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Everything posted by ddavelarsen

  1. Yep you guys, I think you nailed it. I'm really looking forward to trying some other flavors. I'm really impatient for that VP2!
  2. Thanks for the good info folks! Vapemudgen, my carts are 'disposable' one-piece units that I've refilled. When my VP2 (!) gets here I'll certainly try out the direct dripping. That really sounds like the way to go, even if it entails frequent intervention with the unit. Volume is my primary interest at this point, but I'm sure I'm going to learn a lot more as I get going properly. FTJoe, those bottles do sound like a great idea. Please let us know how that works out. This is one of those young industries where innovation is the order of the day; exciting times!
  3. Yeah, I think if I was going to use carts long-term I'd find a syringe. That sure seems like the most direct and controlled way to do this. You could learn the exact measure it takes to fill one, and nail it every time. And in low light conditions, like you mentioned. That would sure be the way to do it. Since it's going to be a couple of weeks before my VP2 arrives, refilling carts is on my agenda every day for a while. I don't play guitar, and the entirety of my days have been spent with a smoke hanging from my mouth (unless in front of the computer at work). So vaping has given me a great deal more freedom in where I can go and do what I do. That's cool. I'm going to end up with some kind of kit to carry around though, much like analogs only with more parts. All of our habits, even coffee, accumulate a very personal collection of paraphernalia, don't they?
  4. Thanks Gazoo, I gave that a shot. I think it'll work, sure better than what I'd been doing.
  5. So I'm using this Vapor King with cartridges, and have run out of fresh carts. I bet that's never happened before, right? I heard that one can refill the carts and keep on with them, and since I'm waiting for my next batch of stuff to arrive I need to keep these things running. But my refill experience is less than stellar. Here's what I've done and hopefully someone will give me some hope there's a more satisfactory way. I stand the cart on end and put three or four drops in the little hole. The juice does go right in. I let them sit upended for an hour or so and then try vaping. But the vapor production is slim, and there's no crackling like a fresh cart gave me. It's only good for one or two hits, and then nothing. Any suggestions? I don't have a syringe, unfortunately, though from the way the juice slides into the cart don't think I need one. Thanks,
  6. Cripes, I meant that first smiley to be a lowercase "bee)". I'm going to have to learn the text around here!
  7. Man I am with you on that. I never can understand why some people think they need to impose their choices on others. But since they do, "stock up" is going to be my rule of the year. I'll be buying large quantities of juice and DIY supplies, and batts and attomizers out the yinyang. This is probably another good reason to a) buy from US PV makers and buy a number of different models. Oh - a) assumes you're living in the US; if you're in another country it would make sense to cultivate relationships with your local innovators.
  8. Wow, thanks for the warm welcome folks! That's nice. Keenan, I'm not sure what model it is, but here's what I bought: Vapor King For what it is, it works pretty well, just not as much vapor production as I'd like. I think I'm going to be happy with the VP2 too. I've noticed that there must be a real increase in popularity with vaping recently as all the US makers seem to be sold out/backordered. That's what happens when something takes off - production has a hard time keeping up with demand. It's a lesson well learned: Stock up... And that's next on my agenda. Mark thanks for the suggestion of buying a sampler, that's probably the best road for me now and I'll follow up on that. Nana, I think you nailed it that the up front purchases will average out over their lives to make this experience less expensive than the analogs. At $7 a pack it doesn't take long to use up my budget! I'll quit buying them as soon as the VP2 gets here, I'm sure. That's going to be a great day for me. After that I'll find the cool 'smoke free' banner to add to my sig line. Thanks again all,
  9. Hi, I'm Dave. I'm a total vaping newbie, and it's about to show. I bought my first PV about two weeks ago, a Vapor King. It was sufficient to make me realize that vaping can replace analogs for me, but wholly inadequate for the throat invasion I'm accustomed to with smoke. So I've ordered my first biggie, a VP2. I'm thoroughly psyched! I've a question: How many appliances do folks typically use? I notice that many forumites describe several PVs, and I just wonder whether this is an evolution, a result of trying different pieces, or of them 'wearing out', or whether there's an active reason to use multiple vaporizers throughout the day. Do you have one for work and another for home? One to take to the movies and one to use sitting in front of the TV? I'm just curious. And wondering whether this is actually likely to be cheaper than smoking. This is probably a common factor as folks mature in their use, but I first have used only tobacco-flavored juice. But now that I realize I can get my nicotine requirement met regardless of taste, I'm thinking about trying some flavors. What's the best (i.e. cheapest) way to experiment with this? Guess that's it for now. This is a great forum and I really appreciate all the info that's available. As I read more I'll probably find answers to my newbie questions, but for now I'll ask em. Thanks!
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