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    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Another noob   
    I started with an eGoT 1000mah starter kit from vapedudes.com for $38.95. It comes with two batteries, all charging accessories, and a CE4 clearomizer for each tank. Shortly after I bought a pair of Vision Spinner 1300mah batteries from Sweet-Vapes.com ($24.95 each) and now the starter kit are my backups. I also found I prefer T2 (Ego CC Longwick) Clearomizers and have found theveteranvaper.com the best supplier for these and the replacement coils.

    The NJoy one referenced above, no offense, is garbage compared to EGO style batteries as a starter kit. Stay away from those unless you want to quit everything or have to buy 10 batteries and have 2 or 3 on the charger at all times. I get 24 hours out of my 1000mah starter kit batteries and about 36 out of my Vision Spinners

    I am not a fan of Dekang juices, and again no offense, but I believe the VT juices are Dekang. I prefer domestic liquid and have found Steet-Vapes.com to be my favorite supplier overall of liquid BUT my favorite non tobacco flavor is Strawberry Fields from VapeDudes.

    Hope this helps.
  2. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in Ohms and Voltage...still lost.   
    Actually, Afallucco, this is not correct. If you get too high a resistance you will have to activate your battery with the button longer to bring the coil up to temperature enough to vaporize the liquid. = shorter battery life.

    Sia- the 1.8 or the 2.0 will give you the best performance for your battery. As far as flooding, you can take apart the T2 and clean and dry it and it will perform like new. I have also found that if you fill the T2 too high up to the metal band at the mouth piece you can flood them. I always fill mine to just below the band and they don't flood. Actually you can fill up to the point where the wick goes in to the coil but no higher. If you fill higher than that on the T2 a thinner liquid can flood the coil.

    I started a thread called "a question about resistance" and Viper Ron posted a resistance chart that shows battery voltage versus resistance that is very helpful.
  3. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in flavoring   
    I'm not at all sure about that Tam !! Mostly trial and error.

    The flavorings used are really just food flavoring and are designed to be used in foods, candies, cakes etc. Most flavorings you can buy directly from the source for much cheaper....flavorwest, perfumers apprentice, Loranne and flavourart are the ones I use the most. Flavourart is in italy...shipping is hugely expensive.
    I do try to avoid the darker colors (just a thing for me), don't know that they are bad....I just like to be able to see through my flavoring.

    The original liquids were pretty clear...then people like me came along and wanted more flavor......
  4. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in New At Vaping and Have a ProVari......HELP   
    I'd suggest either a Vivi Nova or a Pro Tank. Right now I'm leaning more toward the Pro Tank but it's pretty heavy. It works very well, has an airy draw but you can fix that by plugging up some of the air holes so it draws more to your liking. The Veteran Vaper has them available.

  5. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in Still confused   
    An atomizer is just the heating element. Atomizers are primarily used (these days) for dripping, the atomizer and cartridge system never worked very well. Battery + atomizer + cartridge = 3 piece design

    cartomizers (cartos) ...you fill with your liquid, attach to battery and vape. personally, cartomizers are more work than the vivi nova or other tank systems. The cartomizers are the heating element + filler combined into one piece....Battery+cartomizer = 2 piece design

    The vivi nova and other tank systems come in various sizes. I prefer the 2ml designs, they fit very nicely on the ego and ego style batteries.
    The Ego cc (changeable coil) 2.4ml, EVOD BCC(Bottom coil changeable) 1.6ml.........These also go very well with Ego battery.
  6. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in Still confused   
  7. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in Still confused   
    A carto has filler material inside which is wrapped around the coil. The atomizer is just the coil with no filler material. A 3 piece is the battery, atomizer & cartridge.

    Inside a carto

    Heres the inside of a typical 510 atty with a cartridge

  8. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Ohms and Voltage...still lost.   
    Just my preference, but without a variable voltage battery, I'd go with the 1.8 ohms. Others may suggest otherwise.
  9. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in For those with an airy draw on the eGo   
    I tried the tape over the hole trick and it works pretty well. Not perfect but much better. I still don't think I'm getting my battery back,lol
  10. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in Perfect cigs brand   
    Im having a hard time understanding your english. If you are setting yourself up to spam the forum... beware we are watching you.

  11. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Aquatroy in Breaking Up is Hard To Do   
    The 'poor guy' I was referring to was the man who owns the store but I'm also very sorry about your cat. Losing fuzzy kids is always hard.
  12. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in 4 Years vaping   
    It is so incredibly hard to believe it has been 4 years since I found ecigs and stopped smoking. I was one of the lucky ones, I got my first 510 on May 21st 2009 and had my last cigarette on May 22nd 2009.

