opt for 24mg. My point is that I shouldn't have to make that choice. We are adults, lets demand we are treated as such.
  4. The PG with the nic dramatically slows the absorption rate of the nic through the skin. At least thats what DVAP says on ECF. He seems like a pretty smart guy, I'm going to have to assume he knows what he's talking about. All this stuff has been hashed out for the most part on ECF. It's hard to find because the forum is so big, but I've read what I could find on all of it. What I am led to believe, is that the levels of nic we are messing with, such as 36 and even 48mg, are safe. I assume if they were not safe, we would have had problems by now. I'm sure I'm not the only one that has spilled some on myself or ended up with quite a bit in my mouth while in the learning stages.
  5. Chris, I don't actually think that you have the do or die mentality. If I did I would not be a part of this forum. What I was saying was that the mentality that 24mg is strong enough, and if not, too damn bad, borders on the same thing if you stop and look at it. That was, and still is exactly what I get from reading "I don't think anything over 24mg should be sold". I'm talking about a person needing 36mg. You are talking about the dangers of 105mg. I'm not defending the selling of 105mg nic, although I can see where it would come in handy if you wanted to cut and make your own juice, but if you purchase nic that high and don't take precautions for yourself or children that may be around, really thats on you. As an example, I'm a staunch supporter of the 2nd amendment. I do not believe that we should ban guns because they have the potential to hurt or kill somebody. I have quite a few firearms in my home. I have one on my person 98% of the time. Somewhere along the line, we have to start taking responsibility for ourselves and stop trying to rely on the government to protect us from ourselves. I don't believe in trying to pick and choose what I want made illegal for safety and what I don't. What we are talking about here is using a product outside of it's intended use. You can vape the hell out of 36mg and while it might make you sick, it's not going to kill you. We are talking about drinking this stuff. I guess we can ban most cleaning supplies, along with aspirin, Tylenol, and other OTC medications since if you swallowed an entire bottle it could have some ill effects. If used in the manner it is intended, 36mg is safe. If used in a manner outside of what is intended, not much in our homes is safe. The bottom line is, I'm prepared to take responsibility for myself, and whatever products I may have in my home, whatever they are. If you don't want to sell anything over 24mg because you have concerns of safety, thats fine, but don't try to force those concerns on me and other vendors. I'll assume my own liabilities, they can assume theirs.
  6. Not a problem. Always glad to help!
  7. The only thing I know about with custom art is the Chuck. Thats probably what you are thinking of. The Chuck
  8. Noooo!!!! They used a wax body at the funeral.. and he works at a truck stop in... wait... thats Elvis. Okay, Charlton Heston's dead, yet the cause lives on!
  9. Ha, why wouldn't I like you? You just described me.. Except you left out NRA Member
  10. Lol. Looks like we have a Paul McCartney fan in the house.
  11. Ha, you don't have to worry about me getting mad, I have plenty of nicotine to keep that from happening. I can disagree with someone on every single topic that ever comes up with ever fiber of my being, and still not get mad at them, unless we start talking politics. Then my blood can start to boil, so I tend to try to stay away from that when I can. Unless of course I'm in a room with a bunch of conservatives that agree with the same things as me, then I can talk politics all day! LOL
  12. Lol TheSmokingMan, they are kind of on topic, trying to figure out how to go from heavy vaper to chain vaper! I'm not sure what I would consider myself. When I just vape and don't smoke, which I'll get back to when my VG gets here, I go through about 3ml of 36mg a day. Not sure where that would put me, but probably not at a light vapor lol.
  13. I have a feeling thats just the beginning of things we will see in the future. Our local county sheriff was awful mad a while back, as they purchased the deputies new camera's, and those camera's happened to include a video of one of Obama's speeches, that you couldn't delete!
  14. Well I was analog free, until the PG caught up with me. Now I'm smoking a bit while waiting on my VG juice, but it's cigs I already have, so I won't have to buy any. TheSmokingMan, judging by your sig, and you saying you smoked about 2.5 packs a day, I'm figured you spent about $5.50 per pack? Geesh, no wonder some of you started vaping! My cost was $37 a carton for Pall Malls, or $3.70 a pack, so it would take me quite a while to catch up! lol
  15. Well I'm one of the dumb donkeys that text and drive, so it's not the safety aspect that I worry about, it's when I'm just fixing to drip a drop, and have to turn the wheel for some reason or another (lots of animals come out in the road here) and I drip juice somewhere on me instead of the atty, or if I'm walking around somewhere, and I have to stop walking to get my stuff and drip, or whatever reason. I can load up a cart with this mod on my atty, carry 2 more spares in my PCC, and be good for quite a while. I never really minded dripping at home, but have found myself using carts here now as well. Either I tailpipe it and the atty gets hot on my lips (510) or I have to take a cart off, drip, put cart on, vape, repeat. Thats just more trouble than modding a cart to me. Everyone is different, which is why we have different e-cigs, and it's a great thing, otherwise the world would be a very boring place!
