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Everything posted by ddavelarsen

  1. Yes, based on the flavor names it's PA. That's a good thing though in my admittedly small book.
  2. That is quite true, and one of the reasons many of us here have started DIY - commercial liquid is often not strong enough to register on our tired old buds. But it's also true that too much flavor can end up tasting horrible - regardless what you put in. Sometimes the flavor even seems to weaken when it's too strong. All things that experimenting will tell you. You're in good hands following recipes here though, I've seldom tried one I didn't like. (Apple Pie, coming up next! )
  3. HA! I told you man. I'm so proud of myself! Where's that patting self on back emotie when you need it?! I'm glad you like it too Brian; we're going to make kitsune famous! kitsune, I did try the DW Tiramisu and I like it. I don't think it's as sweet as FA, but totally just absolutely fine. I love the stuff. Using tiramisu in everything now! Next I'll be dropping it in my coffee in the morning. Just got my third or fourth big bottle of the stuff, FA this time, from ecigexpress.
  4. It's totally worthwhile in that once you're set up it's very inexpensive in cost per ml to make your own. There is significant upfront expense, similar to getting set up for vaping itself. But once you're over the hump there, maintenance is very inexpensive, on the order of 25 cents per ml. But the real value of DIY is making your own liquid to your own specs. I vape 6V and commercial liquid just did not work for me. So I've formulated my own mix and it's perfect. This is something you cannot get any other way. So in that regard if nothing else, DIY is totally worth the effort and cost. That's just my .02. May I add one thing. When you start mixing flavors for your own recipes, there will be some waste; some things will just taste like old socks and you'll have to throw them down the drain. That's right, I've made stuff that was not salvageable in any way! So what I learned to do is to taste new recipes with 0 nic PG or VG so that I don't lose the nic base too. Just a thought. When you hit that first recipe that's everything you hoped for you'll be hooked forever!
  5. Wow, wonderful story nana; that made my day. Kind of puts my life into a different perspective, you know? I am blessed, and don't always appreciate how much.
  6. My juice is half VG by volume, and it absorbs well using the condom method. Like Brian suggested a while back, I shake it down like a thermometer as I'm filling and I don't have any trouble getting them full. FTJoe might have something that it's specific to this carto. Have you tried another?
  7. I'm sure digging that this is taking a DIY turn! You go you guys! I'm vaping kitusne's tiramisu coffee recipe, my favorite morning vape.
  8. So Steve as FTJoe and others stated, it's the nicotine generally that gives you the throat kick. That said, there's a noticeable difference between VG and PG, with the latter having a bit more kick. VG is pretty soft and almost sweet compared to PG. Personally I wouldn't bother vaping if I wasn't getting a decent kick. I vape high-nic and high voltage, and it's usually enough to replece smoking for me. When it's not, toning own too much, I almost always realize that my batteries are going down. New batts, a couple drops on the atty and I'm all set. If you want to minimize the throat hit, ditch the nic and vape VG as much as possible. Most flavorings (including TP) are mixed in PG so you'll always have something
  9. Good thoughts kitsune, I should have thought of that too.You sure do a lot of good for Larsens! Miatafraink, I'm with you - drip vape repeat. Unless of course I'm using a cartomizer which I totally dig. Gnerd has to use something because his commute is too long for dripping and he's conscientious enough not to try to drip and drive. Bro I hope your issue was simply too-dry a cart and that it picks up for you. Failing that, you may just have to drive those last few miles withougt a hit, and get there early enough to catch up before you go inside. How's it going now?
  10. The second one is more like what I've been using for DIY stuff kitusne, and I'm about to fill that thing up! I have far less other stuff and it fits in a desktop organizer with a couple little drawers.
  11. +1 Mark, that's righteous! Thanks for remembering Schizo. Poor guy must be cornered now he's gotten married. But I bet he'd be proud you remembered him!
  12. Ditto kitsune! But after 26 years I think you're probably over the hump...
  13. You can download Open Office for free, and the calculator works find in OOo. Here's the download link. Why anyone would pay money for M$ BS is beyond me. Sigh. Open Office Downloads Nice hearing from you Uma!
  14. Ha! The voice of reason! Aw go away! You patient guys get all the best stuff.
  15. Watch out man, this is as addictive as anything that has to do with vaping. It's an easy way to tinker without causing technological catastrophe -- great for those with all or no thumbs. You got it going then. The first thing I did after reading enough to have a general idea the processes of mixing, I bought two 10 ml glass measuring cylinders. I had absolutely no use for them for the last 6 months, until today. It's weird; I thought I'd just blown those few dollars not doing my research well enough, and it turns out it's exactly what I needed today. All I'm saying is, when you start thinking what to buy, you should follow your instinct.
  16. I like Flavour Art (FA) tobaccos the best. My favorites are Perique Black and Burley, but the others are great too. There's one, Desert something, that I love too. My least favorite so far is Mellow Sunset -- I think 'mellow' is stretching the fact just a bit; it's anything but mellow in my book. Packs a kick! Not my favorite flavor, but still totally vapable in the right concoction. I tried it with Fairy's Finest Cinnamon though and that did not turn out well.
  17. FA chocolate is probably a great deal more concentrated than PA. Just keep it in mind. You might like a lot more chocolate flavoring anyway, though tiramisu has choc in it.
  18. Now that's what I'm talkin about! Thank you! And now I have that excuse I needed to order more flavors; don't have Irish Cream, foolish me, or FA Apple Pie. Got the resta that stuff though. I need to start a shopping list to make sure I get all the flavors I want, too. Thanks miss! You're the best.
  19. So kitsune, you're batting a thousand so far, how about that Apple Pie recipe?
  20. Naturally everybody beat me to the offers Jeff, but as it happens I have the flavor made and bottles to put it in. I'd be happy to get you through until these other two fine folks can do their part too. Just PM me your preferred mailing address and I'll get it out this weekend. I have a bunch of other packages to get out too, so not a special trip or anything -- total preparedness, that's my motto.
  21. One of the scummiest lawsuits in the history of man has finally ended after seven years of pure idiocy and greed. Oh, what a happy day! Stewart Rules: Novell Wins! CASE CLOSED! Possibly only M$ is a worse abuser of good faith than the SCO scumbags. This just makes me grin, made me grin all day, will keep me awake chortling most of the night I'm sure. LOL! Die, scum suckers!
  22. My buddy brought his AR15 in .308 -- I tried! But just plowed up a buncha dirt. Dang that thing rocks!
  23. You're right Hodgehound, volume is the way to go. I use a baby syringe, works great!
  24. Beautiful tat noXious! Great story Jeff!
  25. Kitsune turned me onto her wonderful tiramisu coffee recipe a while back and I've been vaping it daily ever since. Given I like the stuff so much I made a 30 ml batch of flavoring tonight so I don't have to mix it so often. Then I thought, WTH, I better share it too. Kitsune, I hope you don't mind that I've done this! I just love it, have to share. This is for 30 ml of flavoring only, but I added percentages so you can scale it up or down to your heart's content. Enjoy! Tiramisu Coffee TW Tiramisu -- 66% 19.8 ml Perfumer's Apprentice Chocolate -- 24% -- 7.2 ml Flavour Art Mellow Sunset tobacco -- 10% -- 3 ml Lorann's Coffee -- 5 drops (one drop per 6 ml of flavoring; this stuff is almost too potent so don't get carried away!) That's it; hope you like it and thank kitsune for the wonderful vape! Merry Mixing, as kitsune would say.
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