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    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Looking for a new unit   
    I have never owned a Mod, not sure I ever will. I am only chiming in to second the Vision Spinner recommendation. I love my spinners. My eGoT 1000mah instantly became backups. Charging time is about 4.5hours for me pretty consistently and I vape all day and night but find 2 is plenty for me. Having access to a charging area at work helps since no matter if I am home or at work I can charge one as soon as it dies and switch to the other. The battery life for me is around 28-36hours depending on what I am vaping and the settings I use. I prefer 3.5-3.8v for fruit flavors and around 4.2-4.4 for my Tobacco flavor and Spearmint all with 1.8-2.2ohm Kanger T2s.
  2. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in Looking for a new unit   
    There are a ton of new VV and VV/VW mods out on the market today. I can't keep up with them. Some of the more popular (affordable) ones are the Vamo V2, the Tesla, the Evic, and so on. I have the Vamo V2, and it's okay, but the settings aren't lockable like the old original LT were but the Tesla has the locking settings and a super easy menu. (but the menu button placement is annoying). And my 510 connection needs to be gently lifted often in order to make a solid connection.
    I agree with Tams, the Vision Spinner is great, and is super affordable at that. It hits just as hard, if not harder than most "mods" out there. It does take a long time to charge though, so be sure you have at least 2... you know the drill.

    The Provari is still King of the high end VV mods.

    There are now DNA20 kick mods out there now too. (usually box form).
    (quite a bit more power than the old DNA12).

    I would pick up the Vision Spinners and contentedly vape while researching all the new mods out there that tickle your fancy.
  3. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in help me help a friend?   
    I hate to say it, but your friend might have a mild case of COPD or other problem that was "ignored" before now. I know I coughed like a son of a gun when I first switched over... had to take itty bitty puffs, hold it, let a bit out, inhale, then exhale. But I worked it baby and it didn't take long before I could handle an almost normal puff. A week or so after that I noticed my nightly wheezing had stopped, I could walk up hill without having to stop to rest as often, and so much more.
    It wouldn't hurt to get checked... besides that, the health improvements will be "officially on record" too.
    Lots of ex-smokers with COPD are now appointment free, with shocked Dr.'s fainted on floors.
    Stopping the smoking is paramount and if Vaping is the only way that it can be conquered, then don't give up!
  4. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in help me help a friend?   
    Vaping isn't the same as smoking cigarettes. Have your friend take a drag into his mouth first, wait a second and then inhale. That might help. Otherwise, if that doesn't do it, he might be sensitive to the PG in the liquid. A higher ratio and/or 100% VG might work better if the first thing doesn't work. Good luck! I hope he gets off the analogs.
  5. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just ordered five 306 atomizers (2.2 ohm) and four 306 extended Delrin Drip Tips from Brian at The Veteran Vaper. Thanks to Kitsune for the rec. I'm so excited to try these.
  6. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Looking for a new unit   
    Ah, that would explain it. I put mine in my purse too but never had that problem. Might try getting her an eGo battery or a Vision Spinner (variable voltage). Those have lasted me a long time, some of them over a year.
  7. Like
    Tam got a reaction from yeroc1982 in Looking for a new unit   
    Hey, long time no see!

    For the longest time I've been stuck on Vision Spinners. These are variable voltage devices much like the eGo Twist except you can see the numbers easily and clearly. Many really like the 1300 mAh version but I'm more partial to the 900 mAh. These have been extremely reliable and work great.
  8. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Christopher in Flashback to may 2009   
    In watching the vids on Youtube I ran across Chris playing piano. Not only can he make us smile with the how-to vids for e-cigs but he's also a very talented musician. Learn something new every day.
  9. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in Flashback to may 2009   
    In watching the vids on Youtube I ran across Chris playing piano. Not only can he make us smile with the how-to vids for e-cigs but he's also a very talented musician. Learn something new every day.
  10. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in direct dripping help please   
    Or, if you like glass bottles, Specialty Bottles has 1 dram bottles: http://www.specialtybottle.com/1dramclearglassvialwdropper.aspx

    or 2 dram bottles: http://www.specialtybottle.com/2dramclearglassvialwdropper.aspx

    with drippers at a very reasonable price and shipping.
  11. Like
    Tam reacted to kitsune in direct dripping help please   
    you will need an atomizer (510 or 306)....personally I prefer the 306's for trying flavors much easier to clean between flavors.
    The atomizer comes with a black cartridge cover...the black piece is removed and then you place a 306 drip tip. The easiest way to detach the black cover, is to place on your ego battery and pull the cover off.

    The 306 drip tips are not to be confused with the 510 drip tips

  12. Like
    Tam reacted to mcquinn in help me help a friend?   
    What Tameiki said and sometimes I think in their minds they have already discounted vaping as a viable alternative.
  13. Like
    Tam got a reaction from mcquinn in help me help a friend?   
    Vaping isn't the same as smoking cigarettes. Have your friend take a drag into his mouth first, wait a second and then inhale. That might help. Otherwise, if that doesn't do it, he might be sensitive to the PG in the liquid. A higher ratio and/or 100% VG might work better if the first thing doesn't work. Good luck! I hope he gets off the analogs.
  14. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Amazing   
    That's the problem with recommending juices and flavors to others. What one finds to be nirvana is another's swill because everyone's taste buds are different. What I've also found is that my own taste buds change with time. My favorite for the longest time can become unpalatable and something I thought was vile can become my all day vape.

