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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I understand that most nic comes from tobacco leaves, but isn't that like saying that because granulated sugar comes from sugar cane or sugar beets that sugar is a plant or root? Once something is processed shouldn't that change it's category? Kinda nit-picky but just doesn't seem right.
  2. Strange problem? Never heard of anyone having that kind of trouble before. Check back with your vendor and see if they got others with this same trouble. Could be they got in a bad batch. Also..might I suggest that you go with the Boge LR 510's. I think you'll find them a great vape and should last you about 2 weeks before you need to change one.
  3. WOW great looking fish...but one ??.....how'd you get that shark to pose for your picture??
  4. I have a love hate relationship with clearo's. While the xl's hold a good amount of juice, filling them is kind of a pain and they have a tendency to leak. The plastic tube comes loose from the connection and it turns causing them to leak at times. Also, if you use a regular drip tip instead of the little crappy rubber thing they give you, you can pull the tube completely off the connector. Like the idea and the styling...just need to be a little more snug together.
  5. OK...now my question is..why are you hanging out in the smoking area?
  6. They're just pissed that they got a smack on the pee-pee for their last actions and now they're trying to find new ways to stay in control. I still find it hard for them to regulate something as a tobacco product when there isn't any tobacco in them? And if that's the case...why wouldn't they be safer?
  7. Actually...I have a really short e-pamphlet that I got way back when from one of the vendors. Very basic..and of course very outdated now, but if I can find it on my puter I'll send it over here.
  8. I found that if you don't want to buy a 100 at a time that Perfumer's Apprentice has a pretty good price for both their 3ml amd 6ml bottles. Not to mention some really good concentrate flavors. give them a look see.
  9. I must apologize for the post. I really wasn't trying to slam you or Cheryl, I was just wondering why I couldn't find any refference to my order. It appears that the USPS down here in S.C. also move a little slower like the rest of the folks down here. I received my order today and also thank you for the sample of Winter Melon....good flavor. Again sorry for the trouble and I will try again soon for more stuff.
  10. yep...nothing except a promo for a hoverround and cheap viagra...lol now there's a conflict of interests.
  11. I don't want to sound like I'm slapping them, this is more of a question and answer post. I sent in an order last week and have yet to receive it or get any kind of response to my order. I finally got to check my e-mails yesterday and found nothing what so ever from them. No confirmation, no tracking number, not even a thank you. Has anyone else ordered from them and have you run into this problem also? I sent them an e-mail but so far nothing. I have only a few more days here before I leave to go back home and if it doesn't arrive soon I'm affraid it will get here and I will be gone. Their website is minimal at best and there is no other way to get in touch with them other then an e-mail address. Anyone have any other suggestions? This is starting to get to me and I have run out of ideas. What do you think? tks.
  12. Thanks for sharing this. Finally someone who isn't afraid to admit to the wrong doings of the big Pharma companies. Let's face it...like she said, if the cure us then they'd be out of business. Great post
  13. I stopped by their store yesterday and found out that their receptionist/order taker/office lady was leaving. So yesterday was Simone's last day...but I also found out that our own LoriHNC is going to replace her. I finally got to meet her..nice lady and ready to fill in. So I just wanted to say congratulations and best of luck to her on her new endevor. Good Luck Lori
  14. Well I stopped by Madvapes today and found out that it was the last day for Simone the reception/ customer service lady. I'll miss her , but I found out that our own LoriHNC is going to take her place..
  15. Well congrats on going with the eGo...it's a real workhorse. The pt feature is great for around the house and in the car too. I think you're going to love it. Good luck and happy vaping.
  16. I use to be able to move like that when I worked at the steel fabrications shop. But it usually meant I had a piece of hot slag in my pants.
  17. Hey...just sat through about 8 of your reviews and I must say they are fantastic. Not only are they informative, but they are fun as well. Great job...can't wait to see more.
