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Posts posted by Jeffb

  1. My second "duh" moment today was when I realized I've been vaping all wrong for over 3 weeks. When I smoked analogs, I was in the habit of taking hard short draws. I noticed when people vaped in videos they took long easy draws. I always thought this was weird and honestly it looked funny to me. Today I started just relaxing and taking an easy draw until the light on my RN8041 started to blink. OMG what a differwence in vapor production. :punk:

  2. Since most of us on here have addictive personalities, I was wondering if anyone has become obsessed with collecting different PV's? I have been looking at all different types of PV's on the internet. There are some pretty cool looking rigs out there. But lets face it, how many do I really need?

  3. Welcome Nemesis,

    I am new here also. This site is awsesome. I stopped smoking about 3 weeks ago and have not had a craving for an analog since. My e-cig has been a life saver. Good luck, everyone here will support you. Jeff

  4. I'm still on the same cart from 3 weeks ago. I just keep adding drops. Seems to work OK. I do have to say that after reading all the rave reviews about the VP2 it kinda makes me wanna see what I may be missing. I may have to eat my words about not wanting anything else. I'm gonna wait and see the review for the "Spade"

  5. I've spent the last couple of hours reading various posts about other PV's. Even though I'm new at this, I gotta say I'm exteremly happy with my NPRO. I have not had any issues whatsoever. Granted I have not tried other brands, but I dont have a desire to switch yet. The vapor is great, my battteries last all day at work and all I do is add drops (wet your stick & I did purchase the dolce & grape today after reading the rave reviews). I'm glad this is working for me. I have tried to quit analogs before, and this is by far the best thing to come along.

  6. Hello to all, I just started vaping 3 weeks ago. I love it! I was smoking 1 pack of Marlboros a day. Its expensive now in CA now that its over 5 bucks a pack. I purchased a NJOY-NPRO and have not had any problems. I hope to learn more from this site. Jeff

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