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  1. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Aquatroy in Possibly dumb question   
    You'll have to come to Southern Colorado. Weirdos I mean weird weather up north.
  2. Like
    Tam got a reaction from ninjabatgirl in Won't be Vaping for a While   
    Oooh, a babyninjabat on the way. Congrats!
  3. Like
    Tam reacted to Mike in Possibly dumb question   
    Quick inhale and exhale. It's a much better habit to get into. The nicotine gets into you quickly so there's no need to inhale deeply or to hold it in. Excess vapor being held in for a long time is not necessary and can cause wheezing. Also, more vapor gets blown out and it looks and feels more like a real smoke. ---Just my opinion.

    BUT, a long, slow "drag" to fill up your mouth first is the key!
  4. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in Questions about 306 atomizers   
    So far, out of all the different atomizers I've tried, it has the smoothest vape -- although I think I vaped the first one to death between yesterday and today.

    I'll definitely be getting more from Brian. Now that I know what to do with the outer cartridge and how to remove the darned thing, the five I initially ordered aren't going to be enough. LOL!

    Thanks for the excellent rec, Kit.
  5. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in 12th anniversary!   
    Congrats on 12 years! What are you doing online? Go. Shoo! Go make your beautiful wife happy so you'll have another 12 years.
  6. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in Where is the bset place to keep my juice?   
    any cool dry place will work. I keep some of mine in the refrigerator but I don't have any young children or others that may get into it. Nicotine is dangerous if accidentally ingested (yes it has happened-not to me however).

    heat is hard on batteries and liquid, if you do have to keep it in your car, a cooler might help.
  7. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in SunVapes   
    Thats just cray cray
  8. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in SunVapes   
    I have it refined down to three suppliers, and I expect him to be the third. Sweet-Vapes has the best Juice and hardware so far, VapeDudes close behind, but Veteran Vaper selection is unreal. Thanks for the tip!
  9. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in V² / R = P   
    Uma is a true vaper.
  10. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in V² / R = P   
    Anybody that vapes at less than 8 watts should be ashamed to call themselves a vaper.
  11. Like
    Tam reacted to Rixter in V² / R = P   
    Here's a handy little online calculator that does the math for you if you're the curious type. Just enter your device's voltage and your carto/atty/tank's resistance, click the "Calculate" button, and the wattage and amperage will be displayed. It might make things a little easier to figure out what products will perform the same as what you already have, especially when it's time to buy new gear that performs like your favorites. It's also handy when trying to figure out what to set your variable voltage devices at to match other PV's performance.
  12. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Any heavy user suggestions?   
    I dont do Menthol at all, but Strawberry Fields from VapeDudes is my favorite strawberry flavor and my wifes favorite all around flavor. That and Juicy Peach from Sweet-Vapes are my top two fruit flavors. With that said, I ordered another 90ml of the Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes yesterday after trying it. I have found my all day vape. For the time being the fruit flavors are only going to be used to mix a little in to change it up from time to time. They have a 15% off coupon code through midnight tonight if you order from there use MAYSALE15 (all caps) to get 15% off.

    I have found I prefer 80% PG 20% VG 24mg nicotine produces a strong throat hit, at least thats what I have experienced. I even ordered a 30ml bottle of unflavored 24mg 100% PG to mix in some of the stronger flavors I am not crazy about to produce more of a throat hit and make the flavor more mild.

    One piece of advice, when reading reviews be sure to read the negative ones because every flavor I didnt like there was a negative review that nailed exactly how I feel about the flavor even though there were a lot of positive reviews. Dont just go by star ranking, read about the flavor in the reviews and see if you think it will work for you before ordering it and use sample packs to see what you like.
  13. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in Any heavy user suggestions?   

    I have all Joyetec eGo batteries and they all perform well. I get through most of the day on a 650 but the 900 is pretty good for heavy vape days. Recently I got a 1000mah variable voltage and its cool but I'm still experimenting with it. I'm finding that some juices taste a little better with a little more voltage. So far it's been pretty consistent. My wife has a couple eGo knock off batteries and the voltage drops when the battery starts to run lower than 50%. I don't seem to have that problem with the Joyetec batteries. The voltage is pretty consistent to the end of the charge.


    I can't get over how wild and variable the juices seem to be, lol. You can't pay me to vape the vanillas but I'm a coffee flavor nut. So far the coffee variations are my favorites but I'm still searching for the holy grail, lol. What got me off analogs was Liqua traditional tobacco. I enjoyed that for a while then began mixing cherry in to it and that was pretty good. I tried a bunch of other flavors but favored some mochas, cappuccino and other coffee flavors and they are my main vapes. My wife got a strawberry/lemonade. All I taste is strawberry and all she tastes is the lemonade! I have found that no matter what people say and no matter what the description says I have to try it to really find out. After reading great reviews and comments about one particular vendor we ordered 10 different juices from this vendor and found them all unvapable! Terrible! It doesn't make sense. I have more or less resigned myself to experimenting and forking over the cash to check out different juices. I'm like a mad scientist over here mixing different juices. It's crazy. I just want to find a few good flavors and settle in with them. At least I can say I'm smoke free and that makes me very happy!

    Now, I have to get back to the lab....I just got a small sample shipment from Gourmet Vapes...muah ha ha!
  14. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Ghost in SunVapes   
    Brian at The Veteran Vaper only sells the highest quality stuff. He also carries the replacement coils for the T2.
  15. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Pope in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
  16. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Got mine just the other day and...man! Talk about some vapor coming out.

