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  1. Like
    Tam reacted to Walt in Lazy woodworker's super simple atty stand   
    One each leftover chunk of 1" oak.  Ripped to 4cm.  Passed four top sides through router table taking just a tad off to add a little detail.  Cut a 9mm slot down the center.  Viola!!!  Attys sit on top and they don't fall down!  Fifteen minute project. 

  2. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Uncivil11 in SMOK GX350 first day mod review   
    Good job on the review, Walt! 
  3. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in Bump when you get something in vape mail.   
    Got my order from the VT store! Everything was all wrapped in beautiful purple tissue paper... my puppy was dancing around the box he was so excited! He loves any kind of paper and tissue paper has the advantage of making a lovely crinkle sound, lol!
    The best thing was the note on my inventory sheet that said, "We love you Tam!" Made my day. 
  4. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in Baby Beast RTA   
    Mine's a little over 20 years old so it's not as accurate as I'd like. Need to look into replacing it but it still works for other things... 
  5. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in Baby Beast RTA   
    Instead of using your mod to read the coil resistance, get yourself a dedicated ohm meter. Even though mods have gotten better, I still don't trust them to give me the most accurate reading -- as you can tell with the fluctuations you're seeing. Better safe than being the next story about something blowing up in the news. 
  6. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Adversarious1 in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just bought... a bunch o'stuff from the VT store including a Smok Baby Beast and a 5-pack of coils, some more Triton coils, an Aerotank and coils along with a few others that will remain nameless until I get them shipped out to friends as gifts. Don't want to spoil the fun.   
  7. Like
    Tam got a reaction from VapeMama in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Waiting... are you done yet? 
    I was in an "OMG, I've got to buy it NOW or I'm going to put it back" mood last night so I picked up a 5-pack of the Q2 coils. We'll see how that goes. After listening to you praise this little tank, I finally decided to pull the trigger. See? Yes, I was listening to you... sort of.  
  8. Like
    Tam got a reaction from theclaw20 in TFV12 RBA-T Wicking Tutorial   
    Moved to Member Tutorials.
  9. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in What's everyone Vaping on currently? Or favorite Vape if you have multiple?   
    Brush tongue and inhale deeply over fresh coffee grounds.   
  10. Like
    Tam reacted to Walt in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Every liquid is so different as well.  I was vaping some mild citrus @3mg and 65W.  Changed to Some Tiger's Blood @ 6mg and could not deal with it.  A lot better @ 55w.  Get more vapor too because I can get a good draw.  
  11. Like
    Tam got a reaction from VapeMama in Bump Everytime You Buy Something New   
    Just bought... a bunch o'stuff from the VT store including a Smok Baby Beast and a 5-pack of coils, some more Triton coils, an Aerotank and coils along with a few others that will remain nameless until I get them shipped out to friends as gifts. Don't want to spoil the fun.   
  12. Like
    Tam reacted to Adversarious1 in Baby Beast Help Please   
    I keep shop rags around.  In my car, in my work laptop case, in my desk at work...places like that.  My leakage issues are typically limited to the things I mentioned above; warm days or drastic altitude changes.  When a tank starts to leak, I wrap a shop rag around the air holes or slots and blow into the tank to blow out the liquid that has leaked.  After that, I fire the mod to heat the coil and simultaneously blow.  That will burn off any liquid that didn't get blown out.  Then I return to my regularly scheduled vaping session.
    Preventing leaks in the first place is key, as you know.  Keeping your tanks in good working order (regularly inspect O-rings and gaskets, check glass integrity, proper installation of coils, etc.), don't over-fill, keep tanks upright (even the best tanks will leak when they are on their side), and keep in mind that thinner liquids are going to be more prone to leaking will help prevent leaks from happening in the first place.
    Also, one other cause of leaks is NOT vaping a tank completely.  If a tanks with liquid sits for a couple of days without being used, the vacuum that is created through the act of vaping will slowly release and liquid WILL leak out. 
  13. Like
    Tam reacted to Walt in Looking to Make Friends   
    Welcome!  You are in luck.  This one of the friendliest forums I've stumbled into.  Lots of folks here with a lot of great experience.  Quick note, I'm not one of those folks.  I just started one month earlier than you.  But like every enthusiastic newbee, I still like to share what I think I know, lol.  
    Regardless, great choice and again welcome!
