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Everything posted by Tam

  1. You don't need an RDA to direct drip. You can buy a simple atomizer, a drip tip, a drip shield (optional but recommended for convenience), and you're good to go. No need to learn how to build your own coils. I frequently recommend the atomizers shown in this link to people new to direct dripping. http://vapelite.info/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=22_47&products_id=62 The RDAs are much more advanced. With these you'll need to buy the wire, wick, an ohm meter, a small torch, etc. With the atomizer I recommended you just need that, some juice and you're good to go. You can replace the drip tip (mouth piece) to something else if you don't want what comes with the atomizer itself. iheartvape, you're trying to teach her how to fly an airplane before she's learned to ride a bicycle.
  2. You can work it out in trade. He sends you e-cig stuff, you send him beer.
  3. Switched between: K100 with a KPT3 using single 1.8 ohm coil, blueberry/peppermint mix Vision Spinner 1300 mAh with a Custom HH.357 atomizer at 2.0 ohm, Feels Like a Nut from EC Blends VTR with a full size Anyvape Davide with a 1.8 ohm coil, Orange Ripple from EC Blends I'm a happy camper.
  4. I got carded once -- just to buy a lotto ticket (minimum age 18). The thing that made my day was that I was 32 at the time. lol
  5. Picked up an e-cigarette May 10, 2012. Smoked and vaped until day 5 when I went totally with vaping. Best change I've ever made.
  6. If a kid wants something bad enough they'll find a way to get it. Passing this asinine bill will not make it "impossible" for kids to get their hands on whatever. Idjit.
  7. You can use the Boge cartomizers to direct drip but you have to take out the filler material first. Then, with the filler material out, it becomes an atomizer. I just have trouble getting the filler material out without screwing up the inside of the thing so the whole thing becomes unusable. It's just easier to buy an atomizer that's made for dripping.
  8. You mentioned cartomizers, not carto/tanks. You did know that you can use a cartomizer by itself without punching any holes in it? You can buy them specifically for this purpose. The ones you use in the tank are slightly different with a lip on the connection end to keep it flush to the bottom of the tank. It's used like an atomizer except it has filler inside so you can put lots of juice in to soak the filler material and vape. You don't need a tank with these but they're a pain because it's too easy to get a burnt hit due to the filler not letting the juice down to the coil fast enough if you chain vape. At least that's my experience, and I don't care for these (although many love them), I get a weird taste that I think is coming from the filler material and it's inconvenient for me.
  9. No, what they're talking about is what kind of primer do you want them to use in your 357? Have you noticed the primer that comes in your Boge? On those you don't get a choice, on the 357 you do. They can prime the wick and coil with all PG, all VG, or a mixture of both. It has nothing to do with what blend of PG/VG you use in your juice. I prefer to have them use all PG because it's easier to get out than either of the other choices.
  10. Yeah, been there. Done that. My permanent address is the dark side. Lol.
  11. The barrel is the outside casing, the black part on your Boge. With the HH.357 you can order a longer barrel. Check out the link below for more info. http://www.avidvaper.com/hh-357-cisco-spec-hybrid-atomizers/
  12. Okay, I caved and just ordered two 15 ml bottles of juice from Nicoticket: Creme Brulee and Custard's Last Stand in 12 mg nic. I'm glad it comes in my preferred 50/50 blend.
  13. Too bad you didn't have a pipe mod with you, lol. Glad you didn't get a ticket or put in jail.
  14. If you want more throat hit you don't want more VG. More VG = smoother vape, more vapor, thicker juice (this will clog coils faster) More PG = thinner juice, more throat hit, better flavor delivery Also, more nicotine = harsher throat hit I tend to stick with a 50/50 blend even though I've tried all the different variations, this is the one I come back to every time. We all switch flavors throughout the day. As you've noticed, if you vape one flavor too long you lose the ability to taste it. Change to something drastically different so you can taste again. Most of us change over several flavors in a day and keep a rotation going. Vaping dehydrates you so you'll want to increase your water intake. Not soda, coffee, tea....just plain H2O is the best. Staying properly hydrated will also help your ability to taste your juices better. One of my favorite juice vendors is EC Blends. They allow you to customize your juices in many ways. I'd suggest not customizing the original flavor at first -- other than the nic, PG/VG levels. Try it to see what it needs first. EC Blends sells juice in 5 ml bottles at around $2.50 each so you can try all kinds of different flavors. The price will go up as you customize, though. They only make the juice after you order it so it'll be fresh. Many of their juices need to steep a bit before it gets really good. Steeping means you take the cap off the bottle, put it in a dark place away from pets and kids, shake at least once a day and let it sit for anywhere from a few days to several weeks. Welcome to the forum.
  15. You only need to tighten it until it's snug.
  16. When I absolutely must drip and drive I've found myself getting disappointed when I hit the lights green, lol.
  17. That's weird. I have nine Vision Spinners and have had no issues with the threads at all on any of them. Where did you get yours from?
  18. I hated my KPT3 until I got rid of the dual coil and put in a single coil instead. That essentially made it into a KPT2 for all intents and purposes. Now I like it just fine...
  19. What do you mean when you say, "drip mod"?
  20. I, too, prefer the short barrel, but don't like juice spitting into my mouth. That's why I get the extra long drip tips. They work great and no juice comes up.
  21. Avid Vaper owes Rixter a referral fee. He's the one who got me hooked on these, and then I got others hooked and... Now, let me get you hooked on something else, it's the Aurora tank. It's perfect for the 357 so you can "drip and drive" without having to drip per se. You just screw it on your battery, screw the 357 on that. When your atomizer needs more juice, you turn it upside down, give the bottle a little squeeze and you're good to vape while driving.
  22. Why would you recommend a KPT2 before heading into cartomizer territory?
  23. FastTech is shipping from China so just be aware that the Chinese New Year is quickly approaching. Business comes to a full stop for this holiday so shipping will be delayed even more than what it usually is for this company. If I remember correctly they celebrate for at least a week if not a little longer.
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