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    Tam reacted to Aquatroy in Kanger Pro Tank   
    My only issue is that's it's heavy, real heavy on a c twist. Switching heads to a EVOD 2.2 really made a big difference in draw.

    Speaking of draw, they are having a drawing/raffle at
    The Mile High Vape Fest ! Saturday August 17, 6-11p at
    The Fowl Line Restaraunt, 774 Maleta Lane Castle Rock, CO 80108
    Hosted by Annie Bananny

    They invited some local and national vendors, they have done these in the past, but I haven't gone yet
  2. Like
    Tam reacted to mcquinn in HELP NEED TO FIND A CARTOMIZER SIZE FOR MY RIG   
    You would be just as well of getting an Ego battery then you know what to get.
  3. Like
    Tam reacted to Aquatroy in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Yep, Mile high vape meet, 17th at the fowl line in castle rock, you do Facebook?
  4. Like
    Tam reacted to Aquatroy in Kanger Pro Tank   
    So replaced protank with EVODD head... Wow...tightened up the draw BIG Time, fits tight. Thanks Tam... We need to meet! Castle rock vape meet in August ??
  5. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Aquatroy in Kanger Pro Tank   
    Castle Rock has a vape meet in August???
  6. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in Idiocracy-Full Force! The nutshell   
    Run out of meds?
  7. Like
    Tam reacted to mcquinn in Tired of CE4s Dieing On Me... Want to Switch to Vivi Nova   
    I suspect if you are killing off CE4's at an alarming rate you will just end up killing Nova elements as well. I would revisit the eliquid isle first.Are you using high voltage? That will do it as well ,especially with low resistance. Most all the devices out there will produce very good vapor and reasonable lifespans as they are basically made of the same components.
  8. Like
    Tam reacted to Mike in New guy   
    Hey there new guy. It is quite unanimous around here that vaping is much less harmful to a person's health and by not lighting up we all seem to benefit in many ways like getting rid of that smokers' cough, being able to taste food in a better way, not smelling like an ashtray, etc., the list the list goes on. What I like the best is not having to spend $100/week on cigs. E-cigs and accessories can be expensive too but I've saved thousands by not buying butts. That's what kept me going when I decided to quit(after vaping for a few months). I just told myself that I wouldn't spend more on e-cigs in a week or a month than I would on cigs... and I never did. Now I feel better than ever AND I gots mo money. Everybody is different and that's my story, Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  9. Like
    Tam reacted to Mark in New guy   
    Welcome to Vapor Talk!! Have a look around and ask any questions you may have. There are lots of helpful people here for ya.
  10. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Patricia in What type of battery would be better for me?   
    Big volts has little to do with how much vapor you get. That's more along the lines of how much VG is in your e-liquid. You want more vapor? Go with a higher VG level. More throat hit? Higher PG and/or nicotine. I'm not sure but it could also be that you're using too high a voltage, which could be hindering your set up from giving you the best your battery and clearomizer can produce.

    Also, too much VG in a juice could clog your clearomizer's wicks as more VG also means thicker juices that don't wick as well (usually).

    I get plenty of vapor (as in sometimes I feel like I'm sitting in a cloud of it) with 50 VG/50 PG, and enough throat hit with 12 mg of nicotine although you may want to go with 24 mg for a stronger throat hit. Give it a try at around 4 volts and see if that works for you.
  11. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Pope in eVic and MT3 tank   
    Anything that will work on a regular battery with a 510 connection will work on the Spinner. You're gonna love it!
  12. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Aquatroy in Kanger T2 Burned Taste   
    With vaping? Maybe. Other stuff? You'd probably be much happier not to always do what Tam does. Tam tends to do silly things that don't make any sense at all otherwise.
  13. Like
    Tam reacted to Aquatroy in Kanger T2 Burned Taste   
    I have learned to always do what Tam does...hee hee....
  14. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in help me help a friend?   
    Well there's good news..... After a few adjustments, mainly smaller hits and a little break in period he's doing fine. He thinks it was just the initial abrupt change from smoke to vape. After playing with it on his own it took him a couple of days to get it going. The other day he just showed up happily vaping away like it was nothing. I'm glad he just kept going. Now he's doing fine and is on the hunt for his favorite juice, lol. All is good...
  15. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in Amazing   
    Very true guys!! Our tastebuds are so individualized and so ever changing, that the word "subjective" honestly isn't strong or fitting enough. Newbies don't understand this, of course, and I was one of them once upon a time. I mean, come on, it's either good or it's not. WRONG. It's usually both lol. Good today, awful in 3 months, then visa-versa, and then visa-versa again & again!

