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snubber got a reaction from Kimsmm in Diy Recipes
Ok..so you all have really peaked my interest into mixing more. I've mostly just mixed single flavors like coffee, cherry, peach, hickory, etc just the basic stuff.
I've had pretty good luck but nothing really special like what you all have been coming up with. Guess I'm just not that creative.
I've gotten some Lorann's and Diyflavorshack and Perfumers apprentice flavors and they are pretty good, just haven't gone wild with them.
So here's a question for you. How do you come up with how much of each to put into your mix? I use the Todd Muller calculator for the basics but how do you decide how much of the other flavors to add?
Just when I thought I was getting a handle on the basics you all go and throw a wrench into my works....all very confusing. Ok Kitsune....HELP!!!!!
snubber got a reaction from texassmokes in Diy-How To Basics
Now everyone can see why I've been calling you the "Queen" of mixing. Our resident "mixologist".
This is great information Kitsune a really great post.
Anyone who is interested in mixing will do wonders if they just pay attention.
I for one am grateful to you for your help and information. A big +1
Keep up the good work.
snubber got a reaction from kitsune in 4 years smoke free
In a few days it will be my fourth year without a cigarette. So I want to take this time to thank some people here at VT that helped me get started and gave me support and info in the beginning.
First of course is Chris (the Godfather) for starting this forum with all these great people. If I hadn't found this place I don't know if I would have stuck to it. And of course there's a bunch of the veteran Vapor Talkers that gave me help, info and support along the way, like Ofortuna, Skruff, Mark, jeffb, Brian, Bird dog, Kitsune (the resident mixologist) just to mention a few.
Thanks to all of you for helping me in this journey. I really don't believe I would have stuck with it if not for your help and encouragement.
All those nights on the chat really made a difference, and I could never have done it without you.
My love to you all for sticking with me and giving me your support and information.
Thank You ever so much. Love you all!!!
snubber got a reaction from fluidandcool in Diy-How To Basics
Now everyone can see why I've been calling you the "Queen" of mixing. Our resident "mixologist".
This is great information Kitsune a really great post.
Anyone who is interested in mixing will do wonders if they just pay attention.
I for one am grateful to you for your help and information. A big +1
Keep up the good work.
snubber got a reaction from timinftl in Dont Use Ecigexpress
If the flavoring is the only thing that has you going to this site, look around first. There are other vendors and one of them may have the one you're looking for. You might want to try Vapor Renu, or the The perfumers apprentice. Don't settle without looking around first. Besides, you might just find one that really fits your bill. Also there are many good places to get nic from.
snubber reacted to kitsune in Vapor Talk juices...still a big hit!
MMMMMMM VT- summer melon (new absolute favorite), macchiato, midnight, sweet dawn !!!!
Tam...I have found with the VT liquids they go well with everything. For me VT is always best with dripping, but I have no complaints with using them in my DCT, vivi nova, ego CC and evod.
For me, the summer melon is the only liquid I have ever tried that I did not feel the need to alter. I mix my own liquids because I am flavor challenged....with the VT summer melon, sweet dawn and midnight, I can actually vape without having to change anything.
Thank you Chris for bringing them back
@Snubber...Thanks for starting this tread !! VT deserves the acclaim
snubber got a reaction from kitsune in Vapor Talk juices...still a big hit!
I recently ordered some of my old favorites from VT.
Exotic,Mentha,Choco Java,Sweet Dawn and Macchiato. I haven't had any of these in a while and the experience was wonderful. It's kinda like coming home to Mom's home made pie. It brought back many pleasant memories from past VT days and the flavors were just as great as the first time I tried them. These were some of my first juices and I'm glad I came back for more.
If you haven't tried any of the VT e-liquids I would suggest you do so.
Exotic is a great tobacco (555) type of flavor and has a nice nutty taste.
Mentha is one of the boldest menthol flavors I've tried. It will knock your socks off.
Choco Java is just that. A nice mellow coffee and chocolate flavor. Not heavy but just a nice blend.
Sweet Dawn...A really nice pear flavor. Tastes kinda like a pear "jellybelly".
Macchiato is a nice creamy caramel coffee flavor. A very good relaxing type of vape.
Well, that's my walk down memory lane. Do yourself a favor and give some of Vapor Talk's e-liquids a try.
You might just find something new that really hits the spot for you.
Thanks Chris!!!
snubber got a reaction from Christopher in Vapor Talk juices...still a big hit!
I recently ordered some of my old favorites from VT.
Exotic,Mentha,Choco Java,Sweet Dawn and Macchiato. I haven't had any of these in a while and the experience was wonderful. It's kinda like coming home to Mom's home made pie. It brought back many pleasant memories from past VT days and the flavors were just as great as the first time I tried them. These were some of my first juices and I'm glad I came back for more.