    Glad you found something that makes you happy!
  15. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Rixter in The Really Incredible Boge Carto   
    Don't know why but cartos and I have never gotten along. Once in a great while it'll be...pretty good but my go-to vape is direct drip. I thought I found my end all of atomizers in the Boge 2.0 ohm that you rec'd for me but lately they've added some kind of liquid inside that is just awful. If I blow it out and stuff a tissue into it to absorb most of the stuff hours before using it for the first time it's not too bad. Then Kitsune rec'd the 306 atomizers and I really like them except for the lack of being able to use my 510 drip tips of choice. The bridgeless Smoktech 2.0 ohms are quickly becoming my favorite these days.

    All in all though, I'm like you in trying all kinds of different delivery systems looking for the *perfect* vape. But then that's half the fun!

    Happy searching, Rixter.
  16. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in The Veteran Vapor   
    I ordered enough extra coils to get over the $75 free shipping this last order, it was less than an hour between my order confirmation email and my shipping email with confirmation number. Got them today, ordered them Wednesday afternoon.

    Remember as a forum member to use coupon code VV10 for 10% off any order. When he gets Vision Spinners I will get everything from him but liquid, and am set for batteries for at least a year anyway. Definitely the best company I have dealt with in the vaping world hands down, wish I could get everything from him.
  17. Like
    Tam reacted to SiaTanner in The Veteran Vapor   
    I have to +1, he shipped my order the very first thing in the morning, and received it within two days. The biggest is he provides awesome customer service, and I love it when businesses drop a note saying thank you, it makes you feel great for buying from them. He now on will be my main supplier for tanks.
  18. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in The Veteran Vapor   
    Completely on point! Ordered T2 replacement coils Saturday that just arrived today then ordered more T2 tanks and shipped within 20 minutes of ordering them on a Sunday night. Doesn't carry my vision spinners but all other accessories and hardware will come from Brian at The Veteran Vaper!
  19. Like
    Tam got a reaction from kitsune in 4 Years vaping   
    Wow, Kitsune. FOUR YEARS! I am in awe and hope someday to be able to make that same post. Go you!

    Just in the short time I've been vaping there have been so many changes in the vaping world. Here's to four more happy years of vaping.
  20. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Yes, the EVOD coils work just fine in the Pro Tank. The one I used to replace the original that came with the Pro Tank is still going strong.

    The brick and mortar I go to is called Vapor Source. It's in Pueblo and now has two locations. The bigger store with more inventory is on 29th street.
  21. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Got mine just the other day and...man! Talk about some vapor coming out.

    The first coil burned out in less than 24 hours and I didn't even use it that much. I discovered that my local brick & mortar store carries these so I went to get replacement coils. They handed me a box of EVOD coils and said that they fit the Pro Tank. Thankfully, the coils are very inexpensive. I'm hoping this one lasts longer than the first did. I like the Pro Tank much better than the iClear30.
  22. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Oops. That was litecigs not vapelite. Sheesh. Too many vendors to keep straight anymore.
  23. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in New At Vaping and Have a ProVari......HELP   
    I'd suggest either a Vivi Nova or a Pro Tank. Right now I'm leaning more toward the Pro Tank but it's pretty heavy. It works very well, has an airy draw but you can fix that by plugging up some of the air holes so it draws more to your liking. The Veteran Vaper has them available.

  24. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in Help with picking out my first e cig!   
    I would buy some Ego CC long wick clearomizers (T2 another name) and some replacement coils. I just ordered more to have one for each flavor. All you need is a clearo and a battery and you're good. Veteran Vaper is a great supplier of these. I keep 1.8ohm for fruit flavors and 2.2 for tobacco flavors or coffee if that's what you find you like.

    They are simple to fill and the tank will last a long time, are easy to clean, cost is around $4.50 with a coil and replacements coils are $2. They last about 2 weeks if using the same one but a lot longer if you keep multiple tanks and switch around.

    In my case are 2 ego 1000mah batteries, 2 Vision Spinners 1300 mah, and 3 full T2s at all times. I keep a charger at home, one in my office at work, and one to travel with and have yet to have two dead batteries at the same time. The 1000mah are my backups and the spinners are my daily vapers. Everyone has different experiences but I an not a fan of cartomizers or atomizers. I think clearomizers are the most widely used, and for me the Kanger T2, also called the Ego CC Long Wick Clearomizer, is the head of the class. I think they offer everything a tank does without the expense.
  25. Like
    Tam reacted to Mark in Noob looking to vape dry herb/tobacco   
    Well then it wouldn't be vapor now would it?
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