  18. Have to agree with them...the Ego with its larger battery is a much better choice. The Riva is a good second choice, but not sure about the warrenty. As long as you get one with a 510 connection you will have lots of choices for atty's, cartos, tanks etc. Let us know what you deceide. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. This is more for you noobies since most of us that have been here for a while already know this. For you that have just joined us, you're in for a treat. You have found what we here feel is the best forum on the internet. Many have tried other sites and can say with out a doubt that you will not find a more friendly or helpful group of people anywhere. This forum is set up to help and inform every one who is interested in learning about vaping and e-cigs. The staff and members are always ready with insight and help for any and all questions that you have. From the simplest to the complex. Someone is always ready to help or send you to someone who can. Unlike some other sites that are more interested in slamming each other or trying to make you feel stupid, the members here all remember what it was like to be just getting started with vaping and how confusing all the jargon and products can be to the beginner. If someone asks a question you can be sure that a response will be forthcomming in a very short time. There are many years of experience here on the forum. And the atmosphere is friendly and family friendly as well. As long as the topics in the general area are kept decent there is never any threat of being banned or removed from the forum. There are other areas of the forum to vent your frustration in a more shall we say verbal expression if needed. The forum also has a store that is second to none. The customer service is far and away above any you will find anywhere else. Chris is the most dedicated vendor on the net. He goes above and beyond what most would do for a customer. I can't begin to say enough about his thoughtfulness and concern for his customers. You wont find a better supplier or friend anywhere, period! If you were to take a pole of the members who have been here for any time the testimonials would be staggering. He is constantly looking out for his members and keeps his forum running like a fine machine. Always trying to improve on what we already think is perfection, he is neverending in his diligence and dedication to both the forum and the store. The Vapor Talk staff as well are always ready to do what ever it takes to keep this forum up and running in a manner that is just excellent. So..this is my view of what I feel will be a great experience for all who join us. Like I said...It's a love story for the forum and all the members and staff that make this the best place on the net for vapers to get together and enjoy the mutual experience of vaping. I hope you will enjoy it as much as I (we) do. Good luck and Happy Vaping To the staff...please move this to another area if this is the wrong place...thanks.
  20. Let's see...I use to know what 26 was like...hmmm soo long ago. Oh well enjoy your day Chris HAPPY BIRTHDAY and best wishes for many more to come.
  22. Hey...hello...just left their store last Friday and got one of the new Roughstacks....it's a nice little piece of equipment, and at $45.00 for the longer one that holds both 123's and 18650's it's a good deal too. They are off of Rt77 at Corneilius (sp) off hwy 73 near Huntersville. If you give them a call they can tell you exactly how to get there. I's a lot of fun to walk around the warehouse and look at all the stuff, picking out this and that. They gave me some samples too, some raspberry lemonaide juice...one of the new dual core carto's ( it's fantastic on the RS) and a couple other juices. Send me a PM and I'll get you driving directions from 77 to their door.
  23. This place is really cool. I'm working only 15mins from their location and have been there several times. The people there are great....and it's really cool to be able to walk around and look at the supplies and say I'll take one of those and three of those and some of these...oh and now for juice. It's like a kid in a candy store. They really are very helpful and have even stayed late so I could come in after work...I've tried several of their juices and like all of them so far. They have one called Grandpa's mix. it's hard to explain the flavor...a little cranberry and a little citrus with some bayberry overtones (I think) it's one of those flavors you either love or hate. So far...I love it. Kind of like vaping a christmas wreath. (weird)
  24. Thanks Chris....been wanting to say something for a long time now but it isn't my forum or place to make that kind of call. Now settle down...have a good vape and return to that mild mannered leader that I've seen before. Mein Fuher. And if that doesn't help just send Makayla to kick ***.
  25. I stay away for a little while and come back in to this? First let me say that you are handling this the wrong way right from the start. If you would take a little time to research the store you would find out about the ticket system and how to go about working this out. Second, and this is a biggie....Chris and the VT staff go far and above what is standard policy for customer service for most vendors. I can personally vouch for their never ending efforts to make things right for the customer. To come into this forum and bash both the store and it's people without trying to handle it in a better manner is just plain wrong. I find it hard to believe that Chris sent you "corroded" junk or that he would intentionally send out anything that he knew was sub-standard for the VaporTalk store. While you may not be satisfied with your purchase I feel you owe Chris and the members of this forum an apology for the unfounded remarks made and if you really feel this deeply then I can only suggest that you settle this with Chris in a professional manner and be gone. Sorry you feel this way about us but I will not loose sleep over one person with this type of attitude. Good Day.
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