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alekos557 last won the day on September 20 2012

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  1. I had rda from Nhaler years ago that was made of some sort of plastic or acrylic, and I had a Helios from Fasttech that was a clear plastic. But nothing artistic.
  2. Made a sleeve for the ego twist 1000mah. Finished one made from a piece of claro Walnut burl. and dropped it with a unhappy result. Sooo, came home and grabbed a piece of Buckeye burl. I left a little more material on body and lowered the inset depth on the bottom to 3mm. Stabilized the wood with CA, polished with CA, friction set polish, then HUT wax. Just need to not drop it now.
  3. 18650 Claro Walnut, bottom feeder, 3ml bottle, recessed drip well. Battery held in place by magnet.
  4. Turn it upside down and tap, battery is held in with a magnet. Button is also held in place with a magnet. Thank you, jeffb
  5. 18650 Zebrawood, bottom feeder, side by side. http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii513/alekos557/002-53_zpse716638a.jpg http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii513/alekos557/003-35_zps2b2b75d4.jpg http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii513/alekos557/004-30_zps13086eeb.jpg
  6. That one is going to be bright in a couple of weeks.
  7. Mine came with a extra spring, so I installed. After putting in a fresh battery I could get maybe 2 or 3 activations. Then the unit would not fire, Check battery level....1.2v or similar. Check battery with multimeter 4.2v. Then no matter what battery you installed it would read low voltage. Give it a hour or so with no battery and you could put in a battery and get a couple puffs. If you checked resistance with Vamo it would read correctly, then the next activation or maybe 2 the unit would show atty as being too low. Same thing...give it some time with no battery, and it would act normal for a minute. I think I just got the dud. The vendor had me send it back, (now I just hope it will act up for them.) There is always going to be some small failure rate with equipment, so it is no reflection on the vendor.
  8. Buffing wheel and HAT wax.
  9. Recieved mine today, no bueno. After over a hour of fighting with it I have actually got it activate about 4 times. Freshly charged AW IMRs and IMRs read 2v or lower. No matter what the resistance on the atty or carto, get error code for short. As I have basically tried everything possible, I think I got the "Dud". I will have to wait till after Xmas to hear back from them.
  10. Pm me and we can work something out. Or email alekos557@charter.net
  11. <a href="http://s1257.beta.photobucket.com/user/alekos557/media/002-53_zps2b1020de.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii513/alekos557/002-53_zps2b1020de.jpg" border="0" alt="Photobucket"/></a>
  12. Just a skinny little 18650 or 18500 w/Kick PurpleHeart and BlackPalm. Good started coming in pretty well during buffing. http://s1257.beta.photobucket.com/user/alekos557/media/002-53_zps2b1020de.jpg.html
  13. Thank you.
  14. Made so that when battery has to be disposed of cover can be moved to new battery.
  15. A little something found while cleaning ut the garage. 18350 battery.
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