I've been vaping longer than both those reviewers put together so take my word for it.
There was a supplier that was offering a great deal on a Lavatube kit. I forgot who it was but they are linked somewhere here on the forum in a Lavatube discussion.
DAYVAPE can come across as a total a$$ sometimes on the forum but I know he has a good heart. He is a giver and thats awesome. Cant wait to see the contest Bob.
I did some research for you. Now if your juice is mostly PG then the freezing point is pretty low. At 60% pg 40% water the freezing point is -60 degrees F.
VG seems to freeze at -36 degrees F
The only battery issue I ever had was on my Joker from Vaprlife. The batteries got so hot the spring became hot and compressed. Luckily this stopped the drain on the batteries, otherwise I could have become toofless.
If a charger is working properly it will cease charging when the batt is completely charged. I leave mine on overnight and during the day. I'm beginning to rethink my practices. My wife did have a charger melt while it was plugged into her laptop but luckily we were in the room when it happened and were able to quickly unplug it.
Sounds like the center pin on your batts are down to low. Screwing the clearo down overtime can cause this. Take a paper clip or small eye glass screwdriver and GENTLY pry up on the center post of the batt.