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Everything posted by MissNina

  1. Cool! Thanks for the info! Just in case anyone wants to find those little blue filler things which weren't more than a dollar for a bag of them. being that I just started and heard all these complains about juice in your mouth, it made me try them and honestly thats all Ive been using. They seem to be just the perect size too! I got a baggie of them from strictlyejuice.com. I highly reccomend them from personal experience and my brother orders all the time also.
  2. I just wanted to stop in here and say THANK YOU to everyone for the kind responses and great advice! I am a strictlyejuice fan too! Well I've made one order which was my first order with e cigs EVER! My brother has since ordered a kit from them and quit. I like their marlboro menthol flave and the hookah strawberry coffee or something like that. I also have coconut which didn't do much for me and orange cream soda that was also just ok with me. I'd love to find someone that carries a Marlboro Mild flavor like I smoked before! I'm actually SO HAPPY with VT STORE midnight flave! It's something I might end up vaping regularly. Althought it does seem sort of like a juice you'd vape at night or on special occations. Its just got this unique yummyness about it! THANKS CHRIS MY CHARGER IS WORKING LIKE A DREAM!
  3. That reminded me of something out of the movie new jack city if ya catch my drift What a good idea tho! You guys fascinate me with how creative you get!
  4. Thats so funny you said this because I had a heated discussion with this chick I know about why I'm choosing to vape rather than quit smoking by taking wellbutrin or chew gum. I already know shes an idiot so I didn't waste much time on her anyway's but it did make me wonder where I could find the facts or like you said quick list of pros and cons laid out for ignorant people like her who think this couldn't possibly be a safe alternative . At least you lucked into a nice guy because there are some people out there who just don't get it and no matter how much you explain this little lifesaver people want to knock it before they even know the facts!! (( apparently she quit smoking analogs by taking wellbutrin a year ago and couldn't possibly understand why I wouldn't just want to quit)) ---- eyeroll---
  5. So, I'm curious still if there are any opinions on the cartridge filler some sites sell. I was using some blue filler from the beginning and haven't ever seen you guys talk about changing out the original filler with another kind?? THANKS
  6. I'm tellin ya! That is a nice little collection you have there! Right now I have this cute little box with my 3 or 4 flavors and all my parts on my desk. If I continue the way I am... soon, my desk is going to be taken over with juice and parts!! I suppose that would be a good thing though
  7. I speak from experience when I say that having a backup would be a great idea! If I had a backup right now I wouldn't be back to smoking regular cigs while I patiently wait on a new charger! *PROPS TO CHRIS for hooking me up BIG with a charger and juice just because he feels sorry for my limping self!! Just sayin' Its much better to have extras than to be without
  8. Thanks guys!! I'm pretty much sold!! It's just such a big buy for a broke single mommy like me lol. I'm thinking since I already have parts that will work with it and the positives you guys have said are exactly what I've been looking for in an e cig. THANKS to everyone for wishing me a HAPPY NEW YEAR and the great advice!! I'm extremely happy I've found this place~!!As soon as I'm back to e smoking I'll be sure to go get one of those cute little smoke free signatures you guys have under your postings!!
  9. :thumbsup:What prompt SERVICE!! I'm impressed Anyway's I have a question and it's probably a stupid one but I'm only a few days into this thing! About the Spade.... 1. I'm a little confused as to what the difference is between the Joye 510 and the Spade is .... I'm sure the quality and battery life are by far a lot better with the spade but what other differences should I be expecting? 2. I'm also curious if I can interchange parts for the 510 that I have here with the Spade? I'm sure you guys are snickering at this but I'm seriously still learning! LOL! I think I'm ready to make my purchase and wanted to ask this so I know what to look forward too! 3. I also wanted to be able to order different color atomizers or whatever and was wondering if you have a preferred site ?? I really do like the thought of getting creative with different colors and making my e cig stand out. I'm just a flashy kinda chick I guess!! Once again thanks so much for all the kind help and advice you guys are giving me~! OH AND HAPPY NEW YEAR! I just finished building my munchkins a tent in the living room and as soon as they get home from dinner with my parents I'll be watching Disney's count down under the tent with popcorn and a wonderful bottle of sparkling grape juice!! What a way to count down the NEW YEAR!! No place I'd rather be!! Now, if I can just get this leg all healed up, I'll be good to go BABY!!
