Most say the target wattage for vaping is roughly 10 watts. Much higher than that and you may begin to cook the juice and not get very good flavor. So using a 5V mod you would not want to use a low res atty/carto. Stick to attys/cartos with an ohm rating above 2 for vaping at 5V and above.
E = Volts
I = Current (Amperes)
R = Resistance
W= Watts
Great review kitsune. I wish I had a vpor store that was close by that I could visit. But, then again it would probably be dangerous to my bank account
Thats a good price with all that juice. I hope the juice is good. BTW all eGo-C's come with 5 atty heads. They come in a package and are individually sealed.
I think its because of the eGo's pulse modulation. You can use a multimeter:
I vape all day everyday. At the moment I use a eGo C atty all day at work. I use a reg atty before and after work. Before the "C" atty I was using a regular atty all day. I dont clean my attys. I use em til they go kaput. Just make sure you're not vaping a dry atty and they will be good to you.
1.) Yes
2.) Most tanks are larger than cartomizers, although the Ego Mega Dual Coil Carto ( EMDCC) is pretty big
3.) I prefer attys. I think atts are cheaper in the long run because I only go through about 1 atty every 3-4 months.
Hope this helps