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Everything posted by Jeffb

  1. I have terrible luck with the derlin drip tips. The holes are just too small. I have a metal tip with a nice big hole and I never get juiced.
  2. I think you'll be good at 16-18mg. If its too strong, just vape a little less.
  3. I've tried quire a few RY4's and by far the best RY4 variant I've tried is Dulcis.
  4. Both will work. It seems to be a matter of preference. some like VG, some like PG and some like a mixture. Where are you buying the juice from?
  5. God grant me the serenity to accept that I cannot purchase every new mod that comes out To purchase the ones that I can And the wisdom to know the difference.
  6. Having trouble posting a video Morfeeus?
  7. Excellent!! I have a couple adapters laying around and now my Provari is breathing new life into my tank.
  8. Nice review Brian. I was loving mine for 2 days and then the vapor production just went south on me. I may have to try a LR Tank. Where did you get the adapter for your Provari?
  9. Thanks for passing this along cropduster. I really hope this is true.
  10. I got a good clump of dark wax out a couple of weeks ago. I went to the docs about 6 months ago and they washed out a good size clump out of each ear. I was contributing it to vapor. I tend to blow my vapor out my nose, and as we know its connected to the ear. I vape a lot of dark colored juices and I was assuming the vapor was mixing with the ear wax. TMI ???
  11. I use 3 suppliers consistently: Vapor Talk ( of Course ) Avejuice.com electronicstix.com
  12. Wow. So in his blog he says MJT attys were the best. Yet he sells FT 510's.
  13. What a loser. This isnt a copyright issue. Its whether he is actually selling a Joye product which he isnt. Its called false advertising. OMG some people shouldnt breed.
  14. At 3.7 the regular attys dont cut it for me either. Dont get rid of them, because when you end up getting a higher voltage e-cig, they will come in handy.
  15. The person who responded to you is a doofus. The manufacturer's website does not even refer to them as Joye 510's rather they are FT 510's.
  16. I have no desire for another 3.7V unit. I'm sure it is made well and that Cisco did a great job. I'm also sure that it will sell well.
  17. The FT 510 is made by Famous Technology http://www.famoustechnology.com/ I have never heard of them but they definitely are not Joye.
  18. If e-cigs are promoted as smoking cessation devices they would come under the purview of the FDA. They would then require years of testing and millions of dollars to get approved by the FDA. It would effectively shut down the e-cig industry. We dont want that. That is why they are an alternative to smoking. I realize this is an oversimplified answer but thats basically it.
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