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    Rochester, NY

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  1. Just wondering if that is the only way to get good throat hit. It seems like a fairly common belief that more nicotene = better throat hit. I just read on the Halo website that they have figured out how to get good throat hit with even the lower nic juices. Just wondering if this is a possibility and if so, where else one would look to buy some. I'm pretty committed to using the smaller mom n pop shops as I believe the quality is better and I like to support the little guys. I don't need a boot to the throat or anything, just a bit. Thanks much.
  2. Just curious if that would work. I've heard it both ways. Not really concerned with batt life as I really only vape at night. Just don't want the damn thing to explode on me. Lol Thanks gang.
  3. Anyone know who the manufacturer is who makes all those brands? Is it Kanger?
  4. Thanks so much, guys!
  5. Is the nexcig/smoov/bloog/volt the right 808? I'm pretty much committed to the 808. I'm really looking for the total analogue experience without all the guilt/stink/hassle/unhealth of analogues. I'm really hoping to get some insight on the right juice. Throat hit isn't the biggest need for me although Iwould like to feel like I'm smoking something. More vape production would be great. Really hoping 50/50 from the vapor room (6mg) works out. They did specifically mention 50/50 as the best for 808s for people interested in a mix. I've just heard 80/20 as the max for my chosen PV. Thanks so much guys. Really appreciate all your opinions!
  6. Quickly learned that a mixture of PG and VG would get more vapor. The think is, I'm using an 808 (nexcig, smoov) and I've heard that the thicker juice may not work well with the 808 systems. Now I ordered some juice from The Vapor Room and they recommend 50/50 for those systems. I ordered some but was now questioning it as I've read that 80/20 is the most one should consider with 808 2nd gen ecigs. What you guys think? Thanks so much.
  7. So it's just a question of price, juice and customer service? (which are important)
  8. I keep seeing them mentioned in the same vein but it looks to me like not only are they similiar products but they are the SAME product with just different branding. Is that the case? Are they made by the same manufacturer and just rebranded out there differently? Thanks.
  9. Cool! Any vendors stand out that I should consider?
  10. Thanks so much, guys! I think I'm leaning towards a Volt. But I will check out any ideas. Anything else I should look at?
  11. Hey guys. I'm the classic "only when I'm drinking and someone has cigarrettes" smoker. You know, the really annoying guy. Anyway, I am sick of the guilt (and extra hangover) involved in analogue and wanted to try this. I was recently visiting my Brother-in-law and he had a blu (I think) lying around as he moved to a tank system. So I tried it and was impressed. Not etirely sure it was a blu because you could use drops to refil the cartidge and it didn't have a logo. But the tip glowed blue. I'm looking for a analogue sized, analogue looking vape rig that has good hit and good vapor production that won't cost a ton. I'd prefer to have a system that uses the refillable cartridge so I can change flavors and add as I want. Anyone know of the right choice for me? Best juice maker? etc. Other question was does anyone know if the 0 nicotene juices generally suffer worse flavor/hit/vapor as say a 12 or 16 would? There are so many of these out there now that I'm a little overwhelmed and would love some help from the experts. Thanks so much gang. I really appreciate the help!
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