  10. Hey guys! Sorry I took so long to respond to EVERYONE!I'm just getting online for the 1st time and can actually read all the posts! Thanks so much for being so kind with the well wishes! I'm very touched at the personal responses and care everyone took to answer my post . Sometimes you forget how nice customer service is until you stumble along a company that follows morals and ethics that seem to have been forgotten by others online. I did get a prompt response from Eric at vapor station and basicially a apology for me missunderstanding that some parts are genuine and some aren't but that isn't true and I'll be forwarding him the email he sent me saying it was all genuine. ANYWHO.... he also won't be sending me a new charger... you have to place an order and then note on your order for a warrently replacement which typically I wouldn't mind but in some cases you just satisfy the customer!! My case is I'm without a workable unit so he should have thrown that in the mail right away and then worried about my returning the defective product. He also basicially said that he's sorry the product didn't arrive sooner but it's ups fault not his. (true ) Either way I'm just extremely upset he didn't do more to make it right and I'll be taking my business elsewhere with a lesson learned and no hard feelings! I hope to do most of my shopping right here with VT in the near future because I know they stand for something positive and customers come first. I just sent my brother the link for VT store after recieving a request for where I do my shopping. I just can't THANK EVERYONE ENOUGH!! You are all so great and I look forward to getting to know you in the very near future. Please don't be surprised if one day I'm on all day with a ton of posts driving you nuts and then you don't see me for a few and I don't respond. I have my good days and my bad with this darn leg and hopefully I start to be on the up and up soon. Sincerely, "limping" missnina (4 now that is )
  11. WOW! 4 once I'm speechless! I cant wait to get my hands on your mentha & w/e u reccomend 4 the other! I smoked marlboro mild if that helps I have told so many people about your site and have sent countless links to my friends and family when they ask me about it. I have turned my brother, grandma (emphysema &oxygen after smoking 40 yrs!) 3 uncles onto e cigs! I am going 2 buy the 99$ 510 kit u sell SOON.$ is tight w/ 12 wks off! Thanks so MUCH! *****@gmail.com is my email & Ill send shipping info. ADMIN EDIT: Email edited for privacy.
  12. I'm really losing my mind! Please bare with me and my mess of a post. I've been through a month of hell and now my charger breaks after it's 3rd use the green light just stays on and nothing happense?? No, biggie right? I can get a pack of smokes till I get another one which I'll be ordering after your wonderful advice I'll be so eagerly awaiting NO CAN DO! I took a fall and broke my leg right after I placed my order with this place called vaporstation! I went straight into emergency surgery and have been going crazy ever since. I spoke to Erik via email to get info on the versus 510 w blacklight led. He assured me it was genuine Joye product and that it's just called versus 510 for some stupid reason I really dont care about remembering.... November 17 I ordered it and recieved the kit on oh hell I dont know but I do know it was late Dec. which is totally unacceptable!! I mean its not to close to XMas that he couldn't get it to me within reasonable time. :wtf:I'm just so upset I could cry. I'm sitting here on bedrest and cant smoke a cigarette even if I wanted to because I'm staying at my moms reacouping and NO SMOKING INSIDE. I did smoke outside the week after surgery and ended up being put on bedrest because I was doing harm to the healing by being too active. Soooo. on top of all that I didn't start smoking it untill 4 days ago because the rosewater e juice that came with is was so nauseating and gross that I couldn't stand to take a puff. I accidentally ordered it and emailed him the next day asking if you could please include a sample of menthol juice or replace the rosewater with it because my dad ordered it by accident. I got an email back a few hours later saying he may or may not give me a sample because it maybe was shipped already but he didn't know. That was the last I heard from him. In my opinion, its just not all that professional. SOOOOO then