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Everything posted by Jeffb

  1. Hey bigicedog, I've never taken apart my Spade so I can't help you with that one. If you got it from the Vapor Talk Store you might wanna create a "ticket" over there for Chris to answer your question.
  2. Hi nan, this is so cool!! I'm happy for you. Hope it gets better. I know how much you have struggled with this for 3 months.
  3. Congrats to you both. I love that feeling of getting a new job. way to go guys!!!!!
  4. You guys had my curiosity going. I thought for 50k it was gonna be some fantastic name. "emistonline.com" Give me a freakin break. So I gues we are no longer vapers we are "misters"
  5. Very cool wright. It probably makes you feel really good to see just how far you've come. Glad you chose to stick with vaping your nasty juices.
  6. Hey Links, in my experience I have found three things that contribute to low vapor production: 1) Too much juice getting to the atty (flooding the atty) 2.) Weak battery 3.) Improper vaping technique New attys are known for tasting bad. It will go away after some use.
  7. Hi nana, I'm having a hard time visualizing how an 801 can melt? The only plastic part on my 801(302) is about 3/4" from the atty, the rest of the atomizer casing is metal. Are there different size 801's where the plastic tip is close to the atty? This is an honest question, I'm curious. Edited to add: No response needed I looked around and found a pic showing the white cartridge you are talking about. My 801 came without the cartridge so I had no idea what you were talking about. Please go about your business. Nothing to see here.
  8. I prefer to look at it this way. Over about twenty years of smoking I have spent roughly $22,000 on analogs. I'm no where near that on e-cig purchases, so I got a lot of catching up to do.
  9. No it's gone, I've tried mouth to mouthpiece numerous times. There is no warmth it is cold and dead.
  10. Ok I'm never gonna clean an atty again. I don't care what all you "I gotta clean my atty's every week" advocates say. I had some extra time this weekend so I said to myself "Hey Jeff, you haven't cleaned your atty's since you started vaping, you better do that cuz people say you should." So I boil some 510's and my precious 302 that I use daily on my PT. I've had this 302 for 2 months without any problems whatsoever. I have grown attached to my little 302 friend. It even has my teeth marks on it. I'm not that attached to the 510's. So I boil the atty's for 5 minutes in distilled water, in a strainer so they don't touch the bottom of the pan, blow them out and let them dry overnight upside down on a paper towel. Just like a good vaper should. The next day I put my precious 302 on my even more precious PT and I get nothing! I put it on my wifes PT and I get nothing. I shed a tear realizing this is my first atty that has gone bad. I haven't lost an atty in action for almost 3 months. I couldn't bear to throw it away, so as I type this it is displayed proudly on my dresser. So let this be a warning to those of you that haven't cleaned your attys yet. You just might lose an old friend in the process.
  11. Hi Rusty, I just wanted to say this is your forum also. Glad to have you here.
  12. 2000 ma (not mah) is the same as 2 amps. 1000 miliamps = 1 amp. So if the adapter that mcquinn gave a link to has an output of 2 amps then it provides 1000 ma (1 amp) per port. Beware there are a lot of 1000 ma dual usb adapters out there which only provide 500 ma per port. At 500 ma your vaping experience would be dismal.
  13. Hi soupninja and welcome, I have both units so I will give you info to help with your decision. First of all I love both for different reasons. EGO: I'm getting about 12 hours per charge from the batts. Thats excellent. The model is very nice looking and creates a smooth vapor. It is about an inch shorter than the Spade and a very comfortable unit to hold. SPADE I get 5-6 hours from the batts. Its a very nice looking unit. I do get a nicer throat hit from the Spade as compared to the eGo. To me it feels lighter than the eGo. A draw back with the eGo is the batteries are proprietary. If they go out you're limited where you can go to get a replacement. I have not seen a price for new ones. The Spade uses a standard 10440 protected batt that you can find at multiple websites. I hope this limited info will help. The easiest solution is to just buy both.
  14. Dont worry Uma its OK. You dont have to completely drain your batts. There is a longer explanation as to why you don't, but for now since you are in a hurry just know you dont.
  15. First of all welcome tranquil! Glad you like it here. No I haven't tried to vape sodas or juices. But I do know you wont get the vapor because those liquids dont contain PG or VG which is the element that makes the clouds of vapor.
  16. Excellent testimony Todd, thanks for sharing with us.
  17. Cool pics AC. You computer guys just amaze me! The only server I know is the one that brings me food at the restaurant.
  18. I almost ordered the Prodigy V2, but decided to do some more research because of the button issues people had with the first version. I found some posts from people who bought the V2 and they had button issues also. So until the issue is completely resolved I'm holding off. By the way, from everything I've read, Steve at Puresmoker seems like a good guy and tries hard to make things right for people. I have never dealt with him I'm just going off posts that he and others have made.
  19. Sorry I'm a little dense. I understand your question now. The 510 atty's that you bought will come with the mouthpiece. Sounds like you'll be set to go when you receive it. Let us know how you like it. Or should I say how you love it.
  20. Hi Phaseman, the VP/PT does not come with an atomizer. You will need to buy either a 801,510 0r 901. The PT somes standard with the 801 threads. If you want to use a 510 or 901 you will need to get the adapter. My personal prference is the 801(302) some others here love the 510.
  21. Thanks for the review Vaporxtreme, I think you made an excellent choice. I haven't heard anything bad about the SB. Keep us updated when you make the switch to 6 volts and tell us how you like it.
  22. Hey I finally found a way to blow smoke rings. http://www.zerotoys.com/Merchant2/merchant.mvc?Screen=CTGY&Offset=0&Category_Code=VAPORTOYS
  23. Hi fatalis, what does the Freedom Juice taste like?
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