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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I've been reading alot of posts talking about this problem. Can't say it makes a person want to try an order from there. I've heard he was an OK guy but his lack of communication with customers isn't helping his business one bit. Keep us all posted on the outcome. tks
  2. Hey Gary...if you don't want to go to extremes like some, you can get them at some of the DIY sites like Juicy liquids, or Diy flavor shack. Also some juice vendors have some like Johnson Creek and Midwest vapor. If you look around a little you can find some Good luck and keep vaping.
  3. Well I can't say. Would be nice if you had told us who you bought from..lol Try again and let us know...tks
  4. You know how much this hurts but great job Mark. Very well put together..all of us on the short bus thank you.
  5. Welcome to the forum..I agree with Mark(hate too..LOL) but clean and check the battery to atty connections. Also, try gently blowing down into the little hole in the battery and see if it lights. And lastly I'd try another atty to see if it works. Good luck in your quest and let us know how it works out. Happy vaping.
  6. I'm by no means and expert on this and I'm sure others can help, but I'm using the Fluval aquarium filters (the white not the blue). You can get it ar PetSmart for around 6 to 8 dollars for a large box. There are videos about how to go about it and it really is quite easy. That should last for quite some time. Also make sure you're not letting your atty run dry. That's the easiest way to burn up an atty. Once you start getting that hot burnt taste it's time to reload. I don't know if you direct drip, but if not you will find that 2 or 3 drops at a time will do the trick. Like I said look around for the videos and keep asking questions. There's always someone here to help. Good luck and happy vaping!!!
  7. I just started using the VT juice and can understand where you're comming from. I'm torn between the Midnight and Sweet Dawn as to which I like the most(leaning towards the MIdnight) If you haven't tried the Sweet Dawn yet by all means pick you up some FAST!!!! Well, hope your juice arrives and happy vaping.
  8. Welcome Scarlette to the forums. As you can see there are plenty of people here to help answer any of your questions. These are a great bunch of folks. I also agree that you need to get a couple of other devices like the 510 as a back-up. These e-cigs are a pesky thing and will stop on you at the worst times. Trying to quite is hard enough without having an e-cig you can fall back on. So keep asking and watching the videos..and good luck. Hope to see you in the chat sometime. Good Luck!!!!
  9. Hello and welcome..everyone here is really great and will help you all the way. Don't give up and you WILL be analog free before you know it. So watch those videos..ask alot of questions..and happy vaping/ Good Luck!!!
  10. I thought I'd pass on this little idea I've used. I had one of those small maglite flashlights(it broke) and it came with a little nylon belt case. Well after the flashlight was gone I through the case in a drawer. A little while after I started vaping I came across the case again and thought I'd see if my pv would fit in it. It works great!!! It is just wide enough to hold two units side bye side. You can mix or match units and even manual batteries work if you point the buttons towards the outside edges. You could put it on your belt, but I usually just put it in my shirt or inside coat pocket. If I get a pic I'll put it up, but check it out if you have one laying around. Really works good.
  11. Way to go man!!! Keep up the good work.. the more the merrier Also will help holding back the FDA. Good job...gotta love it.
  12. Welcome Buck. Chris is really the one to help you with this and I'm sure he'll get to you when he can. The carts with the attached attimizors aka cartomizers are not compatable with the 510 with out an adapter if I'm not mistaken. As far as care for the atty..some people clean them in boiling water or everclear, some use other ways and some do nothing but let them drain and reuse them. There are a few videos out there to look at that may help you on that one. But you have to remember that atty's, carts, and batteries are a disposable item. They will all need to be replaced at some point. That's why a lot of people have several on hand at all times, don't want to be caught without a good one on hand. The carts of most kits are round and pre-filled. They also have empty carts that you can fill yourself.(it's not hard once you get the hang of it). The pr-filled ones come in all kinds of flavors and strengths. You should also remember that cheaper is not always better. Genuine Joye 510's are the better brand with less trouble than some other brands. The manual battery is usually better because it lets you take longer puffs for more vapor. It also is sealed so you can drip without worrying about getting juice in the battery. Check out Chris's video on direct dripping for more on that. The mega batts are nice in that they last longer between recharges. Well, that's about all I can tell you, I'm sure others can help you more than I and will be more than willing to answer any thing you need. I would add that you take a look at the VaporTalk store before you go buying something just because it's cheaper. They carry the genuine Joye510's and Chris will help you all the way. So good luck and keep vaping. And don't forget to get some juice.
