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Everything posted by xsnut
there is a guy buildin a juice box..aka...getto box...carlos49...he builds his own atty's got a pump and a 18650 battery i think not sure on the battery he on the vf forum
ships quickly...honest vendor...thanks man
you can still purchase vaporizers on ebay , i just did but its not ecig , its handheld portable vaporizer...iolite...pocket vaporizer...and then there's a new 1 called a ploon...just release on west coast i think... ...no batteries, no attys...
well you asked,....now u see why i dont run for office , but givin every us citizen 1 million would been cheaper than stimulus program and wouldof actually work and let the corrupt banks fail and put there management in prison where they belong....take care of our allys and take a big crap on others
looks like insurance fraud to me.....
i filed it litely, with a file i used to use filing contact points in a car, hits like a cannon again, cut my juice way down threw a little menthol in there, i'm in heaven again... now if the VOLs could win at ole miss all would be well...thanks
did u watch his video...http://www.Atmousa.biz/....spring on end cap spring on top...i think i found the problem contacter was dirty....cant type or spell sorry
its a copper from muldrick yes i drop it, it is industrial type ecig lookin pipe bomb...lol...Atmosusa.biz/...web site
if i where president i would giv everybody 1 million dollars and tell the banks they cant rip people off, pull the troops out of irak now, take the oil we payed dearly for it, tell all the arabs states if the f... with us we will nuke back to stone age, tell russia to kiss off,i guess i wouldnt make a good president...not good with polictics.... ...also i cant spell or type sorry
i check them all there between 3to 4 v's i dont understand it vapin fine then nothin put battery in it starts vapin fine go back to other battery nothin, man i aint got a clue
i dont like occ bikes, like the arguments though, I got my dream bike...1981 xs650sh the frame was chopped in the rear and stretch runnin slash cut tt's, solo seat, mustang tank, flattrack bars, mags, its a bobber, and goes up the dragon all the time...Cya..
It is possible to retrain batteries I hav 6 14500's...can I retrain them drain them completely and then do a fresh charge...how can you drain them completely, is any of this possible...thanks :doctor:
i like kotter...another one i miss is rm 222 remember that one, my oldest sons name is vincent and he goes by vinny...a little info...he deploys for irak dec 5th...he with the 278 ACR...TENN national guard
yea i got a copper it runs ok but eat batteries ...my question is can you retrain batteries...
hey muldrick...welcome...long time no see...
2 packs pall mall blue 100's.....most of them burn up while i'm on internet...
yes i hav a meter i hav a dvm
oh i hav, no so much for the reaction, although reducing the nic level did help, everything i got is broke, need 2 really stable pt's one for the pc and other for the car, for 801, or a 4081, i'm back on analogs at present, thank you for your concern, didn't get too much of that on the other forum....
walmart...humco is the brand...near the bandaids...its usp
i buy vg at wally world brand name is humco
the batteries say they are charged put in the unit nothin try different atty nothin its not the carts because i drip guess i shouldn't of bought a mod
chest pains was vapin 36mg mar...cut it down in half with vg..50 50...better, but what a throat hit the other way,there is noway i can vape in the mornin, try to but takes my breath away..not sure why..and then there r batteries i cant stand them
hey neighbor... new 2 this forum...didn't like the other place...they were biased,,,,,HI THERE
your probably set for couple of months
i had a bad reation to , too much nic , think i od'd