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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Can't reply about Awsome Vapor, only because I haven't ordered from them yet, but hear great reviews about them and will definitely order form them in the future. As for ENS...they're great!!! I received a shipping order right away and my order was here quickly and not a thing missing. I can highly recommend ENS and Jason as a great place to shop.
  2. Like most I can suggest the 510. Since I don't own a spade or ego I can't comment on them but have heard great remarks about both. But if you just want to get started the 510 is probably a good place to start. Good luck in your search. P.S...like in my post..I don't know why no-one suggests the 901??? maybe you could chk them as well.
  3. Ok, so Jeffb brought up a good question about the 510. It's the "go to" device that everyone tells the noobies to go to first. Yes it's great, I can't deny it. And yes it produces lots of vapor and is usually at a reasonably good price,especially for someone just starting out. Now my question is...What happened to the good ol' 901?? When I was looking for something next after my disaster with the Smoking Everywhere thing, many people told me "get the 901 it's got a good battery, produces good vapor and great flavor". They're still on the market, and many other devices use the 901 atty. So why is it that when asked what should I get it doesn't seem to make the list? My original 901 is still going and with the addition of the manual battery it seems to work at least as good as my 510's. Is there something about it I'm missing? Ok..so I've rambled enough...I just hope that someone can answer my question....tks.
  4. My Wal-Mart is strange...no VG, no Loranns, no wall usb's? I got my Loranns from a cake decorating shop. If you can't find it at wal-mart or michaels try looking up a shop that carries supplies for decorating, or a small bakery.
  5. That's a very good questions...probably the 801 penstyle for the size and vapor amount. Now my question is why does everyone bypass the 901? I't a good atty, and in many ways with a seald manual battery is very much like using a 510. Why does it get SNUBBED???
  6. Thanks for the insight. Sorry we had to hear about it this way. Hope you heal soon.
  7. Of course I agree with everyone else...it's an 801 penstyle.It was one of my first e-cigs and works pretty well. Big carts, hold lots of liquid, makes good vapor, just tell her to not over fill it or it may drip into the battery and mess up the switch inside and then no more battery. When she's ready to move on tell her to check out the 510 or one of the newer mods like the spade or ego.
  8. I'm not positive, but I think their US outfit is in Bradenton Fla. If that's the case 2 or 3 days should be the case. Son't quote me on that.
  9. Congrats Ethan..You're on your way to a great experiance. The 510 is a great place to start. Don't forget to get some extra juices (try the midnight or sweet dawn from VT store) If it's USPS priority it should be to you in 2 to 3 days not counting Sundays. So keep checking that mailbox. If you have anymore questions don't hesitate to ask...as you can see everyone is willing to help. WAY TO GO!!!!
  10. Another bad thing about vaping is I'm missing alot of the great outdoors. Like when it's 28degrees outside and I'm shivering just to have a smoke. Or when it's poring down rain and I'm trying to find a place dry to have my cigarette. Boy I miss those days...HA. But I still have my trusty lighter just in case.
  11. Hello Scarlette...You can never ask too many questions. That's how we all learned about e-cigs in the first place. Hope the atty works out ok. Good Luck and happy vaping.
  12. I'm glad I finally made the switch. I know I would have dug down and pitched in that extra dollar for a pack of smokes. I just don't understand why they don't go after other things..like alcohol? Oh I know..because more politicians drink than smoke..wouldn't want to cut into their pockets. This should bring more smokers over to our side, which in turn will piss off the big cig companies, which will lobby for the FDA..etc etc. Thanks Jeffb.
  13. I've tried that trick too. Seem to work pretty well. It's that waiting part that always kills me>>>lol I've just vaped straight vg...no flavor but lots of vapor. Keep up the good work.
  14. Hey Green...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! Hope you have a great day and a ton more. As for the money...you could help out your less fortunate forum buddies? HAHA
  15. I have to agree with Brian. WalMart does pretty much what they want. If they can tell suppliers how to run their business they can tell other people as well.
  16. Brandon...Brian and Uma are soo true. That break in is tough to take but will pay off in the end. I was like you too, just couldn't seem to fine that sweet spot. Eventually the atty came trough and I started only using 3 drops at a time and it works fine. Don't give up, we all have a learning phase at the e-cig business. Hope you find your's soon. Good luck and happy vaping.
  17. It is tough at first when everyone else is lighting up the smokes. But it sounds like you got it under control so far. Keep up the good fight and hope those batteries hold out. Let us know the outcome ok? Good Luck and happy vaping.
  18. WOW...sounds like you were serious about getting those atty's clean. I've read about using the Crest mouthwash before but haven't tried it. Also don't know if I would have gone to all the trouble to wash out the tea bag, most people would have just tossed it and gotten a new one. Very frugal. Glad it worked out and keep us informed how it goes after a day or two. Good luck and happy vaping.
  19. Hey Brian...tks alot. Some really nice pics. Thanks for sharing.
  20. great story...thanks for getting the word out. Hope to hear more happy stories.
  21. Have to agree..you shouldn't be tasting metal. Make sure it hasn't run dry and if that doesn't help get some Joye attys. good luck on your quest.
  22. Well whoever it was..thanks. Always great to have more info.
  23. DOH!! sorry..didn't catch that. tks.
  24. Had the same problem..did Brian's papertowel thin and blew a few times through the hole and it helped alot.
  25. Glad to hear everything is going well with you. I'ts good to know your vaping is doing good too. Hope to see you on the forums again. "We would be honored, if you would join us" Good Luck and happy vaping!!!!!!
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