after waiting for my shipment from ANOTHER PLACE called strictlyejuice.com or something like that. I'll tell you later if you dont correct me on it. I purchased 3 sampler bottles and one 18 mg bottle of menthol e juice, blue spongey thingys for the tips (which are acctually great to replace what the cartrages come with) Now mind you I'm still new and learning so if I say something retarded laugh and move on lol. I also got some tweezers and a cute little 3 mg bottle cap keychain that fits their bottles. SO COOL! LUV IT! I got a marlboro menthol flave juice and since I'm new it's all good to me but I'm not a good judge because compared to the rose it was like a menthol smoke and very very similar may I add. I got all that in 3 days and that was right b4 xmas so I KNOW IT CAN B DONE! So can anyone please please give me a place that will send me something right MEOW and come tomorrow or whatever..... I'm emailing the place of purchase too replace it also. I'm just so upset by this that I know I sound like an idiot drama queen but it's been one thing after another and honestly all I can do is surf the net in bed and smoke my e cigs that NOW I CANT CHARGE! He didn't tell me I should get a passthrough either whn I emailed asking what he thinks a beginner should get. I would tell any beginner to do that because in the beginning of stopping reg. cigs you don't wanna mess that up by having a cheap *** charger go out on you!! I am in need of a few other things and want to stock up on some extras for my bordom and have a little fun with it!! So if i can find someone willing to get it to me with a decent price I will place an order in addiction to the passthrough and or charger. Any suggestion b4 I flip out and have a nicotine fit on my family?? I'm so mad that I'm not even going to proofread this to make sense or to spell check. I just dont have the patience so please guys put a smile on your face knowing I'm not this stupid just one ticked off broad~~~! I'm sure I have so much more to ***** about but am to tired to tell you all!! Any advice on this situation would be greatly appreciated?
  13. Is the Versus 510 copper/blacklight led....a knockoff of Joye 510? I've done a lot of searching and people rave about how cool they are with the blacklight led and the price is great on starter kits! Here is the link I'm talking about versus 510. I don't want to waste money on kit though unless its as good as a genuine joye 510. If anyone has any insight on this please let me know!! I'm super ticked because I guess the place I ordered from originally last week didn't have my kit in stock so now I"m starting all over!! I'm not a very patient person ! Then again what woman is right?? lol!!
  14. I've had so many people message me over at facebook and telling me how they were going o check out this site and even a few who said they are ordering a kit! I think a fan page is a fabulous idea!! Let me know if I can do anything to help!! I just hope my kit comes sometime soon so I can give my grandma her crappy Luci e-cig back LOL!! Quick question though, I had trouble finding my girly girl pink 510 kit I did find a dse901 kit and was wondering if you think I would be happy with that one instead of the 510 or does it not even compare??
  15. Hey! Just wanted to let everyone know I posted your link on my facebook page with the hopes of turning more people onto e-smoking and your forum. I figured it never hurts to put the word out there! Below is what i wrote on my page! So, I've officially joined the vaping world by ordering my first e-cig (its a joye 510 in PINK) and joining vaportalk.com!! I've learned so much over there that I wanted to share with people who may not even realize how easy they can stop smoking and make the switch!!
  16. Thanks EVERYONE!! I <3 this place already!!
  17. Well, I've read everything on this page and am hoping I've posted this properly. I'd like to introduce myself and thank everyone for all the wonderful information I've found on this site! I have a feeling I'll be spending a lot of time here in the future!!! I'm prepared to purchase my e-cig tonight and so far it looks like the 510 is the way to go for me. I smoke a pack a day for the past 7 years. I just can't make a decison with fear that I'm missing something better. I always have trouble making up my mind darnit!! (( typical female hahaha))
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