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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Tam


    Thanks, Bebop. I forgot to add the three wraps is on the TOP part with on the bottom. In my defense and as a good excuse, English is my second language. LOL.
  2. Tam


    When you wrap coils you may have three wraps of wire and two on the bottom part (3/2).
  3. Do you remember the brand? ...it just hit me. LMAO. I'm asking for a rec for a cig-alike. Not something we see on this forum often. Lol.
  4. Truth be told I am rather curious about some of the better ones out there now. They're tempting -- just so I can experience them first hand. Lol.
  5. No offense meant with the reference to the cig-alikes. I was referring to the $20 non-brand name packs that are so prevalent in convenience stores these days. A close friend used those to get off the analogs. The wispy vapor and barely there flavor that I got wouldn't have gotten me off the cigarettes when I tried it. I'm just extremely grateful to have stumbled onto something that worked well for me on the first try.
  6. I guess I was pretty lucky when I started out. A co-worker was vaping and I asked about it. She gave me a quick mini-lesson and the address of the B&M she got it from. After work I went down there and bought an eGo C pass through and a CE4 with two bottles of 24 mg juice. It wasn't long before an eGo T (it just came out) was added to it, another pass through. By then the Kanger T2s had just come out and I finally found an all day vape flavor that's still one of my favorites today: mojito. Thankfully, mostly due to luck, I never had to go through the agonies of the cheap-ish cig-alikes that so many others started with.
  7. Are you sure it's patience? I think he just nodded off...
  8. Wait for it... The first hint is...I'll PM you with it.
  9. EC Blends has been a favorite of mine for quite some time. Always has great customer service and lots a yummy juice. My all-time favorite, Feels Like a Nut (FLaN), I buy in 125 ml bottles. Mt. Baker Vapor has great customer service and wonderful hardware. For some reason I've never been fond of their e-liquid but that's just me. There are a lot of people who love it.
  10. If that stuff works and it comes in different colors I might need to look into the purple. That way everything would match the purple leopard spotted seat covers in my Impala.
  11. *hands over black magic markers*
  12. Hey, so are you saying she uses a non-variable voltage battery right now? If so, with a 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coil a Davide should work just fine on that. Just sayin'
  13. She's got it backwards I think. She won't get the smooth throat hit without changing to a different delivery system. Did you try getting her a pretty colored Davide mini? And stubborness just comes with the "woman" genes.
  14. So here I sit with a nice, tall glass of very cold orange juice. Mmmmmm. Then, I take a long pull on my e-cig that's rocking some delicious Snickerdoodle juice from Fadora Vapor. *hacks and chokes* Bleh. So not a good combination! What's your worst vape/drink combo?
  15. The sun was shining, it was very bright outside...and the snow was falling heavily -- sideways. Everything was all white and pretty. *looks outside* *sighs* And it's already all melted now. Around my part of the woods people always say, "If you don't like the weather...wait 15 minutes."
  16. That's kinda rough with a CE4 imo. What ratio is she using? Even at 24 mg of nic with a 50/50 ratio, it's still pretty smooth to me but it also depends on the flavor. Bakery flavors tend to be more mellow in my experience. Some of the fruit flavors (those with higher citrus content) can get a bit harsher at that level. I've also found that adding a drop or two of extra sweetener tends to ease up on the harshness factor. YMMV. ETA: And why is she still using CE4s anyway, Josh? Get her into an Anyvape Davide mini with a 1.8 ohm coil and some pretty drip tips. Just thought of something else. A bottom coil also might help to take some of the harshness. The CE4s are top coil IIRC, thus a more harsh vape with more nic.
  17. Yes, some are stronger than others. Coffee flavors usually give off the strongest from what I've experienced. Fruit flavors are usually pretty light. We're not supposed to vape in the building where I work so I stealth vape in my office. My boss walked in one day just a second after I exhaled an orange-cranberry juice. He sniffed and asked what smelled so good. I just shrugged and said, "Maybe it's the new air freshener I just put up?"
  18. Try this to see if it'll behave... Sorry to hear you might've gotten a dud, but if this is the first one you're doing good.
  19. What you described tells me that you have a higher ohm (probably 2.5 ohm or higher) in your CE5, which is why it won't work on your 650 fixed battery. Try turning your 900 up, vape, up, vape, repeat until you get a slight burnt taste. Back it down just a bit. That should be the sweet spot on your CE5 with the coil that's in it now. Glad you got it working for you.
  20. I'm unfamiliar with a triple 3 ego. Is there a link you could put up? CE5 are not exactly wickless, the wicks are in the coils on the bottom of the tank, they're just very short. Just an FYI. Now, the CE5 have changeable coils so you should be able to take the bottom off and screw off the coil to change it to another. Do not over tighten! Stop when it gets snug. The 650 and 900 mAh batteries, are they variable voltage or are they fixed voltage? Is there a way to twist the bottom of the battery to turn up the heat (voltage) on them? If not, what might be happening is that the ohms in your coil may be too high and it's not getting enough voltage (power) to heat the coil to the point where it produces vapor. Since you don't know what ohm your coils are I'm just guessing here. Try this: while holding down the power button on your battery, take several long draws in a row. Is the last one getting a little vapor? If not, the bottom of your coil might be pushed down too far. Try the method in the video below but be very gentle and careful not to pull the center post out. Just go a little bit at a time and then try the CE5 again.
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