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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Good job Hodge.....I've had a couple of turnovers lately too. The best one so far is the owner of the Chinese carry-out near my house. I went in vaping away and his daughter asked me about it. Said her dad should get one since he's always telling her to not tell her mom he's smoking. So I left them some cards...gave them the VT website and told him to check it out. Went in there the other day and asked the girl behind the counter if he was still smoking. She said no he's got this funny looking thing now. The guy comes from the back and he's got an Ego behind his ear...lol He's all smiles...thanking me for turning him onto vaping and then tells her I get the employee discount. So....he's happy...I'm happy (good discount too) and so is his daughter....not bad! p.s. his favorite flavor...chocojava another happy VTcustomer.
  2. Good review....glad you're enjoying your device. Would like to say I hope you're right about not needing a new unit anytime soon, but the reality is that we all said that at first and it just kinda snowballs outta control. Next thing you know you have another then another and juice up the....well you get the idea. Good luck with your new e-cig hope it works well for you. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. where in md??
  3. I kinda like what that guy from the video called it.....Personal Electronic Nicotine Inhalation System..(penis)
  4. Yea this is a pretty damn good place to hang out. You'll find that most of the members are really helpful and friendly. They just want to have a nice place to site and interact with other vapers without all the BS that comes from people trying to elevate themselves above the rest. Here we all have a little something to add even if it's just a little humor from time to time. I don't think anyone takes themselves to seriously and just try to give back what we have all gotten out of this forum. Friendship....information.. concern.....and a great time. Glad you have joined our little community and hope it will be your home forum too. So sit back...relax...enjoy the show....and don't hesitate to ask questions or add your own information when you can. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. come by chat sometime too.
  5. Would have to agree with this one. Finding the perfect tobacco flavor isn't going to be easy. You'll just have to try several and find the one that tastes best for you. My favorite it VT exotic tobacco, but yours may be a lot different. You just can't imitate the action of burning tobacco and paper (plus all those chemicals) into an e-liquid. So good luck on your quest...hope you find something that is right for you. Good luck and happy vaping.
  6. Thanks Brian for the info and being our lab rat for a lot of these new ideas that come out. Can't see me being able to use something that big on my eGo, but maybe later down the road.
  7. This guy does some really good reviews for the store. Very well made.
  8. Don't see why you couldn't. As long as it's suppling enough power it should work just fine. Go for it and see how it goes.
  9. Yes....the wall adapter will do just fine. I charge mine every night on one. You can even vape on the eGo while you have it plugged in so you don't run down the battery to much till you're ready to go somewhere.
  10. Congrats on your new eGo. I wouldn't get rid of the carts just yet. I'd give them a try first to get use to using your device. Then later on you can pull the filler out and use them as just tips for dripping or in cartomizers. Now if you haven't done it already...get yourself some back-ups. Extra juice and a few extra atty's just in case. Also..look into getting a pack or two of LR (2.0) cartomizers. I think once you've tried them you'll like having them around for times when you can't drip or maybe you'll just use them all the time. Either way you'l be set. Tell us how it goes and enjoy. Good luck and happy vaping. welcome to the wonderful world of eGo maniacs....lol
  11. I liked that he was trying to make a point about e-cigs....too bad he wan't using it well enough to not look like an *** doing it. Would have made the effort a little more believable.
  12. Glad you're enjoying your new eGo. See...we wouldn't steer you wrong. That's why we all like it so much. And the VT juices are really great. You still have to try the Midnight and if you like a good strong menthol try the Mentha. Two of my favorites. Well have fun and keep us informed....we love to hear success stories. Good luck and happy vaping.
  13. HAPPY BIRTHDAY VAPOR TALK....and thank you to all the wonderful people that make it a great place to be !!!!!!
  14. Welcome ...There must be a bizillion places that sell pre-filled cartoz. It's just a matter of looking around. Try looking in the supplier section of the forum first and see if any of them have them. I believe FreedomSmokes carries them but not sure. Can't think of any right now. Sorry. But I'm sure you'll find some. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. you could just get empty ones and fill them yourself for him. It would probably make him happy.
  15. And another one to throw at ya....on Totally Wicked.com they have the Tornado. Which is nothing more than an eGo with their brand on it. So anything they have will work on your eGo also.
  16. Staying home here too. Isn't it funny how when you're younger you'd never think of staying home for New Years. The whole party and get ripped idea was just a way of life WAAAAYYYY back when. Now it's stay home....stay off the streets...and maybe just maybe stay up long enough to see the ball drop. It's crappy getting old. Think I'll try and stay up for the chat...who knows.
  17. Well you could just start off with a shoe box or something just so they don't get out of hand. But before you know it you will be looking into tool boxes.. tackle boxes....storage bins etc. I started with a few bottles in the boxes that my pv's came in. Was nice at first because the boxes are hard and have that little magnet on them so it kept everything kinda neat. But it wasn't long before I had to move up to bigger and better things. I now have a segmented tool box from Home Depot for my juice stuff and parts. Don't go over board with worrying about storing right now until you see how things go. Then start look for something that fits your needs. Good luck and happy vaping.
  18. Glad to hear you like the eGo. Actually Chris is really great when it comes to customer service. Just go into the store and go into the return tab. At the bottom of the page you will find a link for the ticket service. Click on it and follow the directions and Chris will get to you in no time. Vapor Talk's customer service is second to none. Keep us informed on how you're doing with the eGo. We love to hear success stories. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Interesting concept....but like KIt said, the natural sugars in the fruit might just burn and gunk up your atty. Who knows????
  20. I tend to do a little of both. When I'm just sitting around I usually drip. But when I'm out and about...say walking around the mall etc. then I use a cartomizer. It's just easier than dripping while you're shopping. you're KR808d should be a good starter for you. You can refill your used carto's if you stick with the same basic flavor as what's in the carto...tobacco types,,,coffee types...fruit and so on. I think you will find that using a LR carto is really a good way to go, but every one's different so find what is right for YOU, not what's right for someone else. Keep us informed how it's going and enjoy. Good luck and happy vaping.
  21. Very nice....really well done. You did a great job making it understandable even for a electo nerd like me.
  22. I believe you'll notice a big difference in vapor production and TH once you start on the eGo. Like Jeffb said....it really isn't MVS's fault, they just order the batteries from China. Keep us informed and good luck on the eGo. Good luck and happy vaping.
  23. Fantastic. What a great show for a food court. Tks for posting.
  24. I'm guessing you found it??? Glad it worked out.
  25. What nic level are the Tasty Vapor flavors? You could try just getting some tobacco flavor from Diy or Freedom smokes and try mixing it with what you got.
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