    The first coil burned out in less than 24 hours and I didn't even use it that much. I discovered that my local brick & mortar store carries these so I went to get replacement coils. They handed me a box of EVOD coils and said that they fit the Pro Tank. Thankfully, the coils are very inexpensive. I'm hoping this one lasts longer than the first did. I like the Pro Tank much better than the iClear30.
  17. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Any heavy user suggestions?   
    In Knoxville TN, a city of 100k+ counting students at UT, the closest Vapor Store is about 80 miles away. Once I know more about this overall and legislation becomes apparent what is going to happen I may open one here. I have ordered 100% of the stuff I use online. I started buying a "Topaz" kit at the mall for my wife and I for a little over $200 total with a few extra disposable cartos and it was garbage but they are the only place in town that sells anything other than Blu, NJoy, and Nfinity.

    Funny that now we together have 4 Vision Spinners 1300mah, 4 eGoT 1000mah, 20 CE4 Clearos and have spent less than those damn cheap 808 (I think they were, cigarette style pull on them to activate end glows and 3-4 hour battery life and about the same to charge) starter kits cost.

    It is truly amazing the difference between the cig styles like Blu and NJoy and the real stuff. Its like going from a McDonalds cheeseburger to a Filet Mignon.
  18. Like
    Tam reacted to Viper Ron in Looking to Upgrade from EgoTankMegaB   
    Vapelite also carries them I believe. Jen, didn't you start with an eGo? If you did the eGo charger will work on the Spinners
  19. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in What tank do you use and why?   
    I am relatively new here and I'm still experimenting heavily. I have been off analogs completely for 6 weeks now and it's amazing.

    I started with an eGo C set up with a cartomizer which was a fine start and got me off the analogs. Then I switched to the iclear 16 which gave me better performance and I loved that but I had some minor problems with the quality. I tried a T3 tank which was pretty close to disastrous as I had leak problems and taste issues that I couldn't really get over. Then a friend recommended the T2 and I have reached a plateau now that I am VERY happy with. Short wick and 2.0 res atomizer. I have been very happy with my Joyetec eGo batteries that have been solid performers , one a variable.

    I'm really happy with T2. Great vape, great flow and taste. And I love the "pull". Very natural. My whole game now is finding the right juices. Nowhere have I found more inconsistency than in the juices themselves. Still searching for that right combination of pg/vg and nic. All in all though, I couldn't be happier that I'm finally off the analogs. 6 weeks and counting. All is good
  20. Like
    Tam reacted to Viper Ron in Looking to Upgrade from EgoTankMegaB   
    I would recommend,
    Batteries: Vision Spinner 1300mah (powerful and long lasting VV batt)
    Tank: Vivi Nova (easy to use and fill and I have add no problems with any of mine)

  21. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in Vape tastes like metal and spicy for the throat   
    A short will cause an awful metallic taste.
    A dry wick will cause an awful painful metallic taste.
    You might have both problems!

    Try doing the Reo Squonk, to test for wicking. Cover the airhole with your finger, take a dry draw (do not press the button of your mod), suck the juice up the wick. Now take a drag. If it's good, and non-painful, your wick needs to be improved for the juice to climb. If there is still a metallic taste, there is still a short somewhere in your coil. Probably from the scraped wick. I would retorch, your wick, recoil, squonk test.

    For hot coil testing, see if any coils turn red when you push the button. WET coils should never turn red if there is not a short. If your wick is wet and you have a red coil, you have a short! I assume you know how to scoot the coil with a toothpick, and sort out hotspots? If not, watch PBusardo's AHA NOW I GET IT tutorial videos.
  22. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Pope in One month tobacco-free   
    Congrats on your one month! Now, we just need to get you into better gear so you can continue. The folks here are very helpful and friendly. Feel free to ask lots of questions.
  23. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Atomic Cinnacide/Clearomizer question   
    There's no rhyme or reason to when a juice will crack a plastic tank. Sometimes they do, other times they don't. It's all a gamble and you cross your fingers and hope for the best. While you're at it you might want to keep a bottle of juice and an extra clearomizer or three with you in case it does crack. With a bit of luck you won't have to experience it at all but keep a close eye on it just in case.

    And there's no such thing as a stupid question.
  24. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in It's been one year...   
    Thanks, Kit! And thank you so very much for all the help you gave me when I first ventured into direct dripping. Without your help and encouragement I don't think I would've stuck with it.
  25. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in It's been one year...   
    As of right now it's been one year since I got off analogs. Bought my first eGo T pass through on May 10, 2012 but still smoked while I got into vaping. Each day I smoked and wanted less until May 15th, I got off analogs completely and began vaping only. To be frank I've lit up a couple of times to satisfy my curiosity to see if I still had any desire to smoke again. After a couple drags I'd have to go brush my teeth and take a shower to get the taste out of my mouth and the smell out of my hair.

    Since then it's been a wild ride while I've explored all kinds of new vapor related toys, found this forum and met some wonderful people who have been so very helpful. They've taught me so much and in turn I hope I've been able to pass some of that knowledge on to new vapers. I want to thank Christopher for creating this forum and for working tirelessly to make it even better. A special thank you to Kitsune for pushing direct dripping so much that I finally got the nerve to try it, and also to Blucavvy, Jeffb, Mark, McQuinn, VaperRon, Uma, and Rixter who patiently answered so many of my questions when I got stuck. I know I'm forgetting to name some people here but you have my wholehearted gratitude for your help and making me feel welcome.

    After all the different methods tried, all the times I've tried to quit and failed miserably I'm so happy to be able to say, "This is it. I've been off cigarettes for one whole year. I hope to be able to say something like that next year...and the next...and the next...
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