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Everything posted by Tam

  1. For anyone who's interested, Gotvapes.com has the Davide and mini Davide Glassomizers on sale ($16.95 and $13.95 respectively). The link is here: http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=index&cPath=151_314 I'm thinking of picking up a mini. iMedicx90 liked them if I remember correctly. Anyone else tried these yet?
  2. Ooooh, we so need to get you into a Vision Spinner, Lordvapor. I believe we have one in your size that will fit perfectly!
  3. Oh yes, we do! Some of us are diehard drippers. We even go with rebuildable atomizers.
  4. 1.7 ohm atty. I don't think I've seen those around but you can find 1.8 ohm atomizers everywhere. My personal preference is the Vision Spinner for a variable voltage battery. I have both 900 mAh and 1300 mAh. The 900 mAh batteries are the same circumference as the eGo batteries while the 1300s are fatter but no longer than the 900 mAh. I'm thinking of getting the 400 mAh for traveling with as they're smaller and easier to carry, IMO. On my Spinners, some of them have a 2.0 ohm Smoketek bridgeless atty, some have 2.0 ohm Boge atty, Vision Eternity RDA, and/or Vision Victory (VT) clearomizers. All the atomizers are covered with drip shields and long drip tips from Empire Mods. The jury is out on the Vision Eternity RDA -- I'm still learning how to use it correctly. The two atomizers in 2.0 ohm, both bridged and bridgeless, are solid performers for me. With the variable voltage Spinners I can adjust the volts I'm using to get the best out of any flavor. Look in the Vapor Talk Marketplace first, it'll probably be the easiest place to do one stop shopping. Just keep in mind that if you order from different vendors there, you'll incur separate shipping costs. I get my Boge 2.0 ohm atomizers from Gotvapes.com and the Smoketek bridgeless in 2.0 ohm from Mt. Baker Vaper (who are out of stock of these at the moment).
  5. In my experience the flavor can go from vile to OMG, that's my favorite flavor! with steeping. Of course, some juices, no matter how long I let it steep -- remains vile. To me. Since juice and flavors are so subjective, it's hard to say that this is the case for every juice. Some, you'll love right out of the mailbox without any steeping. Others might take anywhere from a few days to a few months. You just have to try it every few days to a week to see how it has changed. Sorry I couldn't be more specific but it really isn't an absolute. Like I said, this is what's been my experience. YMMV.
  6. Hey, Aquatroy. Sorry for the slow response. I only just now saw this. Anyway, here's what Tam does: It's on the wall of my office next to my main computer. The blinds in the office are always closed so it stays nice and dark in here. This picture was taken in January of 2013. Since then I've gotten rid of nearly all the Sweet-Vapes juices and it's now stocked with mostly EC Blends' and Vape Dudes' flavors with a couple of Mt. Baker Vaper's that I'm trying to like... Here's the link to the original post:
  7. I'm still trying to work it out to go but it'll depend on if I can get someone to stay with the Mama-san. Her health has been very touch and go lately. *sighs* It sounds like a lot of fun, though!
  8. And how much money are you really saving if you're wasting a lot of time and getting frustrated? I'd rather spend a couple extra dollars (because that's what it amounts to in the end), and give the money to US vendors that I trust than to save a few pennies and give it out over seas. I realize most of our parts come from China but still... Yes, I am not a US citizen but I do live here so I like to support the US economy. One year I vacationed in San Francisco during Hollowe'en but didn't dress up. When asked what I was "going as", I said that I was going as the California stimulus since I was spending so much money there.
  9. Others will chime in to give your their recs, I'm sure, but in my opinion? Ecigs are electronic, for the most part (other than the mechanical mods), so they're going to be a little on the 'can't take a beating' side. If you want a more compact version I'd suggest going with a 400 mAh Spinner with a cartomizer instead of a tank. If you want to go with a clearomizer/tank style, get the ones with metal on the outside like an MT3 or the 2.5 ml Vivi Nova. The second link takes you to the two. The first one is quite durable but you can't see how much juice is inside. http://www.gotvapes.com/index.php?main_page=advanced_search_result&x=0&y=0&keyword=Vision+Spinner&dfrom=mm%2Fdd%2Fyyyy&dto=mm%2Fdd%2Fyyyy http://www.aquavaporcig.com/search.asp?keyword=vivi+nova&search.x=0&search.y=0 If you get the 400 mAh, know that it's smaller so it doesn't hold a long charge and you'll have to charge it more often. I'd suggest getting two or more so you always have a back up. Around here we all highly recommend having back ups of your back ups. You can never have too many.
  10. My local vendor is who got me started vaping so I try to buy as much as I can from him. He also just started carrying Vision Spinners after I showed him mine so, even if I didn't really need any more of them I bought a couple just 'cuz. I also carry a stack of his cards everywhere I go and give them out to everyone who asks about vaping. Business has been good. His store was wall to wall every time I went so he opened another one (nearly four times as large) with even more stock. That one is now busy all the time with people waiting outside for him to open. His equipment is quality, customer service is great (except one clerk who's over zealous about policies). The only problem I have is with his juice. He makes them and keeps them on the shelves at 24 mg, 70 VG/30 PG. Waaaay too thick for me. There is one flavor of his that I do like, however, and buy it at 240 ml at a time before I doctor it up to my preferences. Supporting locally is good for everyone.
