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Everything posted by Tam

  1. As wet as the snow was yesterday it was slicker than snot to drive on this morning. Lol.
  2. We set a record with 5" in less than one day. I know it's not much compared to other parts of the country but for Southern Colorado it was more than we're used to. Of course, it's all melted and gone today...
  3. It really did taste like pot roast, but there was something to the flavor that made it stick to your tongue and not let go that didn't appeal.
  4. My pot roast is delicious! Just made it for dinner last night. I was talking about a novelty juice from EC Blends that I tried once that was nasty. LOL.
  5. Beef pot roast with a dash of Worchestershire sauce. Couldn't get the taste out of my mouth for hours. Bleh.
  6. And all different patterns and colors! https://www.google.com/search?q=designer+duct+tape&num=100&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&channel=sb&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=-mFLU8K6CO-CyAHLiYHQCw&ved=0CAkQ_AUoAg
  7. Well, duct tape will fix whatever baling wire can.
  8. They still make and sell plenty of baling wire in Colorado... Just sayin'.
  9. Hey, I'm older than dirt and totally remember when they were just a penny.
  10. I've done this without taking the coil out and with a full tank o' juice with no problem. The trick is to blow gently.
  11. Have you tried this? Take your tank off the battery. Hold a tissue very loosely (so air can easily pass through) near the end of the tank where it normally connects to the battery. Then, very gently but firmly blow through the mouth piece. The excess liquid should go onto the tissue. Do this several times until no more liquid comes out. Also, thoroughly clean out the well in the connection part of the battery before putting tank back on. That should solve the issue -- I hope.
  12. Woke up this morning and the sun was shining. Temps were in the low 80s just a day or two ago. By 10 this morning we had huge, wet snow flakes coming down in near white out conditions and it's still coming down now. Trade you your rain for our snow.
  13. Don't buy it from ebay, stick with the trusted vendors! Best to buy something this important to someone you can trust and know you'll get a quality product.
  14. You never want to us a mod to measure your coil's ohms on a build, they're not always accurate. Always use a separate ohm meter. Time to go shopping!
  15. In your order did you also buy an ohm meter?
  16. I remember when they first came out with a big splash and much fanfare. Then, nothing more was heard about them. Always wondered if they worked or not. Now, I know.
  17. Aren't those the tanks where you could put two different flavors in, one on top and a different one on the bottom part of the tank? Or am I thinking of something else?
  18. Yes, a bigger hammer will fix that right up!
  19. After all the Vision fails I've had I completely forgot about the Vivi Novas, Brian! Now that I think about it, that was the only Vision tank that didn't cause a headache and actually worked for me. Thanks for the reminder!
  20. We see new vapers ask, "What's the BEST ____?" all the time. We also explain why there really isn't a 'best' anything other than what works 'best' for YOU. Let's flip that over and ask, "What's the WORST _____?" and I'll qualify that by adding, "...tank you've ever tried and why is it on your list?" I've got quite a list of tanks that didn't work for me. Here's a few. Vision tanks in general but the Victory tank in particular. Every single Vision tank I've ever tried, and there have been so many, have all leaked. They perform well for all intents and purposes but they ALL leak! Some worse than others. The Victory started off well enough, then, when I was vaping I felt something wet. There was juice running out of the bottom of the tank. UGH. The iClear 30b worked for about three minutes before it started behaving so badly that I had to trash the thing. What are the worst tanks you've experienced and why?
  21. To date there hasn't been enough long term studies done on vaping to say it's totally harmless. From all the benefits we've seen from vapers so far -- we can say with some confidence -- that it's less harmful than smoking cigarettes. That said, why would you want to ingest more chemicals than you need to? Denture cleaning tablets must have some pretty caustic chemicals in them to get all the stains off of dentures. These chemicals get into the wick and stay there. Because denture tablets are made for an entirely different purpose and are not meant to be heated and inhaled, I would be very apprehensive to use them to clean wicks. Many of us on the forum use vodka to clean wicks and coils or just plain hot water. You can do what you want but Comp makes some really good points and my opinion is just something to think about. YMMV.
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