  14. Like
    Tam reacted to Adversarious1 in Baby Beast Help Please   
    Leakage is actually an issue that can arise with any tank, not just the "Beast" line.  Atmospheric conditions, drastic altitude changes, VG/PG ratio, coil priming method...all of these can lead to leaking.  I have Baby Beasts and Cloud Beasts in my daily rotation and, with the exception of the occasional extra warm day or trip to the mountains, I don't have any leaking issues with any of my tanks.  They both have their advantages and disadvantages over each other.  The Cloud Beast has a larger capacity, but the Baby Beast is slightly more convenient due to its more compact size.  They are both workhorses and I really wouldn't rate one better than the other. 
  15. Like
    Tam reacted to Walt in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    OMG!  I am literally laughing out loud all by myself.  The cats seem to think Dad has gone south.  I'm more than happy to return the favor!  BTW, to qualify that, all the money you helped me spend has been well spent.  
  16. Like
    Tam reacted to Adversarious1 in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Give me a minute to pick my jaw up from the floor.  It immediately dropped upon learning @Tamis pulling the trigger on a Baby Beast.
    The only coils I've used are the T8 (.15 ohm) and the Q2 (.4 ohm version that comes pre-installed).
    Both coils provide a nice balance between flavor and vapor.  The T8 coil has a slightly tighter draw than the Q2 and as a result, it is easier to mimic the MTL style you prefer.  And yes, even though it is a sub ohm tank and is meant for DTL hits, it is possible to MTL with this tank.
  17. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Thanks for the rec, Walt. I can always count on the great folks here at VT to help me spend my money.   
  18. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Adversarious1 in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    There's a Baby Beast in my VT store cart and I'm wanting to get extra coils for it to put into my order. If I'm looking for a good combination of flavor and vapor, which coil would you suggest? I'm looking at you, @Adversarious1 although any and all recs are welcome!
  19. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Christopher in Store Closed April 10th - April 15th   
    Happy birthday, Boss! Hope you have a memorable day.     
  20. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Bebop in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Tam is looking for something "new".    
  21. Like
    Tam reacted to Walt in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    It's so hard to make recommendation.  For one, I'm a vaping mess right now struggling with changes in my palate.  Second, folks vaping preferences are so widely varied.  I have a friend that vapes everything  over 120 watts and he gets clouds for sure.  I've tried his rigs and he gets some massive blasts of flavor as well but the heat is horrendous for me.  I don't care for the trailing dry vaper taste either.  I have a .24Ω build right now in my baby beast obviously using the rba head.  I hit it at about 45 watts and I am quite happy with both the volume of fog and the flavor production. 
  22. Like
    Tam got a reaction from Walt in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Tam is looking for something "new".    
  23. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in Smok TFV8 Baby Beast coil recommendations, please!   
    Tam going baby b.  Nice. Nice 
  24. Like
    Tam reacted to Adversarious1 in Hitting a bit of a snag   
    I'm the exact opposite from @Bebop.  I tend to stick to fruit based flavors as my ADV's and occasionally mix it up with the coffee flavors and "dessert" flavors.  To this day, more than 2 years after I started vaping, one of my favorite ADV's is the very first one I ever tried and is from a local shop - Lemon & menthol. 
    I do get "vaper's tongue" though, no matter how hydrated I stay.  When that happens, I will typically switch from berry to citrus or vice versa for a few days or I'll vape something pastry or dessert flavored for a couple of days and that will usually take care of it. 
    Other than that, I have never been able to find a single juice that is my "be all, end all".  Not even that very first juice I tried.  In this case, the only thing I can think of is that, while your taste buds are working again, it's possible you may be confusing the heck out of them with all of the different flavors you're throwing at them. 
  25. Like
    Tam reacted to Bebop in Hitting a bit of a snag   
    I don't know if I can help you.  I've never been able to all day vape fruit flavors.  I totally enjoy them as a short switch, but they quickly cloy on me.  
    I've tried using a little sweetner in my mixes.  No success there.  And I despise overly sweet store bought juices.  Even things like root beer and licorice I love but only for a few short stretches to break up the day once in a while. 
    I've had some success mixing a tiny bit of fruit with other more savory flavors.  But it has to be only a hint.  This was most true when I was still vaping tobacco flavors. 
    Ive grown to appreciate more subtle savory flavors for my ADV. Coffees, caramels, vanillas, nutty flavors.  For me they stay more constant throughout the days.  
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