If you haven't tried any of the VT e-liquids I would suggest you do so.
Exotic is a great tobacco (555) type of flavor and has a nice nutty taste.
Mentha is one of the boldest menthol flavors I've tried. It will knock your socks off.
Choco Java is just that. A nice mellow coffee and chocolate flavor. Not heavy but just a nice blend.
Sweet Dawn...A really nice pear flavor. Tastes kinda like a pear "jellybelly".
Macchiato is a nice creamy caramel coffee flavor. A very good relaxing type of vape.
Well, that's my walk down memory lane. Do yourself a favor and give some of Vapor Talk's e-liquids a try.
You might just find something new that really hits the spot for you.
Thanks Chris!!!
snubber got a reaction from Christopher in Your Juices?
God I hope not!!!`
I'm a big fan of PinkSpot vapors, and Ahlusion. Roar vapors has a big following as does Elliquidplanet and Mr E-liquid.
But my first love was always Vapor Talk "Exotic"
snubber got a reaction from Mark in CHAT ROOM
We use to have a great video chat here. As many as 9 people could be on cam at once, and there was still a txt chat to go with it.
It was "THE" place to be on Fri and Sat nights. Joe2003 can vouch for that. Not exactly sure what cause it to disband. We just sorta dropped out of sight. People move on and start doing other things, lives change etc. I do miss it tho...made a lot of good friends here and I'm sorry it came to an end. Would be nice to try and get things back together again.
snubber got a reaction from Mark in Liquid Search
Welcome to the wonderful world of vaping. I would also suggest that you try bumping up your nic level a little for a while.
I started out with 48mg, waaay to much. Then 36, still a little too much, then 24mg and found it to be a good level for a while.
Now after 3 yrs I'm down to 18 and it's a nice middle of the road level. The Veteran Vaper here on the forum sells VT liquid and it's a really good e-liquid. The "Exotic" is a really good tobacco (555) flavor. Also, try and get your liquid in a 50/50 or a 70/30 pg/vg mix. It makes the vapor heavier and that will help just a little bit.
As you know, there is a crap ton of vendors out there. Unfortunately taste is very subjective, so what I may like you may think is really sh***y. I think as long as you stay with some of the bigger juice vendors like VT, Rawr, Clouds of Vapor, PinkSpot, and some of the others listed on the forum, you should do fine. I would also suggest Ahlusion, but I warn you that their flavors a little subtle.
Well that's all I can tell you right now, like that's not enough.
Good luck and happy vaping
snubber got a reaction from Uma in Looking For A Good Tabacco Flaver
As it's been said so many times before "taste is suggestive"..what one person just loves another may think it tastes like ***.
The problem comes from the fact that you're not burning leaves and paper (and 4000 chemicals). So nothing is going to taste exactly like an analog. What you need to do is try several "tobacco" flavors until you find the one that's right for you. I've found several tobacco flavors that I like from different vendors. Each is a little different from the next. Some may have a hint of coffee, or caramel,and flue cure. I DIY a honey tobacco that I think tastes great, but it smells awful to others ( bad feet or burning burlap)
VT has a great "Exotic" tobacco that I started out with and is still one of the best I've ever tasted.
As far as vendors go I can suggest Ahlusion, PinkSpot Vapors, Rawr, Gourmet Vapor, and of course Veteran Vapor here on the forum who is carrying the Vapor Talk juice. There are hundreds more and most vendors of pv's also carry a line of juices.
So do some looking around and taste tests and you'll find something I think you'll like.
So good luck and happy vaping!
p.s. don't forget to try other fruit and dessert flavors also.
snubber got a reaction from Uma in How Long Does 10 Ml Last You?
It's all in how you vape. I'm a heavy vaper. I'm usually vaping from the time I get up till I go to bed. So some days it's 6 or 7 mls a day, maybe more. " Your mileage may vary"
My biggest suggestion would be to make sure that you always have enough stored up just in case..nothing worse than running out of juice, except maybe running out of batteries.
As one of our long timers here always says "back-ups back-ups back-ups!!!
Good luck and happy vaping!
snubber got a reaction from nana in A Msg Of Thanks
It's been a while since I was last here, but I wanted to stop bye and thank all my old friends here at Vapor Talk.
I'm coming up on my third year analog free and I wouldn't have made it this far without a lot of help and support from the folks here.
Chris, this is my forum home. I know I haven't been around as much as I use to be, but I haven't forgotten where my friends are. Without this place in the beginning I don't believe I would have lasted this long.
For this I give you a big thank you! This forum and the support you give people is a big asset.
"O" ( iamofortuna), Skruff (skruff77), your love, support, and friendship has meant the world to me. All those nights at first on the chat were really a lot of fun, and I got a lot of information at the same time. Love you guys.
