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    Rochester, NY

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  1. I've had anxiety before, never really paid attention to the symptoms but I do know that anxiety / anxiety attacks can make your heart pound, make you dizzy, difficulty breathing. I haven't really had any difficulty breathing though but I've been light-headed, dizzy and had a pounding heart, and I DEFINATELY was worried yesterday.
  2. Well it could also probably be anxiety, I mean I'd like to say I'm calm about it but I'm obviously worried if I posted about it.
  3. I've never spilled any but I've gotten a little bit on my skin a few times and I wiped it off/rinsed it off immediately
  4. the last time i vaped was last night... actually a whole 24 hours ago and my heart still feels like it's beating weird/fast. If I don't feel fine tomorrow I'm gonna call the doctor.
  5. If that's the case then I can't vape right? It all has PG in it.... also if that's the case how long til I feel normal?
  6. I got my ecig a few days ago. The night before I received it and vaped I smoked 6 cigarettes, and I do notice what I'm about to tell you sometimes when I've smoked a bit (I'm a social smoker and it's becoming fairly regular). The night I got the ecig I took a few puffs like 3 hours before bed (16mg fluid). I woke up 2 hours after going to sleep sweating, my heart pounding and dizzy/lightheaded. I laid in bed for a while, couldn't sleep and I took 2 tylenol pms. The tylenol pms did absolutely nothing I laid in bed like that from like 3am til 8am then finally fell asleep for a little bit. The whole next day my heart was pounding. I work at a supermarket so I went to the blood pressure station and ran it a few different times the first time it read 140 for my pulse and a low blood pressure, the second time 115 and the third 96. I stupidly took a few more puffs later on that day and now all day today I've had a pounding heart. Now yesterday I might have become anxious about it but today I feel like I'm pretty calm unless something exciting happens then I like explode with stress. I'd like to add that I've drank caffeine daily since I was 16 or 17 and I'm 21 right now. I'm not really asking for medical advice and I know I should call a doctor but I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else before.. could it be something else in the efluid? I wouldn't think it would be the nicotine because I've heard nicotine absorption is slower in ecigs. All I know is 5 minutes after I vape my heart starts pounding, and does so for like a day (longer than nicotine would affect my body)
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