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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Good luck on the quiting...I just got a sample piece of fluval from another member..works great.give it a try.
  2. Alot of good info on this site..that sounds like my wife. She said the other day"I thought you were trying to quit", my reply..yes cigs..not e-cigs...lol
  3. Hello...from everything I've been told the VT/PT should be the next in line.Too bad that everything is out of stock. But I've also heard good things about the Ego.
  4. Our ridiculous so called leaders are only trying to look out for our well being. RIGHT!!!! No they are trying to keep in good standing with the big cigarette companies that add money to their pockets every time its time for reelection. It's ok to smoke tobacco products even though it has been proven to cause cancer and many other problems. And what about alcohol? I don't see them trying to ban that again..remember what happened the last time they tried that? So why can't they just leave us the hell alone and let us make some of our own choices? We all know that it's money or the lack of it that's driving this legislation. These are the same kind of people that will tell you that e-cigs are bad for you and should be banned and then go out for a three drink lunch and hop in their cars to drive under the influence. What a bunch of a=holes
  5. If you can hold out a little longer, the Joker should be out pretty soon.
  6. I'm kinda new to all this,but from everything I've heard the vp line is pretty good choice. I do agree with prof..the super six looks like something you might want to take a closer look at, kinda pricy tho at $150.00.
  7. I'm kinda new to all this,but from everything I've heard the vp line is pretty good choice. I do agree with prof..the super six looks like something you might want to take a closer look at, kinda pricy tho at $150.00.
  8. Wow, that would be funny for about the first two or three times, then I'd have to tear it apart.
  9. Well if they're in China you wouldn't get them any time soon anyway.
  10. Well depending on the color...if it's green you could call it the green hornet..or my favorite old comic character The Green Lantern.
  11. Welcome Khawk you've come to a great place. As you can see people here are great and are always will to help. I've tried a couple of the juices from vapor talk and I can tell you they're really nice, but flavor and taste is a personal thing. As far as I've seen all the pcc's are the same its just a matter of color and price. Look around there must be a bizillion vendors out there. So good luck!!!
  12. Brian..sorry to hear all that. Hope it's nothing serious, but you know we are all in your corner. At least you didnt put it off any longer. Good luck man, I'm rootin for ya!!! p.s. if anything happens, can I have your purple letters?
  13. What an a**. He's the exsmoker every one loves to hate. Even if you smoked analogs at your desk he wouldnt smell it the next floor up. He's just trying to brown nose the boss. Find him outside and tell him what fer.
  14. Good for you!!! I'm really kinda new to this, but I remember when my mother was still alive how the kitchen(her choice of places to sit and watch t.v.) was always a dull golden color. When she past away and we went to cleaning the house, we sprayed cleaner on the walls and you could watch the tar and nicotine run down the walls. I never relized how bad it was till then. I didn't notice the smell then either because I was always smoking there too. This last time I returned from South Carolina and left my suitcase still packed. After I opened it just recently I noticed just how bad all those clothes smelled. It's nice not to stink anymore isn't it??? Keep up the good work.
  15. Is e-cig smoking addictive? I don't think so, I already had the addiction to smoke before I found vaping. I've only really been off the analogs for 11 days,but I'm already starting to notice some changes in how I feel and my wife doesn't tell me I stink anymore.I'm sure it will get better as I go on and maybe the next time I have a lung capacity test for work it won't say my lungs are 115 yrs old. It's the habit of smoking that I still have and that's where e-cigs come in to play. I get my hand and mouth action as I did with analogs, and that visual effect of a large "puff of smoke" (vapor) that I liked so much. So are e-cigs addictive? maybe,maybe not. I just know they've helped me.
  16. I received my order from Super T Manufacturing today of their brass tips for the 801 and 510/901.They are solid machined brass and come with a rubber o-ring to keep them in place. These things are really very nice. Nicely turned and fit into place with a noticeable snap that lets you know it's in place. They are bored straight through so you can direct drip without taking off the mouthpiece. This takes a little practice I'm sure but it will be great when you get the hang of it. The brass does add some substantial weight to the e-cig but they seem to balance very well. I wasn't sure at first about having a piece of metal in my mouth but it really isn't too bad. I'm sure in time it wont be even noticed. The way they turned them there is a little raised edge at the top and bottom of the tip which helps you to hold the tip between your teeth, even better than the flat tips. Well like I said I just received them so I really haven't had much time to try them out,but what I can tell so far, they should be a great addition to my collection.(once I get use to the extra weight). For you direct drippers out there this might be something to look into. I don't think I will use them all the time but they will definitely get a good workout. Well there you have it, my first review. You might want to check them out for yourself.
  17. Sorry..just wanted to add that they are $15.00 each.
  18. Hey...thanks for the story. I've seen these cats in resturants before but never knew why until now. Thank you
  19. Sorry to hear about your problems..just wish I knew what the hell you were talking about !!!
  20. Just got some unflavored and doublers from tasty vapor myself...thanks for the input.gonna give it a try.
  21. Glad to hear someone is selling batteries for the ego..I was debating that problem ,not that it helps a whole lot I still like both...decisions decisions.
  22. Just wanted to say keep up the good work..I know it's hard at first(working on day 10 myself) but it does get a little easier. Hang in there.
  23. Hey..another old guy here,understand your plight. I haven't heard of anything like that but there is a place called Super T Manufacturing that sells a brass mouthpiece that is straight through. That way you can drip right down to the atty without taking the tip off. They cost about $16.00 a piece and they have them for the 801 and the 901/510. I ordered two and am waiting for them now. Hope this helps some, it's something to look into. Good Luck !!!
  24. Hi all...I'm probably opening a can of worms here but I have to ask. Working with a limited supply of attys right now and was wondering if anyone has a good way to clean them? I've read many suggestions on that other forum,and I was wondering if any of you (people who's opinions I trust)have found any good and quick way to get them clean. Like I said, I don't have a big supply of extras just yet so I have to get them cleaned and back in service quickly. So if any of you have a good idea I would really like to hear it. As always thanks for all your help and support.
  25. Hello..I too ordered some coffee from tasty vapor (one of the doublers) now I'm up to my butt in coffee. It's not as strong in the atty as it smells in the bottle and the jury is still out on the flavor...wish I'd read this first. Tks for the info
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