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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Tam


    Are you doing a direct lung hit when you take a draw from your e-cig (drawing the vapor directly into your lungs), or do you draw it first into your mouth, wait a sec and then inhale? The latter is called "mouth to lung". Try the mouth to lung and see if that helps? I still wonder if it's not your juice. Juice can be all the difference and no one vendor is the same as another. A good, quality liquid will make a huge difference in how it hits. Comp's Fadora Vapor has some of the tastiest juices out there. Vaping is very subjective and it's a very personal thing. What works well for one person will be the worst thing in the world to another. The same can be said for juice flavors. Don't give up, hang in there. We'll help you dial it in to find what works for you. The journey's half the fun.
  2. Tam


    When I started vaping I used 24 mg of nic with a 50/50 blend, 1.8 ohm coil in a tank that's not around much anymore and a fixed voltage eGo battery (3.7v). That got me off a pack a day Marlboro Light short habit that I'd had for 38 years. In the beginning, since you're coming off of Marlboro Reds, I'd advise going with 24 mg nic. 50PG/50VG is a good middle ground. These days the equipment is better. Your battery should be fine but I would suggest maybe getting a Kanger Pro Tank or Pro Tank mini with a 1.5 or 1.8 ohm coil. The replacement coils are very reasonable and you can safely use any flavor in the Pyrex tanks without worrying about tank crackers (flavors high in citrus, high in cinnamon, high in mint).
  3. We also like to stress safety in all aspects of vaping. And yes, I have some common sense, and I'm not afraid to use it.
  4. Welcome to Vapor Talk. What gear and juice (PG/VG ratio, nicotine %) are you using that you can't get off analogs? Just curious.
  5. We don't allow bashing on this forum. For that, you need to go elsewhere. What we do welcome, are different points of view and lively discussion (even if you don't agree and it becomes a debate), as long as it doesn't become personal attacks, we're all good. Most of us who have been vaping for a bit stress getting quality hardware from reputable vendors. Many noobs who come to this forum, however, buy things online or at their local B&M that may be knock offs. That's why we tell them not to charge overnight unattended. Even quality products have flaws sometimes, nothing's perfect and neither are we.
  6. Hopefully, it's just a fad and things will go back to the KISS method once the dust clears.
  7. Nope, I don't have any analogy trademark. Use away!
  8. I have two words for you: ice fishing. Sorry it's moving your way but I really looked forward to the snow this time. We got around a foot of it total. Now, I'm getting ready to go shovel so my little dog doesn't get lost in it trying to do her thing. No, your spelling didn't make me mad, it's just hard to try to decipher to get to what you're saying. You might get more responses to your posts if people don't have to translate what you write. Thanks for making the effort to be better understood. I, for one, really appreciate it!
  9. It's kind of like you have one pot and you want to boil water. That one pot is your battery device. You can either set it on the top of the stove (we'll say this is voltage), or you can put it into the oven (we'll say this is wattage). You can't set that one pot onto the stove and into the oven at the same time. That's an easy way to think of wattage and voltage.
  10. Haven't heard of any lately, but wait a day or so. There's always new things to tempt us to spend...
  11. That's the nature of vaping. There's always something shiny just around the corner!
  12. With a device that is variable voltage/wattage, you can only use one at a time, so you either set for voltage and use it that way or you set for wattage and use it that way. You can't use both at the same time. Sorry if you already knew this but we get many people who don't know. Now that that's out of the way, whichever one you decide to go with (most prefer watts but you might not), start at your lowest setting. Vape. Turn it up by one or two. Vape. Repeat until you get a slightly burnt taste or it makes you cough. Back you settings down a notch or two. That should be the sweet spot for that particular juice. You'll have to dial it in for different juices as some prefer hotter than others. I've noticed that fruit juices prefer a cooler setting while bakery flavors like it hotter.
  13. Thanks again, Chris! Again. A small thing like getting the banner back means more than it seems like it should, if that makes any sense. Anyway, I'm so happy it's back. Thanks for all the work you put into fixing it for us.
  14. Sorry to hear your tank is still misbehaving. Personally, I prefer the Kanger Pro Tanks or the Pro Tank minis. They're great work horses and the coils are very inexpensive. The only thing you have to watch out for is the Pyrex glass tank, you have to be careful that you don't knock it around or drop it because it will break. Because it's glass you don't have to be careful of what flavor juice you use in it (some juices are known as tank crackers). Just a thought.
  15. I'd try keeping it upright to see if you still have the same leakage. Use a short glass or a toothbrush holder to keep it upright so you don't tip it over. Let us know how it goes.
  16. With most tanks, laying it on its side usually isn't a problem although that might be with that particular one. Did you also check to make sure the coil inside the tank was finger tight? You don't want to over tighten it because that tends to squish out the O-rings, which would also cause leaks. Finger tight is good enough.
  17. Take the tank off the battery. Using either a Q-tip or a corner of a tissue, lightly dab the connection end of the battery to get the juice out. Then, hold the tissue loosely at the bottom part of the tank (the part that connects to the battery), and blow GENTLY into the mouthpiece. That will help clear the center tube. Dab the tissue into the bottom of the tank to dry the juice that came out, replace onto your battery and you should be good to go. It happens to most tanks -- at least a little. If you're getting more than a little bit of juice leaking, I'd change the coil. If that doesn't do it, I'd get a different tank. Kanger Pro Tank/Pro Tank mini are good, solid performers.
  18. Are you chain vaping the 12 mg? Might also try opening up the airflow just a tad bit more too so you don't get such a strong concentration of nic when you take a draw.
  19. Good to see you spending someone else's money, Earthling!
  20. Patricia, in addition to the information that Earthling provided, I've found that the resistance of your coil goes down/changes as you use it. My 2.0 ohm coils (checked on two ohm meters for accuracy), went down as I used it until my Provari would no longer fire it. Yet, when I changed it to my IPV mini (which fires coils down to 0.5 ohms), it fired up right away and I was able to continue vaping on it. Just something to think about before you spend money on a sub-ohm tank.
  21. Is your trip for business or pleasure... or a little of both? Hopefully, you won't get any hate mail but this should start an interesting discussion.
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