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About khountrygirl

  • Birthday 03/01/1970

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  • Location
    Cave Creek, Arizona
  • Interests
    Reigning, Photography, 4-wheeling

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Boy, you really opened yourself up to female ire... LOL
  2. I haven't completely switched off analogs, so I don't know if I am the right person to give an opinion. Also, I am trying to make the switch while I have a cold with a nasty cough. But here goes anyway... I would say try to work it in gradually. My goal is to cut down on analogs to the point of making a final switch, but I have not put myself on a time line and this was my idea not my husbands (maybe that helps LOL). I have had the coughing problem sometimes, sometimes because of the cold but other times the e-cig does give more of a throat hit. Maybe if you could find a way to make it fun so she doesn't feel any pressure or expectations. Has she joined Vapor Talk? Sometimes talking to someone other than your spouse helps. I try to tell my husband something he isn't all that jazzed about it, but if he hears the same exact thing from someone else all of a sudden it is the greatest idea.
  3. This is what the Screwdriver looks like.
  4. How am I supposed to store the Screwdriver between uses? Last night I have had the Screwdriver leak all over the place, drain the battery and melted a cartridge. The button at the tip is tricky because it is easy to accidentally depress when I try to prop it so that the juice will run into the atomizer while resting (this is when I think it drained the battery and melted the cartridge). If I prop it the opposite way I am worried about too much juice running into the mouth piece. If I let it just rest on its side it leaks all over the place.
  5. Is it obvious when you get juice on your mouth? I've seen some run out of the cartridge but I just wiped that off.
  6. I finally got my Screwdriver from Totally Wicked (already had the Titan). I was looking for more vapor without as much effort. Well, it works great! It takes alot of juice though, but I can deal with that. It will definitely be my at home e cig, because you have to have the juice handy and it wouldn't be easy to store the Screwdriver on the go without accidentally burning it and myself up. So, I guess the Titan will be my on the go e cig.
  7. Where can you buy the French Pipe flavor?
  8. Thanks for the posts. Everybody has been very helpful and friendly.
  9. Please don't tell me you had a bad experience with Totally Wicked. I have a $300 order waiting to be shipped Monday morning (my second order after purchasing the Titan w/charger box. I am 90% thrilled with the Titan and wanted to stock up so I wouldn't run out of supplies (ordered the screwdriver too, hoping for a little more vapor). This is my second day vaping (still smoking analog too, making a slow transition). When I placed my second order I phoned in and the lady that helped me was very pleasant. I just hope after spending soo much money, the products will hold up.
  10. I checked out a video on vaprlife... It looks like it produces the amount of vapor I am hoping to get. Thanks for the info.
  11. Thank you for the clarification. Your post was very helpful. I just finished ordering more supplies for my Titan or 510 and will now be shopping for a pen style e-cig. Any suggestions? Is the Screwdriver by Wicked any good?
  12. What is the 510?
  13. I am a noobie. Today I received The Titan e-cig from Totally Wicked. I am amazed how much I like it with one exception... Is there an e-cig that gives more vapor with less of a drag or is a heavier pull necessary with e-cigs?
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