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Everything posted by Jeffb

  1. Jeffb


    Saw this on another site. I thought it might be interesting: 2009 Vapy Awards?? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- What does everyone think about creating an annual set of awards for things like ... Best Customer Service Best E-Juice Supplier Best 3.7v Mod Best HV Mod Best Innovation of the Year ....and so on.
  2. I found out today that one of my employees switched from analog to e-cig yesterday. I did not know he was thinking about switching. Today he saw me vaping and said "hey I bought one of those things" He's been smoking for about 40 years so this was a big step for him. He also bought the RN8041 (NJOY/NPRO). His only concern was having to buy carts all the time. So of course I turned him onto the Vapor Talk Store and explained there is no need to continually buy carts but that using e-juice is a much better way to go. He was so excited he logged onto the Vapor Talk Store and bought some cappuchino(sp?). Who knows, maybe we will see him on the forum soon.
  3. Very creative! If the FDA rules the wrong way, this site may have to turn into just a DYI site with schematics on how to build your own e-cig.
  4. Someone I know is involved with AA. I have attended meetings to show support. Almost everyone at the meetings smoke. My friend smokes e-cigs and people are always asking questions and wanting to know where to buy them. I think this is an untapped market with lots of possibilities.
  5. nana, do your review with a mask on. I saw someone do a review with a ugly gorilla mask on.
  6. I'm sorry, I just can't answer that question without sounding like a perv. I wrote my response twice and it just sounds wrong. My short answer is "yes"
  7. OK all you old timers don't laugh. My wife and I each purchased an NJOY Pro starter set about a month ago. We did absolutely no research and bought from a friend who sells them on the side. I have not had 1 problem with my unit. I'm still on the same atty and have not had any battery problems. I vape everyday , all day. I also got to say their customer service is great. I ordered 2 back up atty's ( I got freaked out cuz of all the FDA crap I was reading and wanted to stock up.) One atty didn't work so I called them. No questions asked a replacement atty was in the mail that same day. That being said.. judging from the videos I've seen it definately doesn't produce the same amount of vapor as the higher end units. Hey, maybe I should do a video review lol.
  8. Stu's video got me thinking. I would love to see video reviews from other members of this site. I certainly don't have the experince to review a PV, but as a freshman vapor I feel qualified enough to say if I like a certain e-juice. Now if I can get my 12 yr old daughter teach me how to use that thingy called You Tube.
  9. I always got crap from people at work because I smoked. Everyone seemed to have a loved one who died of lung cancer and I became the focus of their anger and condemnation. When I got my e-cig, I showed that thing off like a girl with an engagement ring. People loved it and always wanted to see it work. I'm doing my part to be a good ambassodor for the cause.
  10. Hey Stu. Thats pretty good, you can talk with an e-cig in your mouth. Jeff Dunahm has nothing on you. j/k Yeah the video and audio aren't synchd.
  11. I had a conversation today with a gentleman who works for the FDA. He said the FDA is looking at the e-cig as a whole as a drug. I was a little confused and asked him if in future they might allow the e-cig to be sold seperately from carts, since the major issue the FDA has is with the carts. He said no because they are looking at it as a whole. This doesn't make sense to me so I asked him about the funny looking pipes you can buy at cigarette stores. They are obviously used for illegal drugs, so why are they allowed. He stated its because they are tobacco pipes (Yeah Right ) This all be old news to you vaping veterens but I'm starting to get very confused.
  12. You can get the Joye 510 for just a little bit more from suppliers here in the US. I noticed that VS is in the UK. I know this doesn't answer your question. Just info.
  13. Stress has those same symptoms. Maybe your responding to a decrease in nicotine.
  14. This was in the "Info Area" of VaporTalk: .) Mouth Ulcers / Canker Sores - multiple folks have experienced this. Oral ulcers are a common result of ceased cigarette smoking, affecting about two out of five quitters. The nicotine being absorbed through your mouth can also exacerbate this, as folks using nicotine gum also have experienced these mouth sores. After you vap, drink something to rinse your mouth out. This will get the nic out of your mouth and not give it a chance to sit there and irritate your mouth tissue and cause a sore.
  15. Thanks for the reply Chris, its good to hear from a supplier and the issues you deal with. I never thought about the a**holes you and other suppliers have to deal with. I'm sure there are people out there that just assume you got deep pockets and want free stuff all the time if they tell you they are not happy. I know your pain. I work for a public agency and deal with the public on a daily basis. Customer service is hard. We all know you're swamped with not only this site and the store but also your other life.. (have you got to sleep through the night yet?) Consider this an encouragement to keep it up. You're doing a great job.
  16. Dammit keenan, I read your reply with a mouth full of soda and spit it on my laptop.
  17. Its in our nature to worry. lol
  18. I have found the Wife 1.0 continually mutates. I don't know what version I'm on now.
  19. Maybe he went away for the weekend. I also know he was having back problems recently, I hope that isn't the case. I ordered an item from him today and haven't received an e-mail confirmation yet. I'm not worried because of what I read on here he seems to be a good guy.
  20. It has happened to me and I attribute it to the increase in juice (drinking) that I've been consuming during vaping. I haven't had one since I switched to water or Diet Coke while vaping.
  21. Ironvape- Black Vappath Vapin in the USA- Miley Vaperus I Gotta Vape- Black eyed Vapors Vapor face- Lady vape vape
  22. We live in a society where we want it now! Ordering vaping items on the internet can be stressful for addicts. We want our fix now, but that just cant happen when ordering on the internet. I do think that when it comes to online stores that sell PV materials that customer service will make or break a business. I pre-ordered the Spade last week and I'm chomping at the bits to get it. I have hounded Chris and he has been most gracious and quick with his responses. I ordered juice last night and I know there is no possible way I will get it until Tuesday. What..... I have to wait two days. I have noticed when people post complaints about distributors it usually revolves around there not being any contact made. We as buyers do not want to feel ignored or brushed off. We just gave you our money electronically and have nothing to show for it. That is unsettling for us. We are used to going to the store, picking out what we want, paying for it and enjoying the fruit of our harvest imeediately. OK thats my deep thought for the day. Sorry if this is in the wrong topic section.
  23. In this particular instance I believe the husband wants her to completely quit smoking and in his mind vaping is the same thing. There is nothing that you could have said to change his feelings. Yes I do believe this had everything to do with feelings and not rational thinking. You could have pulled out scientific data that vaping cures cancer and the common cold and his mind would not have changed.
  24. I saw that it made the top 10 list on TGWTF
  25. I tried putting the Vapor Talk header in my photo album on facebook but I couldn't get it to work. Maybe I'll do a screen shot.
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