Mark, you've been a great friend and a big help in my getting where I am today in vaping. Having someone close to go to is a big help when someone is just getting started. I thank you so much.
Jeffb, BD, Brian, Kitsune, Uma, Joe2003, and so many others, thank you for being there when I needed answers or just someone to talk with. The friendship you all have shown me is greatly appreciated.
All in all this place is the best place for any one who is just getting started with this vaping thing to be at.
The help and support you all give is something you all should be very proud of.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Much love to you all!!!! Snubber
snubber got a reaction from Christopher in A Msg Of Thanks
It's been a while since I was last here, but I wanted to stop bye and thank all my old friends here at Vapor Talk.
I'm coming up on my third year analog free and I wouldn't have made it this far without a lot of help and support from the folks here.
Chris, this is my forum home. I know I haven't been around as much as I use to be, but I haven't forgotten where my friends are. Without this place in the beginning I don't believe I would have lasted this long.
For this I give you a big thank you! This forum and the support you give people is a big asset.
"O" ( iamofortuna), Skruff (skruff77), your love, support, and friendship has meant the world to me. All those nights at first on the chat were really a lot of fun, and I got a lot of information at the same time. Love you guys.
Mark, you've been a great friend and a big help in my getting where I am today in vaping. Having someone close to go to is a big help when someone is just getting started. I thank you so much.
Jeffb, BD, Brian, Kitsune, Uma, Joe2003, and so many others, thank you for being there when I needed answers or just someone to talk with. The friendship you all have shown me is greatly appreciated.
All in all this place is the best place for any one who is just getting started with this vaping thing to be at.
The help and support you all give is something you all should be very proud of.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Much love to you all!!!! Snubber
snubber got a reaction from Uma in A Msg Of Thanks
It's been a while since I was last here, but I wanted to stop bye and thank all my old friends here at Vapor Talk.
I'm coming up on my third year analog free and I wouldn't have made it this far without a lot of help and support from the folks here.
Chris, this is my forum home. I know I haven't been around as much as I use to be, but I haven't forgotten where my friends are. Without this place in the beginning I don't believe I would have lasted this long.
For this I give you a big thank you! This forum and the support you give people is a big asset.
"O" ( iamofortuna), Skruff (skruff77), your love, support, and friendship has meant the world to me. All those nights at first on the chat were really a lot of fun, and I got a lot of information at the same time. Love you guys.
Mark, you've been a great friend and a big help in my getting where I am today in vaping. Having someone close to go to is a big help when someone is just getting started. I thank you so much.
Jeffb, BD, Brian, Kitsune, Uma, Joe2003, and so many others, thank you for being there when I needed answers or just someone to talk with. The friendship you all have shown me is greatly appreciated.
All in all this place is the best place for any one who is just getting started with this vaping thing to be at.
The help and support you all give is something you all should be very proud of.
I thank you all from the bottom of my heart.
Much love to you all!!!! Snubber
snubber got a reaction from nana in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from joe2003 in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from DAYVAPE in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from mcquinn in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from Mark in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from Jeffb in Remember Your E-Cig Roots
At the start of a new year we tend to look back on the past year and reflect on what we've done and look forward on what we plan to do. I've recently passed my 2 year mark here on VaporTalk and wonder where the hell the time has gone.Although I haven't been here as long as some others I have noticed so many changes, both on the forum and with the people.
So many have come and gone, and you wonder where they went and why they left? Chris has said that it's the nature of a forum.
Not being on many I wouldn't know, but I can't help but wonder why? Did they just get tired? Have they gone to other forums? Or did they just give up? I can't imagine finding a better, friendlier, or more helpful forum than VT. I have many people here to thank for helping me when I first started out to quit analogs. With their help and encouragement I'm coming up on 2 years smoke free.
So what all this is leading up to is never forget where you started and who helped you along. If this forum was your first stop in a new way of getting healthier then don't give up on the forum. Stop bye from time to time, say hello, let us know how you're doing and how your e-cig journey is coming along. I myself am guilty of not coming bye as often as I should, but I have never forgotten where I got my start. So stop bye from time to time, say hello, maybe you can help someone else on their way to quit.
The people here really do care and like to help.
Hope to see you all often.
Good luck and Happy Vaping!
snubber got a reaction from Christopher in My Music Site
FAN-FRICKEN-TASTIC !!!! Chris..have you ever thought of having your stuff published? Don't sell yourself short, you have a true talent. LOVED it.
snubber got a reaction from Uma in Brass Drip Tips
Hello...as one who has the brass drip tips take it from me...you'll be better off if you get the anodized aluminum. The brass ones look good for a short time then they tarnish...very quickly. They also are heavy and have a funny taste to them. Do yourself a favor and get something else to match it.