A man and a woman started to have sex in the middle of a dark forest. After about 15 minutes of it, the man finally gets up and says, "Damn, I wish I had a flashlight!". The woman says, "Me too, you've been eating grass for the past ten minutes!"
I currently vape 6mg. I had a health screening yesterday for a life insurance policy, so I vaped 0 nic for a week prior. Im hoping nic doesnt show up in my blood work. I read it takes 48-72 hours for the nic to get out of the body. It was a tough week. I didnt realize how addicted I am to nic. Vaping 0 nic was very frustrating and completely didnt satisfy. I was very irritable the first part of the week. My co-workers steered clear of me
Looks like you got an awesome starter kit. Its a little harder to recommend juices. There are so many different suppliers and juice flavors. You wont be able to find a juice that taste like smoking (which is good imho)