    When I found vaping, I had 100% quit quitting. I tried ecigs to get my mother off my back....that was that.

    So much has changed in the last 4 years. When I started, we only had a couple choices...510 or 901....black or white. we only had traditional cartridges.
    we only had a few vendors to choose from in the US, everything else was in china.

    I also discovered the world of forums (I had never even read a forum).

    Vapor talks and all the amazing people here are a big part of my journey.

    Thank you Chris for providing such an amazing place for information, support and friendship

    And a huge thanks to all the veteran Vaper Talk friends that have been such an incredible support and source of laughter

  13. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in Just a new member, love what I've seen and learned over the past couple days!   
    Congrats !!! you will find tons of info and support here. unfortunately, you will also see tons of new toys and gadgets that make vaping even better.
  14. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in Breaking Up is Hard To Do   
    I can't tell you how many hours I've spent researching and reading e-cigs and related material since I quit 6 weeks ago. I have been absorbed in it, frankly.

    Yesterday was the first time I went back to the liquor store where I usually buy my analogs. He hasn't seen me or my wife for over a month.

    I had to break the news. I don't smoke anymore. Just for a second, his face dropped. He had already reached for my cigs. I told him I was seeing someone else, that i was vaping. He nodded and pointed out the little 505 stick on the shelf and I pulled out my eGo. His eyes widened up. He had that look in his eye like 'you'll be back'.

    I promised him we could still be friends and I'd stop in once in a while. I paid my $6 for a drink and snack.

    I used to drop $30 - $50 at a time there every few days. Wow. Ok, it was harder for him than me.
  15. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Pope in One month tobacco-free   
    You're welcome, Pope. Glad it's working well for you. The right equipment can make all the difference.

    I have five packs of analogs in my fridge, it was my safety net -- just in case. Thankfully, I've never needed it, but they do make me smile every time I open the fridge and see them still sitting there even after a year.
  16. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in V2 Tank won't vape?   
    Brian at Veteran is my go to guy for all my hardware needs except Vision Spinner batteries but we had an email conversation last night and I think he is getting them soon. I am picky about my liquids but you will not find a better source for hardware than him. I use the T2 exclusively and I ordered more from him Sunday and they arrived today. Best customer service of any site I use for any need, just hooked on Sweet-Vapes and VapeDudes liquid. Going to try some of his EVO liquid next order and check it out. He will answer and question very quickly which he did last night with me. He makes you feel good to but from him!
  17. Like
    Tam reacted to mcquinn in side effects.....   
  18. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Mark's #ModHolders   
    You do such nice work, Mark. I'm still planning to get one of your lovelies -- some day -- hopefully soon-ish.
  19. Like
    Tam reacted to Mark in Mark's #ModHolders   
    My #ModHolders are now in the Vapor Talk store. http://www.vaportalkstore.com/accessories/
    These will be in a VERY limited supply but depending on how you folks react to them we may be able to add more soon.

    Please let us know what you think.

  20. Like
    Tam reacted to Viper Ron in LOOKING FOR SEARCH FEATURE   
    Just to the right of the "Juice" it searches this forum. example: click search, type "how to fill a cartomizer" you get lots of different posts and choose the one you want.
  21. Like
    Tam reacted to Viper Ron in LOOKING FOR SEARCH FEATURE   
    The little looking glass top right hand corner
  22. Like
    Tam reacted to mse12 in side effects.....   
    Nobody here is qualified to give medical advice. My point of view is that even if there are unseen side effects, I'm sure it would be no worse than almost two packs a day. That does not mean they are safe but considering the alternative I'll take my chances.
  23. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in How can I make electronic cigarette taste stronger?   
    Order Vision Spinners 1300mah, T2 Kanger Clearomizers, and some 80-20 24mg eliquid.

    I get all my battery supplies from Sweet-Vapes and most of my liquid there too. For me, their Traditional tobacco is my all day vape. I get my clearos and replacement coils from Brian at the Veteran Vaper always good value and price and shipping is ridiculous fast. VapeDudes and Mt Baker Vaper are also great liquid suppliers.

    I assume the Envy you mentioned is a knock off brand, its what I bought at first but once I got the real stuff I was amazed at the difference. Was like going from a VW Beetle to Porsche lol and nowhere as expensive as one would think.
  24. Like
    Tam reacted to Aquatroy in Possibly dumb question   
    That's why the state hospital is in southern Colorado !
  25. Like
    Tam got a reaction from ninjabatgirl in Won't be Vaping for a While   
    Oooh, a babyninjabat on the way. Congrats!
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