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Everything posted by Tam

  1. Doesn't it take you back to when you were little and wanted something really bad? The anticipation is the fun part.
  2. Congratulations on your 15 year anniversary! It was a nice gesture, although I agree that a raise would've been a nicer one. No, all of my watches, I use. Every single one of them are Seiko brand, and I replace when one dies. Luckily, I've only had to replace them four times since I was 13 and got my first "adult" watch. I have, however, suddenly found myself with an Alaskan gold nugget jewelry collection when I wasn't looking.
  3. I keep a bunch of these little restaurant-style 8 oz. sauce containers for my lunches. http://www.amazon.com/dp/B00SK59UR6?psc=1 They're cheap and come in handy for so many different things! Might consider getting some?
  4. Boy, that takes me back. I used to be a bartender at an upscale (for this town) restaurant a long age ago where these drinks weren't uncommon. My favorite was a dry Gibson. Put a little Vermouth into Martini glass, swirl it around to coat the glass, snap it at the sink to get the rest of the Vermouth out. Pour some Tanqueray over ice, swirl gently, strain into glass. Add cocktail onions instead of olives. It's only 10 a.m. and now you've got me wanting one.
  5. Do you have a different battery? Try using the original tank on that (if you do), to see if that tank works okay. If the center pin won't stay up even after lifting it, I would return to the place where you bought it and get it replaced.
  6. Congrats on getting to your first milestone! May you celebrate many more years of being smoke-free.
  7. ONLY way to cook a Wiener. My preference is either Nathan's or Hebrew Nationals.
  8. If it's too sweet and you prefer more tart in an apple flavor, I'd add a little touch of lemon.
  9. Yes, we're on a 'whole other level', we're just not sure if that's a good or bad thing just yet. Welcome to Vapor Talk.
  10. For APVs that use external batteries, I love my IPV mini and IPV mini 2. They're both solid workhorses and not bad to look at, either. We all have our favorites. Others will be along shortly to share theirs.
  11. Got my first BB gun when I was 8. While my friends were busy playing house with the creepy looking barbie dolls, I was out target shooting instead. It kept me amused for hours on end.
  12. Sorry, sadly only one vote. I'm not a US citizen, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't be out there getting other people to vote for you.
  13. Red Rover, Buck Buck, dodge ball... all activities that are now labeled as being too dangerous. We called them "fun."
  14. Ever think about running for office? You are the kind of people this country needs... and I'm not even going to insult you by calling you a "politician".
  15. Actually, it was on a small Aleutian Island in Alaska... but Florida's close to Alaska so I guess that counts!
  16. At 17, 18 and 19, I had one TV station, one AM, one FM station, but a huge repository of books for entertainment and knowledge gathering. We made our own fun and it was much better than the disposable stuff the kids are being fed these days. And yes, I walked 14 miles to school in a snow storm uphill -- both ways.
  17. The kids these days have a lot more help in doing bigger and faster dumb things. We didn't have these... advantages. I, for one, am very glad to be so deprived.
  18. It's not true, the average IQ in the US is not slowly going down. From what I see in basic skills test scores, it's happening very quickly.
  19. Melon flavored water... I think she's on to something here.
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