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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I agree with some of your theory. Started smoking 40+years ago with kent...then montclair..lucky strike...camel(non filter)..raleigh..pallmall...winston..then got into the lights...at one point I was up to 4 pks a day. So maybe there is something to your poll.
  2. Hey thanks for the info...I have a few that could use a good cleaning. The last time I tried I killed them dead.
  3. I work at nuclear power plants with really high security screening. I've hever failed one yet! And I even was vaping in the test room before they had me pee in the bottle. Don't worry you'll do fine. Best of luck on the job!!!
  4. Tried it...Loved it...think you will too. Just have to get off the butt and order my own. Good luck!!!
  5. Welcome to the forums.. Rocky Mountain Vapors has them for $8.oo@ and MadVaps is selling them for $7.00@. There's another place selling them for $7.29@ if you buy 5 or more at a time. Happy hunting.
  6. I'm sorry but I had to laugh. Did you manage to find it or is it a goner? At That rate you'd better get a good supply of backups. I can relate tho, when I was smoking I used matches most of the time and on several occasions when I would use the lighter from the car I would shake it out and pitch it out the window like a match. Went through several before I caught on. Just be thankful it wasn't a spade or ego.
  7. Glad to hear I'm not the only one who's had this trouble. I just figured it was because I've been smoking so much for so long. I can taste the strong menthol flavors easily, but most other flavors are kinda weak for me(except for the VT exotic). I sure hope my taste buds return soon. I really like vaping now that I'm off the analogs,too many flavors too little time. Good luck to you!!!
  8. I knew there was something I didn't like about you...(just joking you're starting to sound like Jeff) No...I'm really glad for you...I'm just sooo jealous
  9. We've all heard the saying "bigger is better" but when is enough enough. Think you may be trying too hard. Just my lame opinion.
  10. Has this happened to you? I was driving to the store a little while ago with my 510 in my mouth. I stopped at a red light and was vaping away when the person next to me rolled down his window and started waving at me. I thought he was going to ask for directions but instead said "what the hell do you have in your mouth?" Me being a good noobie and trying to explain it in 1000 words or less explained to the best of my ability just "what the hell I had" WE exchanged words a lot longer than I thought because we sat through the next green light and into the red again. Luckily no one was behind us or I'm sure they would have let us know. Well I told hin to check out the vapor talk site and get more info if he was really interested which he said he was and would. The whole conversation was kinda funny to me and I was wondering if this had happened to anyone else at a stop light?
  11. Being a 2+pack smoker for many years I started off with 16/18mg liquid. It didn't cut it. So I would say to try going to 24 first and see how it goes.Then they can always adjust it higher or lower when they get into it. Best of luck.
  12. If you're worried about the button I would suggest going with the 901. However, if you keep the 510 in your shirt or inside coat pocket you shouldn't have any problems. I have had mine turn on in my pants pocket(they call it hot pants) but not very often and it's usually my fault. Good luck on your journey and welcome to the site. p.s. electronicstix has auto batteries for the 510.
  13. Sorry about your eye, glad it's doing better. Hey you may have just come up with a new personal home defense weapon...36mg nic liquid in a spray bottle...HMMM
  14. It's a big man that can admit to his mistakes!! lol
  15. Congrats on the first week. I'm relatively new to this also (2wks and counting) and being an ex-heavy smoker I know that first week is a killer. You have come to a great place for answeres and encouragement. The folks on here are a real great group. They've helped me out and I'm sure they will help you with your quest also. So good luck!!
  16. Ok..so another question that I'm sure has been answered before but here goes. Just what's the deal with cartomizers? I know that they are a cart and atty together but just what is the big deal with them? Can they be refilled? What will they work on and can you adapt them for other units? They idea sounds interesting, but how do they hold up compared to a regular atty and cart? Also, who carries them and how expensive? Well there you go. I'm sure as always many of you will give me the answeres I need and thanks.
  17. Welcome to the site. Not much I can add that the others haven't already told you. I'm fairly new here myself and being a long time smoker my lungs are shot already anyway. So check with your doctor and hopefully you can keep on the right track. Good Luck!!!
  18. Yea..if they can't destroy it they don't want it.
  19. great idea again brian...ive had the tips pop off before but never thought about the rest of it. would have saved me on those t-tips
  20. snubber

    Pt Drain

    Thanks Brian...once again you come up with another good idea.
  21. This is just a quick note to let anybody that might be interested that Rocky Mountain has a really great service. Even though they usually ship out first class free for orders over $14.00 it still got here in 3 days. No worse than priority shipping I've gotten from other sites. You can have them ship it priority for an extra $4.00 I haven't seen the need for it at this point. Just a thought, you might want to give them a look. p.s. they also have white 510 carts that really look nice on the matte black atty.
  22. Just wanted to wish you welcome..you've come to the right place..these people are great. Never hesitate to ask a question. Good Luck !!!
  23. TAX REFUND??? Whats that?? anyway good luck with your new EGO. and enjoy..(I'm so jealous)
  24. Nice job..very well done, even those of us that have fat fingers might be able to do that. tks
  25. Hello and welcome to the site...Take it from someone else fairly new it's always best to have some spare attys. I didn't at first and when they died,and they will, I was left out in the cold. So grab a couple extras...and good luck.
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