    Perfumey taste? I never ever dealt with perfumey tastes my first year of vaping, but during my second year I tasted quite a few!
    Come to find out, those are the ones that need to steep for a few weeks to a few years... depends on how my tastebuds are reacting lol...

    I used to love recommending juices, and not I cower. I cower, because I can't handle it when someone knocks a juice I am/was/ madly in love with and recommended to them. I get defensive lol. Especially when they refuse to let it steep to try again later. Dont' they understand??? Don't they get it?? They're missing out on the best ever by being so quick to toss. I'm being downright, SILLY!!!!! I know!!! But, none-the-less, Silly Are I.

    and then, I go and do the same thing.... with a new to me brand or flavor that to me is OMGAWFUL....

  16. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Aquatroy in What type of battery would be better for me?   
    Big volts has little to do with how much vapor you get. That's more along the lines of how much VG is in your e-liquid. You want more vapor? Go with a higher VG level. More throat hit? Higher PG and/or nicotine. I'm not sure but it could also be that you're using too high a voltage, which could be hindering your set up from giving you the best your battery and clearomizer can produce.

    Also, too much VG in a juice could clog your clearomizer's wicks as more VG also means thicker juices that don't wick as well (usually).

    I get plenty of vapor (as in sometimes I feel like I'm sitting in a cloud of it) with 50 VG/50 PG, and enough throat hit with 12 mg of nicotine although you may want to go with 24 mg for a stronger throat hit. Give it a try at around 4 volts and see if that works for you.
  17. Like
    Tam got a reaction from yeroc1982 in Looking for a new unit   
    Hey, long time no see!

    For the longest time I've been stuck on Vision Spinners. These are variable voltage devices much like the eGo Twist except you can see the numbers easily and clearly. Many really like the 1300 mAh version but I'm more partial to the 900 mAh. These have been extremely reliable and work great.
  18. Like
    Tam got a reaction from yeroc1982 in Looking for a new unit   
    Spinners at Gotvapes ships to Canada.

    Oops. Forgot the link: http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=page&id=26&zenid=bde79acb4a14efbcd1dfe360bcb6550b
  19. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Rixter in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    1 - extra long purple drip tip from Diamond Vapor

    30 - 2.0 ohm Smoktech bridgeless atomizers from Mt. Baker Vaper. They also threw in a bottle of 'America' e-juice.

    I am now officially ready for the zombie apocalypse.

    ETA: Oh, and something else that just came in? A freakin' miller. It's fluttering all around my head and going back and forth to my monitor. *sighs*
  20. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    1 - extra long purple drip tip from Diamond Vapor

    30 - 2.0 ohm Smoktech bridgeless atomizers from Mt. Baker Vaper. They also threw in a bottle of 'America' e-juice.

    I am now officially ready for the zombie apocalypse.

    ETA: Oh, and something else that just came in? A freakin' miller. It's fluttering all around my head and going back and forth to my monitor. *sighs*
  21. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uma in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    This just in!

    20 Boge 2.0 ohm atomizers from Vapelite

    2 extra long drip tips from House of Vapor

    12 306 2.2 ohm atomizers from The Veteran Vaper (I only ordered 10 - Brain...I mean Brian threw in two extra)

    PLUS! A hand written "Thank you" on the invoice. Did you hear that Jeff?