  16. The PG in our nicotine will actually slow down the absorption rate, so just wash it off and you will be fine. I make sure to wash my hands off quickly so that I don't forget, because I have birds I don't want to transfer it to, and as Brian said if you forget and rub your eye it burns like heck!
  17. I understand that 24mg is enough for even some heavy smokers. Nicotine however effects different people differently, and for some people 24mg is not enough. I was one of those people. I tried 24mg and although it helped me cut down, it could not kill the cravings to a point where I could only vape and not smoke. I ordered some 36mg from wordup to see if it would do the trick, and sure enough it did. The cravings were still there, but not as bad. I've seen people on ECF that say they had to start out at 48mg to get any satisfaction. The absorption rate for nicotine can vary person to person. Two people can smoke the same amount of cigarettes, and one can have higher levels of nicotine in their blood. Someone who smoked like me and inhaled deeply, holding it in for a second before exhaling and smoked the cigarette down to the filter, is going to get more nicotine than someone that takes a shallow drag and/or doesn't smoke the entire cigarette. Our bodies metabolize differently, and a lot of nicotine, especially with vaping, doesn't make it into the lungs. We are left with nicotine on our lips and in our mouth, that is metabolized and not introduced into the blood stream. I'm one of those people that can smoke 4 cigarettes at the same time (been there, done that) and chain smoke 3 more, so 7 cigarettes in a 15 minute span (I once worked a job where I could only smoke at breaks and have done this) and not feel the slightest big of a nicotine buzz. Maybe my body absorbs the nicotine differently than your, but like you, I know when something is not right in my head as well, and think the lower levels of nicotine did not do me as much good as needed. As I try to tell some people, just because one person is satisfied on 24mg, does not mean another will be. I don't really like being the new guy on the forums and getting into a confrontation with the owner and his mods, but I will continue to stand by my actual, been there, done that knowledge, that some people need 36mg.
  18. There's a vid of it in the thread in the review section. You're link is broken. It has an extra http:// in it. Dripping may be a simpler way to vape for some people, but for people that drive a lot, or are just on the go a lot, they might not want to deal with dripping all the time. Dripping is still a pain. If a cart can be made to perform as well as dripping, then the cart would be superior. This mod makes carts perform very well, and ended my dripping days as well as others.
  19. The main difference is PTB is made out of a nylon material, instead of regular tea bag material. Apparently it wicks better, and doesn't attract/trap bacteria like a reg tea bag would.
  20. My first starter kit wasn't through Cignot, but you bet my last 5 starter kits I've purchased have been through them. Their pricing on the 510 starter kits can't be beat, and while I hate to take away from any vendor here, with service and price you won't go wrong with a 510 starter kit from Cignot. Welcome to the forum Theaxiom!
  21. Welcome WVfem! I'm kind of hesitant to make claims regarding how much safer than cigarettes vaping is, since honestly there needs to be some studies done on the long term effects. I can say there are many, many doctors that support it as an alternative to smoking, because common sense says that it HAS to be better for you. I know I feel better. As far as just another form of addiction, vaping and smoking are intended for the same result, to deliver nicotine to your bloodstream. In that regards, it's the same addiction, with a better delivery system. Many people who vape quit smoking without even trying or realizing they are doing it. Vaping is different than smoking, and you have to come into this realizing that. You draw on e-cig a little differently, and you will not be able to get the taste that you get from smoking (a few days off cigarettes, you'll wonder why you ever wanted that taste). Anyway, I'm not sure if I answered your questions, but the main point is that yes, we believe vaping to be much healthier than smoking. We believe that based upon how much better we feel after replacing smoking with vaping. Just make sure to come into it with reasonable expectations and give it a couple of days to get the hang of it, before getting frustrated and giving up. It's very well worth it!
  22. C'mon Chris, I expect more than that. I guess the rest of us that can't stay off the cigs with 24 should just give up vaping and go back to analogs? Kind of the same do or die mentality there. Either make 24mg work or sorry, keep smoking or quit cold turkey. Only those with a lesser nicotine addiction are allowed to vape.
  23. Yes a Joye/Janty/Slb atty will all fit the spade. The Janty looks better because of the gold band on it. If the atty is a 510 atty, you won't have any problems. Unless you just have bad luck with an atty, I don't see you going through them at any major rate. You are now entering the world of vaping. Calm down, sit back, relax, and enjoy the ride!
  24. Yes there are many variations of the 510, the one that people will refer to as "genuine" will be made by Joye. All parts, genuine or clone, should work together without problems. Most of the suppliers here will sell 510 atomizers, the spade uses a 510 atomizer made by Janty, which I believe Vapor Talk is supposed to be getting in so you will be able to purchase them through here.
  25. Oh I wouldn't hesitate, but it was pretty easy to see that the problems were vaping related. They started after vaping, got worse the more I vape, and got better the less I vape. If I went to a doctor over that, they would say well then, don't vape! And I would cry... lol. Honestly, it's all fine. There have been many reports of people experiencing the same symptoms I have because of vaping with a PG allergy. I'm almost 30 years old, and I've only ever known myself to be allergic to bees. It's about time I found something else!
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