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Everything posted by Tam

  1. RDA because I prefer direct dripping. I'm still new to these but I'm looking around. I don't care for how big around the tanks are on RBAs -- for now. I use Vision Spinners and the huge tanks make my set up top heavy. Once I get into a mod, that might change...
  2. Some forum members use either rubber O-rings or hair ties to put around the glass part. It protects the tank when/if you should drop it. Maybe that's an option for you? So far I haven't seen any replacement glass for the Davide mini. Yet. They should be coming out soon-ish, or so I would hope.
  3. Just ordered a 30 ml bottle of Flavor Flush from Texas Select Vapor. It's supposed to flush out old flavors and to help atomizers work the way they did before getting gunked up by dark and sweet juices.
  4. Just bought a bottle. Thanks, Rix. Will try it and see what happens. Hopefully, it'll work and I won't have to send these in. I got a "it shipped" notice yesterday on the two more I ordered awhile back. Whichever one gets here first I don't care but I want these back to working the way they did when I first got them.
  5. At $5 - 10 for five atomizers to be cleaned/rebuilt, I figure I'm still ahead of the game to do this. Since mine are gummed up from vaping dark, sweet juices I thought I'd use some of the other atomizers I had from before and... I'm ruined! I'm RUINED, I tell you. These things have made it so I can't use anything else. The other atomizers just fail in comparison. And it's all your fault. *sighs*
  6. Nope. Something in your post here just hit a funny bone for no apparent reason.
  7. どう致しまして. Hope it works for you.
  8. It may take a while to get the taste out. That said, those iClear 30s have long wicks in them so they may retain the other flavor for quite some time if not forever. How well did you wash the wicks? I would try soaking them in either Everclear or vodka for several hours and then dry overnight. That might help get the other flavor out. Just a thought...
  9. What in the world are you doing to your poor clearomizers that they break?
  10. Place bottle of juice into a ziplock baggie (this is so the label doesn't get wet, if you don't care about that, skip the baggie), get as much air out and seal. Place into a bowl of hot water (not boiling). Let sit until water cools. Lather, rinse, repeat as necessary until your juice is where you want it to be. Check the juice periodically to see if it's the flavor you want/expect -- this is where direct dripping comes in handy.
  11. Is this what you use for your HH.357, Rixter? Since I use dark, sweet juice mine are getting to where even a soak in premium vodka isn't doing it. Two more are on their way from Hana so when they get here I'm shipping these back to him to rebuild.
  12. I do have a Twist but I don't use it for dripping just for this very reason.
  13. I ship mine back to the original manufacturer who then rebuilds it and sends it back for a very reasonable fee.
  14. I'm also sitting this one out but only because I've been a fan of this juice for quite some time now. I am looking forward to hearing what others think of it, though.
  15. Of course it has. I've been vaping over a year and a half now. Still, it's good money spent. I don't over spend what I don't have or can't afford.
  16. I'm just tickled that it worked! And go you! on your first coil.
  17. Either that or you were chain vaping like a fiend.
  18. Just as the subject line says, I just finished wrapping my very first coil. Did a 5/4 wrap with NiChrome wire (no clue about the gauge other than to say it's very fine). Put it onto my Vision Eternity RDA after priming the wick with a little juice, added around 30 drops, waited a bit and...nothing. Put it aside thinking the wick needed more time to soak up the juice. Pick it up a little while later and I get this tiny little wisp of vapor and a little gurgling. How disappointing. I must've done something wrong. *sighs* My eye just happened to catch the bottom of the Spinner and...wait for it...it's at 3.3 volts. Turn the volts up to 4.3 and guess what? I'm now surrounded in lovely clouds of vapor and the flavor! OMG. Next time I think I'll try using a needle when I wrap the coil. This time I just pinched the wick and went for it. So much for being exact, huh? Still, I'm thrilled with my first attempt.
  19. Picked up another Vision Spinner 1300 mAh in white this time from my local B&M. Also got another charger with AC adapter. While I was there the owner threw in a three foot NiChrome length of wire so I can wrap my own coil for the Vision Eternity RDA.
  20. Yeah, but it's so much easier to part with $25 than it is over $100! Lol.
  21. Aren't they great? I just picked up another 1300 mAh tonight from my local B&M.
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