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    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in What tank do you use and why?   
    Thanks. I think I'll wander over to see Brian and order some.
  2. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in It's been one year...   
    Thanks, Kit! And thank you so very much for all the help you gave me when I first ventured into direct dripping. Without your help and encouragement I don't think I would've stuck with it.
  3. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Pope in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
  4. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in New to the Forum   
    Welcome to Vapor Talk

    I know nothing!
  5. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
  6. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Lyrical in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
  7. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Viper Ron in It's been one year...   
    Without your encouragement I wouldn't be here, Mark.

    It's been a great first year, Ron. Thanks for being a part of it!
  8. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Ghost in It's been one year...   
    Thanks, Ghost. I'm so much happier vaping than I ever was when I was smoking. So many new toys and new flavors to try...
  9. Like
    Tam got a reaction from mischi3vous in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
  10. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in What tank do you use and why?   
    You will find a variety of opinions, for me I like them all. each one is slightly different, couldn't tell you exactly what is different. All of mine give me excellent vapor, flavor and throat hit.

    I use: Vivi nova tank (1.8 resistance is my preference), DCT-Dual coil tank, cartomoizer and tank system(more complicated, but still use it),
    Evod BCC, ego CC clearomizer (works best with my fruit flavors)

    But my all time sweet spot, even 4 years and may gadgets later.....is dripping.
  11. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Rixter in What tank do you use and why?   
    I use different tanks for different juices. The CE4s I like with fruit flavors. The T2, T3 and MT3s are good with my mojito, cranberry and a few other high citrus flavors. After cracking a few of these when I first started the tanks have held so far since then. Mostly, I prefer the T2 with the short wicks, hate the long wicks as those seem to clog too easily for me. The new Pro Tank is wonderful for on the go with the Feels Like a Nut flavor, it delivers the flavor the best of all the tanks outside of direct dripping.

    But most of all I prefer to drip with a Boge 2.0 ohm atomizer. Lately, I've been trying different bridgeless ones but don't care for them as much. Yeah, I'm pretty much all over the place.
  12. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Lyrical in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just received my iClear30 plus some replacement coils from SmokTek today. Holy cow! I think we need a few more wicks in this here, son. *boggles* Wow. Yeah, and I also want a couple of small fishing type sinkers so it'll weigh a bit heaver. 0_0

    Also, in the mail today came the ProTank from Vapelite. This thing is just as heavy. It came with a thread cover and one extra coil. *falls over laughing* I put the ProTank and thread cover on my 1300 mAh Spinner and it looks ridiculous! And I could hurt someone with it if I used it as a club.

    Oh. I need to put juice in it and use it now? Really??? I'm not sure I want to put extra liquid weight in it... ^___________^
  13. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Picked up a purple and a steel colored EVOD at my local brick and mortar store (Vapor Source). Also got a pack of five replacement coils and a 50 ml bottle of Mojito. It came in 30 PG/70 VG - much thicker than I usually use so I'll be thinning it with some distilled water once it's steeped.
  14. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Ghost in A few more noob questions...   
    1. On all my prior stuff the end glows when it needs to be charged. Do the EGO T 1000mah and the Vision Spinner 1300mah do something similar on the blue light on the button you push to activate-lock on these batteries

    They both come with a charge but not fully charged. I always put them on a charger when I first get them but it's not absolutely necessary. If I remember correctly I think I read somewhere that you should but can't remember why... :P

    2. When you press the button 5 times it locks it. Should I do that only when it is in the case and I do not want the button to get pushed or should I do that between vapes as well? Does the battery lock-unlock function affect battery life?

    Push the button five times and it'll flash. Push it once and if the light comes on it tells you that it's on. If the button stays dark it's in the "off" position. I've never found that it matters either way to affect battery life if you're not actively using it.

    3. With the variable voltage Spinner, is there a guideline that certain flavors, say fruit, taste better at a higher or lower voltage than say tobacco flavors or is this just an experimental thing that each person kind of has to dial in for themselves?

    Because every person has different taste buds you'll have to see what voltage works best with which flavors. Start at the lowest setting, vape, dial up a bit and try it again. When you get a slight burnt taste, back it off a bit and/or when you get the best flavor. For me, I've found that fruit flavors work best at lower voltages while bakery and coffee flavors work better at higher volts. Everyone is different so it's just a matter of finding what works best for you. That's also the fun part!
  15. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Patricia in What is the difference in the Vision Spinner and the eGo Twist.   
    Just because you were a "heavy smoker" doesn't mean you need to get the biggest, baddest thing out there (equipment-wise), and dial it up to 11 all the time in order to be able to get the nicotine fix to stay away from analogs. The craving you're getting could be helped along in part by a psychological addiction to cigarettes as well. That said, you don't have to go all or nothing, either. You can smoke a few while you taper down.

    Just curious, because you say you were a heavy smoker numerous times... how much were you smoking? When I think of a heavy smoker I'm thinking about 3 - 4 packs of Marlboro Reds a day.