  13. Welcome to the site. If the atty is working for you I wouldn't worry about it too much. Just keep vaping and enjoy it. As you noticed people here are ready willing and able to answer your questions any time. They are a great bunch. Good luck and happy vaping!!!!!
  14. Good point! My little 2year old grandson is always kinda looking and asking me it it's my medicine thing. And he always wants me to make it light up for him. It's hard to make a small child understand, hell it's obviously hard to make some grownups understand. That's why we're fighting a ban. Good story...tks.
  15. I know that feeling of just wanting to play with your e-cig. I do it all the time. I vape a hell of a lot more than I ever did smoke, even when I was up to 4pks a day. Nana beat me to the suggestion of the plain vg and flavorings, but over at TastyVapor they have something called a doubler. It's just vg and flavoring premixed(no nic). You can get it in the flavors they have listed or go to the mix it yourself box and they have a ton of flavors that you can have them mix up for you. I got some and it isn't too bad. Give them a look see.
  16. Congratulation on the one week mark...that's the first hurdle. I sometimes get that feeling too,like everyone has said try going to vg maybe that will help you. If the truth be told, with all these sweet flavors we're probably giving our throat and lungs a nice candy coating that melts in your mouth, but not in your hands
  17. I bought some 48mg juice from Tasty Vapor and some vg to cut it with. Other than the fact that it seems to make better vapor I really haven't noticed much difference. I'm not real worried about throat hit like some,,never noticed it when I was smoking either, I just want tons of smoke, oops, I mean vapor and a good taste of what ever flavor I'm using at the time.
  18. Nice find..I think I might have tossed that one guy out tho. Hope more places find out what's going on.
  19. Have to agree...VT Mentha is a good strong menthol taste. I also got some menthol a while back from ESmokey-Treats that wasn't bad...had a nice clean taste.
  20. 901-creme de menthe....510's...TT..Choco java...midnight...pecan I don't have any fancy devices yet..
  21. I would say call UPS and speak to a rep. but I'm not sure it would do any good. So look at it this way...sometimes the end result is worth the wait...(it was for me and my juice) Good Luck!!!
  22. Hey mspinner...sounds like you've already gotten some great answers. About the only thing I might add is to don't overdo it with the flavorings. When I tried the first few times I wanted to really taste that flavor so I added alot of the flavoring and it was just way over the top. Especially if you use the Loranns', it's very concentrated and you only need a few drops to get a good batch. The e-juice calculator works great, but the flavor portion isn't set for the concentrate, so you'll see it may say 10 or more drops. Don't go by that for Loranns..usually 2 or 3 for 5ml is enough. Just add it a drop or two at a time and if you need more add. You can always add more, but it's hard to take it away once you've done it. So, good luck..keep asking those questions.
  23. Hello...no they really aren't right, they're bias. After 40+ years of smoking I'm finally getting of the analogs, but like you it's taken a while to find that right sweet spot. I tried to use my e-cig like a regular cigarette..taking those short quick puffs and finding that it wasn't doing a thing for me. It's taken me over a year to get it right. Like Chris said, long and slow is the way to go. But the most important thing is to not give up. Keep trying different nic levels, and different draws and you'll find what works for you. And don't forget that the people here a great to talk to and will answer any questions you may have. They're a great bunch. Hope you find what works for you. Good Luck!!!
  24. check out the gallery...mark made his own 510 with clip.
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