  11. If you were inhaling cigars I would suggest you go with 24 mg of nic to start so you don't have the cravings as bad. Cigars are even stronger than that, but the 24 should do just as well. Also get some in 11/12 mg so you can change off and wean down -- eventually. For now, if you want to get rid of the cigars, go with the higher nic and step down from there. Just my two cents. ETA: The mountain dew from The Vapor Room is delicious! Just the like drink for me, it even feels like it's got a little carbonation. If you read the home page and FAQs, they give a first time order a free bottle of juice and a free sample with every order.
  12. It's just your body detoxing from all the stuff it got from the cigar smoke. You'll be spitting things out for a few days but it should level out and stop altogether soon-ish. Personally, I'm amazed at what it takes to be a firefighter. Thank you for everything you do. We got trained to put out small fires and I now have a firefighter's axe in my office to break through the wall should something happen. We're due to be trained on its use soon. The 60 - 80 lbs of gear in just the jacket and pants you wear is amazing. Then, the rest of it, it's a wonder to me that you can even move! When we went through our training they put us in the wildfire jacket and we were outside in 100 degree heat. Just that "lightweight" jacket was stifling. Then, they let us try on the real gear and...if someone had lightly pushed my shoulder, I would've just fallen on my back like a turtle. I'm glad you've given up smoking cigars and started vaping. There are a lot of people out there who don't even know you yet who are going to be very happy about it.
  13. Juice flavors and vendors is highly subjective. Mt. Baker Vaper has great customer service and I really want to like their juice but it just doesn't taste good to me. There are many on this forum who love them, though. I've tried so many of their flavors, right out of the box and some steeped up to several months and...no. But that's not to say that you won't love them and think their juices are the best. It's all a matter of trying different vendors. Thankfully, many of them have sample packs you can buy at reasonable prices.
  14. For everyone it's a different amount -- just like when we smoked analogs -- it also depends on how high a nic ratio you're using. When I smoked I went through about a pack of Marlboro Lights a day. Some days more some days less. Now, I vape around 12 mg but go down to 6 or even 0 when I'm chain vaping. The 12 mg I can go through 4 - 6 ml on a bad day. The 0 - 6 can be around 3 - 6 when chain vaping. If it's a less stress kinda day I drop down to around 2 - 4 ml. Everyone is different and some don't vape much at all. Some chain vape all day and can go through 10 ml easy. It all depends on what works for you.
  15. If there is a lot of liquid getting on your battery, you get an Empire Mods' drip shield specifically made for the eGo battery so it covers the threads while being forgiving of over dripping. If you suck juice into your mouth you get a long drip tip (also from Empire Mods) and that problem becomes a thing of the past. The long drip tips also look way cool.
  16. Good luck with that. You're gonna wind up with one anyway. Mark my words...
  17. Give it up, Medic. He's going to wear you down and will win in the end. Might as well just go order it and save yourself the heartache.
  18. Good to know, thanks. That's what I was looking at.
  19. You've already sold me on these, Rixter. You don't need to do this.
  20. Ha! Are you sure, Rix? On top of being happy to find the most excellent atomizer (if this turns out to be all that everyone says it is), I'm going to be a bit miffed at you if I wind up loving it and having to buy more. Thankfully, they're supposed to last ten times longer than the ones I use now so...
  21. I love the Smoketech 2.0 ohm bridgeless atomizer. It's the only thing that could've turned me away from the Boge 2.0 ohm bridged ones that I'd been using for so long. Unfortunately, Vapelite only stocks so much and the wait times in between was too long so I wandered elsewhere. A brand new custom-made HH.357 hybrid is on its way -- eventually. I'm hoping it'll be all that I've read it is. With my propensity to over drip this one and I should get along very well.
  22. Be very careful of Rixter. His recs are excellent but he'll have you spending entirely too much money.
  23. On Rixter's HIGH recommendation I just pulled the trigger on a Custom HH.357 Cisco Spec Hybrid 510 atomizer. Matte black, 2.0 ohm, standard size. Now, I have to wait the 10 - 14 days and then it'll be shipped priority. After the first ten days of waiting I shall be eagerly stalking the mail delivery person.
  24. Yep. On your recommendation a long time ago I got a couple of the 510 to 510 adapters. If I remember right I have both the sealed and unsealed ones. I would think that the standard size is the same as the others I've been buying. If it were any shorter they'd label them as "short". Okay, I'm off to make an order. Thanks, Rixter, for helping me spend more money!
  25. That makes sense but I use the regular atomizer sizes and it sits flush with my drip shields, which is what I prefer so I guess the standard would be that. Right?
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