    Anyway, all my Spinners are working well for me. I don't think I'll need to replace them anytime soon unless I break them physically somehow. My eGo 650s (not variable voltage), are still going strong and I bought the first one May 10th of last year.

    If you go "full blast all the time" you're going to be spending a lot of money on replacing blown coils. It's like adding too much air into a balloon. Some of them will take more air than others before they go pop. When your coil goes "pop" you'll need to replace it. The balloon would be the coil in the clearomizer and the air would be the voltage.

    Each flavor and delivery device (atomizer, clearomizer, cartomizer, tank, etc. as well as what ohms they're at), will have a different setting. Only you will know what tastes best at what voltage so it's a trial and error thing. Start at the lowest setting and vape, turn it up a little at a time until you get a burning taste and then back it off a bit. My fruit flavors seem to taste best at a lower voltage. The coffee and bakery flavors seem to like a higher voltage. Your mileage may vary and probably will. With my 2.0 ohm atomizers and the EC Blends' Feels Like a Nut juice, I like it right at 4.0 volts. My cranberry or blueberry juices prefer around 3.7 volts.

    As for keeping the cravings down, that's all juice related not so much your equipment although that can have something to do with it if you're using inferior quality stuff. I'd go with 24 mg of nic (that's close to the full flavor cigs), a higher PG for more throat hit. Maybe 60 PG/40 VG or even 70 PG/30 VG? The reason why I suggest those percentages is because the less VG = less vapor and I think you'll be happier with some vapor to help make you miss smoking less.
  16. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in Drip Tips   
    They're mouthpieces that are more comfortable for use. They come in many shapes and sizes to suit. Some you can direct drip your juice through, while some are just for mouth comfort such as the whistle drip tip styles, but you can remove the DT and still direct drip your juice and then just snap right back into place..

    Some let more vapor through than others do, too, because of the way the body itself is shaped. That's another story for another day though. But yes, sometimes it's the DT used, and not the atty/carto that hampers/improves performance.
  17. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in 80/20 pg vg ratio vs 50-50   
    Let's see if I remember this correctly.

    More nicotine = more throat hit

    More PG = more flavor and more throat hit

    More VG = thicker juice, more vapor and somewhat smoother (sometimes sweeter) draw
  18. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Rixter in 80/20 pg vg ratio vs 50-50   
    Let's see if I remember this correctly.

    More nicotine = more throat hit

    More PG = more flavor and more throat hit

    More VG = thicker juice, more vapor and somewhat smoother (sometimes sweeter) draw
  19. Like
    Tam reacted to Rixter in 80/20 pg vg ratio vs 50-50   
    Agreed. PG is known for providing more flavor than VG, and also more throat hit, but lack of visible vapor production. VG is known for its vapor production, but with hits on flavor strength and throat hit. In my opinion, it only takes a little VG in the mix to produce plenty of visible vapor, so I usually go with an 80PG/20VG mix.

    With that being said, there are some 100% PG juices out there that taste great, have good throat hit, and produce loads of thick vapor...go figure.
  20. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in How to clean the Viva Nova Tank and parts   
    Also, don't forget Youtube, it's invaluable as a resource.
  21. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in Any heavy user suggestions?   
    Flavor is highly subjective. What tastes awful for one person will taste like it's the best thing in the world to another. And no two people will taste the same thing in a juice -- or it's extremely unlikely.

    Vaping and trying new stuff whether it's juice or equipment is more than half the fun!
  22. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in New purchase, Knockout Vapor Firefly kit   
    sorry, don't know the brand. but if its working for you, then all is good. Glad you have found vaping !! little bit pricey....not horrendous.

    There are plenty of good products out there, you will soon enough have a collection of various devices and parts. !!
  23. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in Newbie mixing question   
    Many people mix flavors and/or nicotine levels. Since you're only going to add a drop or three, I don't think it'll affect the levels of nic very much at all.

    As for cracking a tank with adding the fireball liquid, you should be fine with just that small amount. From what I've read and heard, cracking tanks only happens when you use just the fireball in a tank (not mixed with another flavor), and even then not all the time or right away. If you do want to use the fireball by itself I'd suggest getting something like the Pro Tank with the pyrex tank and you won't have any problems.
  24. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Almost There   
    Ok just got my EgoT1000 kit and my Vision Spinner 1300mah. The button on these you depress to inhale is different from the admittedly cheaper versions I have been using. I also notice it I push it 5 times it blinks and sort of turns off. When would I want to do this? Is that so they will hold a charge when being stored awaiting use?
  25. Like
    Tam reacted to Proetus in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Replace the Protank head with the head from the Evod. You're draw will tighten up. Another handyman fix, place one wrap of teflon tape around the post and poke out however many holes you find works for you. There are 4 airflow holes around the base of the protank. I just got mine this weekend and haven't played with the airflow yet. I have however started taking really light slow inhale vs pulls and i don't really notice other then i have to pay attn and not just puff away. But the tank itself is just fabulous so far.
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