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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Welcome to the forum. Always great to have new people. The carts will only last a very short time depending on how much you vape. Don't worry you can refill them when you buy some more juice. There are plenty of posts on just that subject so don't get worried. As far as the unit itself, you don't need to take it apart if you're going to use it again soon. The battery has a manual switch so be careful not to put it in a tight pocket or case that may activate the button or you'll burn up your atty. A good practice at night is to take it apart,charge the battery and let the atty stand on a piece of paper towel to let the old juice drain out. Just make sure to put a few drops of liquid in before you try to use it again. But for now don't drain it till you get some more juice to refill it with. You can just leave the cart on it while it charges. There are lots of info videos on the site..look around and you'll be vaping like crazy in no time. Mark has a good one to start with...check it out and then look for more. So good luck and if you have any more questions don't hesitate to ask.
  2. I agree 100%. We need a group hug section!! LOL But seriously, that's one thing that drew me to this site. After lurking around for a while both here and ECF, the genuine help and caring of the folks here on VT was the biggest reason for me to join. To all of you I say thanks and keep on doing what you're doing, You're helping alot of people quit a very BAD habit, I know!!! And a special thanks to all my new friends on the short bus...I LOVE YOU MAN!!!!
  3. Well I was a baker for a little while and actually mixing e-juice is more chemistry than baking. You have basics in baking like how much flour, flavor,water,eggs,etc...but I think with e-liquid it's more how much strength and amount of liquid you want. Also a lot of trial and error goes into it...trying what flavors you want to mix together. There is an e-juice recipe calculator out there that has not only how many drops of each, but what others have mixed and how they did it. Look around and maybe you can find it. Good luck.
  4. My first 510's and juice came from RMV and it was great. Haven't had any problems yet and their free shipping was just as fast as others priority.
  5. Hello again Sarge. I would have to agree with nana.You can never really have too many backups. I would say about a half dozen of both atty's and batts and a few bottles of juice should hold you for the time being until you start looking into all the crazy mods out there. Also, Cignot has a battery charger that will hold 10 510 batteries at a time so you dont have to keep swaping out every 30 mins. As always..keep asking around, someone is always here to help. See ya on the short bus!!!
  6. Hello and welcome to the forum. If you're looking for a 510 Rocky Mountain Vapor has kits for $44.00 with free shipping. They have severial colors and different led colors too.
  7. Try doing the rolled up paper towel in the atty trick and see if you can wick out the old juice from the bottom. Then add a few drops and give it a try. Maybe the old juice just sat in the bottom too long. I really don't know what else to say but good luck.
  8. I can't draw,in fact I screw up stick figures, so you'll have to visualize this for me. How about one of those large ice scoops tilted at an angle with the word VaporScoop being poored out of it and dripping off the edge?
  9. As far as I know there is no law against it. There are a few places that won't allow it, but that is their own dicesion and not the laws.
  10. That sounds good since coffee is my favorite flavor. Thanks for the insight.
  11. That's just plain crazy. When is enough, enough??
  12. Yea..without that wick there's nothing to hold the liquid. It should be great for dripping tho. Good luck
  13. Dripping and driving? Wonder when that will be a moving violation?..no officer I'm not under the influence, of vaping! Well anyway I have to agree with the T-Tips. I have them and they work great
  14. Congrats on the week without analogs. Cignot has one that will charge 10 510 batts a a time for $28.00 Hope that helps?
  15. Good Point Mike. Many seem to think all you have to do is take orders and ship. There's a lot more to it if you want to be successful and keep a good customer base. We need to give the ones that do the job well more credit than they have been getting.
  16. Agree with Brian..only difference it the color of the band around the bottom.
  17. Hello Opie...Johnson Creek has a new line called RED OAK that is supposed to be pg free. Haven't tried it so I can't tell you much more than that. Good Luck.
  18. Yea you can never be too careful with curious kids around. Just another thing that's soo good about this place...tks Chris
  19. I think what you pulled out was part of the wickking for the atty. If you didn't pull out too much it should be fine. But if it starts to act up you can still use it for dripping.
  20. I have to add my 2cents worth and say I agree with them all. After 40+years of smoking this is an alternative for me not a beginning. If you don't smoke already then there really isn't any reason for you to start vaping. For most of us it's a way to get away from the smokes, it just happens to be enjoyable for us because we already have that habit of having to have something in our hands or in out mouth. So give it some serious thought before you buy an e-cig. And to Chris and Parked I say your integrity over profit is to be applauded.
  21. Guess you wont be doing that again any time soon?
  22. I was laying back puffing on some Sweet Dawn and had some ponderings and silly thoughts. (shut up Mark) Why is it we never look to see what the wattage of a light bulb is till we turn it on? Why do we drive on the parkway, but park in our driveway? If you are the owner of a Stucco house,does that make you the stuckie? If it's 1mouse and 2 mice, why isn't it 1 blouse and 2 blise..or 1 house and 2 hise? If chord has the K sound, shouldn't it be a box of Khocolate? Like I said it's just silliness. but thanks for looking.....LOL
  23. Just a quick question. Are the KR808D-1 and the 901 batteries the same or compatible? Reason I ask is that I have a couple of 901's and wanted to try some cartomizers and was curious if they would work together? As always..Thanks to all my friends on VT and the short bus.
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