    Now I think I'm set for a little while.
  22. Like
    Tam reacted to Jeffb in Kanger T2 Burned Taste   
    I do what Tam does
  23. Like
    Tam reacted to Uma in I have been vaping for about a year and cut down to 4 to 5 cigs per day but still struggling to go beyond that   
    First off, Congrats for switching (mostly) over to vaping!
    I agree with the great advice the others gave you and have only a few other things to share.
    You might not be getting enough nicotine, as suggested, and I would seriously picking up a stronger dosage. Many of us, in fact, use several different mods, with several different mg levels in them. For instance, when you have to go hours between vapes, a 36mg in one of your setups will help you get through those dreaded hours. I have to use 50/50 vg/pg mix or else the TH is too strong in mostly PG version. Everyone is different. If your 36pg is too strong, then pick up some 36mg VG and mix until you find your comfort spot. (90/10, 80/20, 70/30, etc). Devote this one to break times and so forth where you can't vape like you wish to.

    Meanwhile, In another setup, use your 11mg for the steady vaping sessions. You can improve the hit by improving your vaping gear. For instance, if you are vaping a good but gentle Joye 510 or 808, I would save that for night time use when you're relaxing and chilling and pick up a Vision Spinner for typical day usage. The gentle batterys give you approx 3.2--3.7v of power, but the Spinner can go from 3.7 -- 4.8v of power which really helps. The draws we take are also shorter with these. With the gentle batteries we have to take long slow draws (great during chilling time), because the juice takes longer to heat up. With the Vision Spinner type of battery we can take short draws because the battery is able to heat the juice quicker. It's the difference between low and high heat on your stove when you're trying to boil water.

    Those 4 or 5 cigs that won't leave you are the challenging ones. You'll have to challenge yourself to omit one of them at a time and super celebrate when you finally do it. The hardest one for me was the bedtime one. Even though I had gone all day without a smoke, I couldn't bear the thought of not having a cig for such an overnight length of time. Many a night I stayed wide awake vaping, on purpose, just so I wouldn't have to have that nitey cig. I roll my eyes at myself, but that was me. I accepted me and I challenged me eventually. And when I finally went to bed, without my nitey cig, I awoke in the morning with the flavor of Apples dancing on my tongue. Wow. The first one in the morning was suddenly replaced by more of that wonderful apple flavor that only my apple ejuice provided. I accidentally killed 2 birds with one challenge.

    You'll get there. It's a matter of finding the right, for you, setup and juice. You have the "want to", now it's just a matter of the "can do". In the meantime, count all the cigs you have NOT smoked... yeh... pretty darn sweet. But I know it can be sweeter, just don't give up yet. Best of luck to you!
  24. Like
    Tam reacted to bcartervol98 in I have been vaping for about a year and cut down to 4 to 5 cigs per day but still struggling to go beyond that   
    I personally was so ready to give up analogs that I have not had any issue whatsoever. I am at the point where I prefer my e-cig to analogs, but what it took for me was finding the right liquid and set up. I tried all the fruit flavors and some other sweet flavors and none were satisfying to me at all. Once I got my first order of Traditional Tobacco from Sweet-Vapes in 80/20 24mg nicotine I never looked back, the urge went away. I am fond of the taste of tobacco. I see so many on here that say they try and stay away from it, but for me it was imperative to have something similar and for me, this is it. As a disclaimer there are plenty that do not like this flavor, and in no way am I trying to get you to order from them, just sharing what worked for me. I never had any irritability or anxiety, in fact I have all but quit taking the anxiety meds I was on while smoking analogs.

    My wife also has quit, but it was not as easy for her. She kept a pack in her purse and smoked it over the course of a week when she first started vaping but then found her "satisfy me" flavor in VapeDudes Spearmint and Strawberry Fields.

    Personally I think it is mental, not physiological, since you are still getting the nicotine (probably more than from analogs) and any withdrawal is from habit.

    What type of equipment are you using? One of the things I hated at first was constantly having to worry about having batteries charged starting with 808 stick type from the mall. Then I got a eGoT 1000mah starter kit with 2 batteries which shortly led to two Vision Spinner 1300mah so now I never have to worry about one dying and being without one.

    You will get there, its a mindset. Its not easy, and each person is different.
  25. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Rixter in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    This just in!

    20 Boge 2.0 ohm atomizers from Vapelite

    2 extra long drip tips from House of Vapor

    12 306 2.2 ohm atomizers from The Veteran Vaper (I only ordered 10 - Brain...I mean Brian threw in two extra)

    PLUS! A hand written "Thank you" on the invoice. Did you hear that Jeff?

    Now I think I'm set for a little while.
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