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Everything posted by snubber

  1. That's great, hope it goes well for them. Why doesn't anyone open something in the mid-atlantic area. Somewhere close to D.C. would be really great.
  2. Welcome...glad you could join us. Hope you'll stop by the chat sometime for some question and answer time. Good luck with your EGO and happy vaping.
  3. Sorry...to me that's just stupid!!! Why would you want to if you have never been a smoker? Besides, this just adds fuel to the FDA's point about e-cigs causing non-smokers to start. Just plain stupid.
  4. Welcome to the forum. Glad you could join us. The p/t comes with an 801 atty and one empty cart I believe. You will also be able to choose between either a 801 to 510 adapter or an 801 to 901 adapter. so you can decide which one you want. Most people go for the 510. It gives a great deal of vapor. If you go to the Vaprlife website you can download a user manual that will explain all about the unit and how to use it. I would reccomend you try the 801 and get a 510 adapter and one 510 atty to try and see which one you like best before you go and get too many attys. Hope this helps you out. Good luck and happy vaping.
  5. I'm sorry for your loss. But it did give the rest of us some valuable information, so thanks for the heads up.
  6. Way to go! Now that's thinking on your feet. Good job.
  7. cooler.....yes other.....YES!!! and the plow was cool too....hehe.
  8. Sorry, but have to agree with everyone. This could be really good or really bad. This could just be what someone needs to vent a dislike with a vendor just because he doesn't like how he runs his own business. This might just turn into more of a ***** fest than a helping situation. Hope it goes for the good and doesn't hurt someone just because of one bad report.
  9. I just got my V3. First thing new in a while..then I got a v4life pt to hold me over till the VT/PT's come in. And a car adapter for the ride to NC. And when the perdiem kicks in I already have my shopping list started. WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ALL OF US??? I never went to the store and shopped around for lighters or ashtrays. And never went to the store and said "I'll take a pack of those and a pack of those and give me a carton of those". Addiction? I should say not!!! Well maybe a little. OK I'm hooked, thanks alot you all!
  10. What flavors did you try? Not that it matters..they all taste great!!!!
  11. Well nana and TJ...I find you both sexy just for the attitude you both exude. A woman with self worth is always sexy. As for the vaping sexy, wouldn't know...never seen you vape..buuuuttttt.
  12. Well it was somewhat ok for e-cigs. Altho they didn't have all their facts straight. But I do agree, if you're going to ban one then you have to ban both. AND JUST WHAT WERE YOU DOING WATCHING RACHAEL RAY?????
  13. Welcome to the forum. You've come to the right place if you're looking for answers. The people here are great and always willing to help out. Get some blank carts and fill them yourself. It's cheaper and not that hard to do once you get the hang of it. And if you think this place is about selling products you haven't looked around much. It's more about helping one another and enjoying vaping than about the merchandise . Look around there are lots of vendors that sell 0 nic juice. I'm sure you'll find something you like. If you have more questions feel free to ask. Good luck and happy vaping!!!!
  14. I have to agree with everyone..Don't let your atty run dry or you'll end up with a dead atty. Not Good. keep it moist.
  15. That's very nice looking. Can't wait till you can give us a personal review of it. tks.
  16. Nic is a poison so like anything like that you want to be very careful especially around kids. But I would say that unless you get a really great amount on your skin and just let it soak in the effects are pretty nil. As far as refilling the cart, it should last a lot longer than 2 draws. Try moving the filler around a little bit to let the juice soak in more and lift it to make contact with the atty better. As always, if you have questions don't hesitate to ask. As you can see we are all ready to help. Happy vaping.
  17. Well considering who put out the report I wonder where they got their figures from? But still good press is better than nothing.
  18. Wow..you really jumped into this with both feet haven't you? Glad you're enjoying it. Keep having fun with it. See you on the short bus!! ps tks for the liquid...it's strange but good.
  19. It does take some time to learn all the in's and out's of vaping. And yes there is more to it than just lighting up, but the long term benifits are worth the hassle. Keep asking questions and we'll all be glad to help. Happy Vaping!! A saying I heard once really helped me..."When you think you're green you grow...when you think you're ripe,,you're rotten"
  20. I've never ordered from China, but I've gotten some 510 whistle tips from Rocky Mnt. Vapor and they were smaller than my 801's and I didn't have to wait a a week or more and the shipping was free at the time.
  21. First off, best wishes to you and Ashley. This is a thrilling occasion for you both I know. Now my guess is March22 around 3:35 am pst. Wish Ashley well for me and thanks again for all you do. Hope I can get some time to get on the site while I'm away. GOOD LUCK!!!!
  22. Hope you had fun at Mickey World. Yea it's kinda fun having people wondering what the heck you're doing. I had a lady report me to the mall security once for smoking in a store.HE HE I loved it. Enjoy and happy vaping.
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