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Everything posted by snubber

  1. So glad you're loving your new 510. We all thought you'd like it. Keep up the good work and it only gets better from here. Happy Vaping!!!
  2. The SLB's aren't real bad, they work like a 510 should, they just don't seem to have the longevity of a true Joye 510.
  3. I can relate to some of his story. I too went through some of that will it work wont it work ideas till I really set my mind to giving vaping a serious try. Hope he stops in here and gets some help and answers, sounds like he needs it.
  4. Can't say about the v3 yet because it isn't here yet. But I've used 801's with carts and haven't noticed a leaking problem yet.
  5. If it's throat hit you want stay high, if it's flavor you're looking for try lowering it some.
  6. Looks nice...too bad it's only a concept and they will probably change it before it hits the streets.
  7. I know exactly how you feel! I've got my 510's a couple of 901's and 801's and just ordered a "v3 stick" so where next? All this stuff about batteries and output etc is enough to drive you crazy. I've watched alot of Grimm Green's videos and the only thing I've figured out so far is that he likes almost everything. So good luck and if you figure it out....let me know!!
  8. Welcome to the forum and congrats on the 9 days. It's different for everybody, I'm 45 days into it and I still really can't tell much of a difference. Don't worry it will come I'm sure. As for the atty, just blow it out and let it stand for a little while, then add a drop and give it a try. Good luck on your new life style. Happy vaping!!!
  9. This really has nothing to do with vaping other than to thank all of you for the help and friendship you've given me. I finally got the call to go back to work on another outage at beautiful North Carolina. Unfortunately these don't last very long but at least it will get me back on track and I'll also be getting that much wanted per-diem which will let me buy all the new toys I've been looking at. If all goes well I should be able to rollover to the next 2 in South Carolina. (more per-diem..hehe) So I have to be there on Monday the 8th which will kill my chances to go to the Vapefest. I'm not sure if I will have access to a computer while I'm there, but I am going to do my best to keep up with the going-ons here at the forum whenever I get the chance. Well I'll be around until then so I know I'll talk to my short bus friends until then. Thanks to all.
  10. I just want to wish you good luck and hope all goes well. I'm sure you will be glad when it's all said and done. Best Wishes!!!
  11. That is a great looking mod. One of the better ideas I've seen. Keep it up!!
  12. Never looked at it that way. But I don't think I've seen them on here since that post. Either way, the comments and advice of the members of this forum only go to prove that this is a concerned and dedicated bunch willing to help in the way that is best for the whole forum. You really can't find a much better group of people than this. I applaud you all!!!!
  13. I'm sorry but I don't believe in miracle. And certainly not Obama. Besides even if he did use it he probably wouldn't admit it and upset his friends and campaign contributors at the big cigarette companies.
  14. I haven't noticed alcohol listed on any of my juices, but at only 1% I don't think you'll get enough to set off a tester. Not positive on that but I think you would have to vape an awful lot for it to show up. I was vaping when I took my last test for work and it never showed up in the monitor
  15. Jeff is right. Think you just have too high a nic level. Try using 16 or 18 and see what happens. I was a 2 to 4pk a day smoker and I still get a headache when I vape 24 for too long. And let me know how that new Johnson Creek is, was looking into that. Would like to hear about it.
  16. Just a good thing you weren't blowing big ol vape rings at the time.
  17. Hey..thanks for the info. Now all I have to do is get a VT/PT to use on them..LOL.
  18. I saw that video also.Seems to me that anymore than 2 drops would be too much for any atty. But if you use one of those T-tips to drip with maybe it would work a little better?
  19. That sounds really great. Hope my next pulmonary test shows good for me too. My last one was terrible but that was on 2packs a day, so maybe it's improved.
  20. TeriJo..Before you go and spend alot of money why not take a look at some of Grimm Green's videos and see what you think? He's done them on the spade,ego,jantystick,pretty much every device out there including the 905 and SB. They are some really helpful videos. I've learned alot about some of these things just from his reviews. And then you can get a look at how they work and make a better decision. Just my opinion, hope it helps a little.
  21. Sorry you're laid up. Hope it wont be too long. I usually vape until I can't keep awake anymore. Didn't know nic kept you awake? Maybe that's why I'm staying up soo late? Well that a a pot full of coffee. Good luck, hope you heal soon.
  22. Welcome glad you could make it. I'm sorry I haven't had any dealings with the envy, but if they are like most carts they don't last nearly as long as they want you to believe. My suggestion would be to search around and find some juice you like (the VT store has some good ones) and try refilling them yourself. It takes a little practice but it will save you a ton in the long run. Also, I would suggest you invest in a 510 kit. You'll find it to be the way to really start enjoying vaping. Plus the carts are easier to refill and you can even get blank one to fill with whatever juice you like. Another good thing about the 510 is you can direct drip, this is where most of us end up. So check around and see what you can find out. I'm sure someone here has had some time with the ENVY, and will help you anyway they can. So good luck and happy vaping. p.s. be sure to stop by the chat sometime.
  23. Very nice review...really helpful since I've been looking into one of these...thanks.
  24. I've used Tasty Vapor, it's pretty good stuff. Haven't tried wintergreen yet, but they have a comments section so you could tell them just how strong or weak you'd like it. They also have a thing called a doubler,which is just pg or vg without nic. But be warned its a big bottle so whatever flavor you want you better like it or you'll have a bunch of it on your hands.
  25. It is kinda funny how we search around for deals for this stuff. I think it's partially because many of the vendors are selling the same thing so why give an extra say 10 or 20 dollars to one place when you can save that and use it for something else like juice or a different device. I usually would try a couple of different places like stores or gas stations to find the one that had the better price on my analogs, so why not for e-cigs and supplies? I look at my little info banner that tells me how much I'm saving on analogs and ask, if I'm saving this money why am I spending it on e-cigs? If I spend say $100.00 or $200.00 on devices or supplies where am I saving? But I also must admit it's more enjoyable to buy this stuff than it ever was spending it on analogs. And in the long run healthier too!
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