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About KeithNYC

  • Birthday 07/10/1977

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    Programming (.NET, iPhone), WoW

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  1. cignot.com also sells VG, they're decent.
  2. I thought I'd post an excerpt related to ecigs from a piece recently published by an analyst at JPMorgan for those interested. Unfortunately I can't distribute the entire piece, but I'm including the areas related to ecigs. The rest of the document just discusses overall regulation on the tobacco industry; not really all that exciting anyway Snip: E-Cigarettes The FDA has attempted to block the importation of e-cigarettes on several grounds, in part because they are unsafe and also, it argues, because they are illegal. At a late July news conference led by principal deputy commissioner Sharfstein, the FDA revealed results of tests that it had run on e-cigarettes. According to these tests the e- cigarettes tested positive for diethylene glycol, a toxic antifreeze ingredient, as well as emitting “tobacco-specific nitrosamines which are human carcinogens.” But Elizabeth Whelan, president of the American Council on Science and Health, said the FDA’s claims were “distorted, incomplete and misleading....” (The Washington Times August 6, 2009) E-Cigarettes Risk Appears Similar to Nicotine Replacement Risk However, there is evidence to suggest that e-cigarettes are no more dangerous than the nicotine replacement products which anyone, including adolescents, can acquire. For instance, a new report, commissioned by one of the e-cigarette manufacturers, NJOY, found that the new cigarettes are no more dangerous than the entire range of nicotine replacement products currently approved by the FDA. On the subject of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs), for example, the NJOY report noted that “Data presented in the report [the FDA report] does not adequately support the opinion that users of NJOY products would actually be exposed to TSNAs....” The report also notes that none of the chemicals that the FDA was worried about was “able to be quantifiably measured in the liquid of NYOY’s cartridges because they were all below the limits of quantification.” And “With respect to the TSNAs, the report did not mention that these substances are found in nicotine gum, the patch, nasal spray, and lozenges in concentrations that are at the very least similar to, or higher than those found in the NJOY cartridges.” We acknowledge that because the study was commissioned by NJOY critics will be skeptical, but also note that severe critics of the Tobacco industry, such as Dr. Michael Siegel of the Boston University Social and Behavioral Sciences, are supportive of e-cigarettes as an alternative to smoking. (see http://tobaccoanalysis.blogspot.com/search?q=e-cigarettes) An earlier study on the safety of the e-cigarette Ruyan® from anti-smoking activist Murray Laugesen found that glycol is approved as a food additive and animal tests have found it safe. Safe Relative to Cigarettes Is the Key Question We believe studies that show that e-cigarettes are equivalent risk to nicotine replacement products imply that e-cigarettes are significantly safer than conventional cigarettes, which we think should be the key message about this product from the FDA. Thus the real question for us is how safe are e-cigarettes in relation to conventional cigarettes, not to some absolute standard of safety which is not relevant to smokers who have already made a risky decision. The answer to that question is, in our view, considerably safer. Unlike conventional cigarettes, e-cigarettes reduce the risks of smoking significantly, because they do not contain either the tobacco or the chemicals that are thought to be the source of the carcinogenic risk of regular cigarettes. Even if the nicotine in e- cigarettes were to pose some significant health hazard (which it appears not to, as shown by the support for Nicotine Replacement therapies by various government agencies and noted in studies such as the 2001 Institute of Medicine study on Harm Reduction), it ought to be considerably less substantial than the mortality and morbidity risks associated with smoking. Any way that the risk calculus is done, we believe it is clear that e-cigarettes without tobacco and tobacco smoke are likely to be less risky to smokers than conventional cigarettes. Inauspicious, but Early Days In short we believe the FDA’s handling of its first issue, e-cigarettes, demonstrates that potentially not all the available scientific evidence was considered. However, it is important to not read too much into these early days as the agency’s lack of experience in tobacco regulation in general and more particularly with the tricky subject of e-cigarettes may account for this inauspicious regulatory beginning.
  3. Welcome to VT! I just started out with my 510 a week ago. Love it! Make sure you get at least 1 spare battery and atomizer.
  4. I ordered a two spare manual batteries from vaporkings. Thinking this would be the area I could save a few bucks, I bought the cheaper 510 compatible batteries (which vaporkings clearly labels as not genuine joyetech batts). Both batteries have, multiple times over the last 2 days, remained turned on even after depressing the manual switch. The gotcha here is that the LED does turn off, so you think the battery is off as well. I've taken my 510 out, took a few vapes, and slid it back into my shirt pocket only to hear a hissing and crackling sound a minute later and realize my atty is cooking. The thing gets so hot that you can seriously get burned by picking it up. It melted a cart quite nicely this evening. Just wanted to throw that out there as a warning. I've had no problems with the batts that came stock with my 510.
  5. You'll get far fewer stares with just the 2 nipples on your forehead - at least I do anyway. I definitely get the looks while I'm walking to work. I almost wish I had the red or orange LED so it looks less like im smoking a flashlight.
  6. http://www.dailyiowan.com/2009/11/17/Metro/14424.html
  7. Ruyan is RUYNF.PK and trading at a whopping 0.03
  8. winamp FTW!
  9. How 'bout an iPhone version? I'd be happy to help out with that if needed.
  10. I'm a software developer and freelance web designer. I specialize in .NET and iPhone development. I started programming at the wee age of 13 or 14, so I've been doing it for about 18-19 years or so (about 10 years 'professionally' though).
  11. D'oh! Totally missed that. Thank you!
  12. On the subject of making your own juice, most of the (limited) research I've done always points to buying the flavors from LorAnn. Is there a specific reason for seemingly everyone using this one vendor? Disclaimer - I'm a total noob, so forgive me if I'm just missing something terribly obvious
  13. Thanks guys - yeah I was pretty shocked at the price as well. We did a lot of research before finally placing an order, so I knew $125 seemed way out of the park. I gotta say though, the packaging and branding was pretty top notch. I'll check back there tomorrow and just make sure I got the name right.
  14. So my wife and I are waiting for our first ecig order (we opted for the 510) from cignot.com which, by the way, has excellent customer service. I was getting a little impatient today, so after work I walked across the street from my office to a smoke shop to see if they happen to sell any ecigs or liquids. I figured if they did, it'd really work out well to just buy the juice local and not have to wait or pay for shipping. I asked the manager if they sold ecigs, and he showed me the one starter kit they offered. It was (I believe) called Vapture which resembled a supermini and came with a USB pass thru and a PCC. The price? $125! I tried googling for it when I got home, thinking this must be the Rolls of ecigs (or just the standard NYC midtown 200% markup), as the manager insisted whatever price I found online for this kit would not be cheaper than their offer. To no avail. Has anyone heard of this? -Keith
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