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Everything posted by snubber

  1. I think you'd be better going with the suppliers over on your side of the ocean. Like Janty or Totally Wicked. Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. It is a good idea, but he probably wouldn't inhale...lol
  3. Sorry to hear you had a bad experience with them. I've gotten several things from them and have always been satisfied with them. I had a passthrough go bad after 1 week and they sent me a new one right away no questions asked. Not sure what could be the problem you are having with them. good luck.
  4. Well..I'm late again but welcome. Glad you joined us. Hey we all got to start somewhere, just keep going and it will add up quickly. Good luck and happy vaping.
  5. Thanks for the info...they look like a good place to try out. I can see Mark buying juice by 6pack now....lol
  6. Yes.. It came in in 2 glass dropper bottles. It's a very faint pink tint..actually kinda pretty. I have made a few 5ml tester bottles and I can't notice any problem with it. No after taste or smell, it's just a light tint. If you need base liquid I'd suggest picking some up at this price while it lasts. I intend to get some more before it runs out.
  7. it really is great...glad to hear you're enjoying yourself. Wait till you try a low resistance atty!!!!
  8. I've noticed lately that some of the members that were kinda regulars have sorta gone missing. Am I wrong or are they just on earlier than they use to be? People like DevilDucky, Qtbabe, Michelle, Ethan,Terijo, all have been missing for quite some time now. Has any one talked to them lately? I was just wondering because for a while they were on almost every night and in the chat alot. Hope nothing has gone wrong. Did we do something? I was just curious because like I said they were very regular people for some time and now...??? Kinda strange huh???
  9. Great choice of units. Have one and it's great. If you use the new Low Resistance atty with it you will get real close to what vaping 5v is like. You can use an adapter for the 901/808d-1 on it and still use the cover cone( just got one today and it works) but you wont be able to use the cone with an 801. So hope you enjoy it, it's a great device. Let us know how you feel about it. Good luck and happy vaping.
  10. Ego/Tornado?...love it and you can't go wrong with it. Great vapor and even better battery life.
  11. Thanks Brian...going to load that on my phone just in case...lol
  12. My son-in-law, who isn't a heavy smoker to begin with, started using the patch. He went to the next step down but said it just wasn't giving him the nic he needed to keep him from going outside to have an occasional cigarette. He and my daughter are the ones that pointed me in the direction of the e-cig to begin with so they have watched me with my devices from day 1. So the other day some comment was made about how long I've been going on my e-cig and he asked if I thought it might help him instead of the patch. So I gave him a new atty..a couple of blank carts..3 charged 510 batteries and a little 3ml bottle of liquid. A quick cart lesson, a little instruction on the manual battery and the art of vaping and he's been doing great so far. Now like I said, he never has been a heavy smoker but he comes in every day with dead batteries and I recharge them for him. So far so good. Of course my daughter says I'm just getting him to trade smoking for vaping but if it helps...so be it. The real point of my story is that when someone is ready to really look into the e-cig, they will come to you and ask. Then you can really give them the help they are looking for.
  13. I've had no trouble using my drip tip on my Tornado. Put on the atty...screw on the cone...then pop on the tip. Mine works just fine.
  14. Hello...I have the Tornado/Ego batteries and fast charger. From what I've seen so far it's never taken more than 2 hrs. to charge no matter whether it's been on wall charger or the computer. Don't worry Chris will fix you up.
  15. A lot of vendors are now stocking the T-tips. The ones at Super T are prob the nicest, and also the most expensive, but they really are nice and work really well. My first ones were the brass, although the look nice at first they do tarnish and loose their good looks fast, so I would say try the stainless or aluminum. Good luck and happy vaping.
  16. Can't believe I missed this one. When I was smoking the last thing I needed was someone trying to tell me how to quit. Don't force the issue. Let them come to you with questions and then give them some good answers. If you try it the other way you're kinda like the Jehova (sp) witness of the vaping world, So just enjoy your vaping and they will get interested in time. Then hit them with your EGO or VP/PT. Good luck and happy vaping.
  17. Sorry I missed this post earlier. With some people who are non-smokers, all they have to see is something that looks like smoke to them and they are having trouble breathing. It's just their way of keeping in control of others lives. Glad your little test was a success. Good luck and happy vaping.
  18. You're probably right on both counts Patty. Glad you came back and don't stay away so long this time.
  19. Kosch...Don't do it!!! I got my first e-cig at the mall also. Although it pointed me in the right direction it was way over priced and just wasn't worth the money. They play them up nice, but do your homework and read some posts, watch videos and read the reviews before you jump into buying just any e-cig. I know I wish I had. Like others have said, the 510 is a great starter unit but for the extra few dollars I'd say get and Ego/Tornado. So good luck with your decision and let us know what you get. Just remember that the mall will be there after you have looked around if you still want to go for that one. Good luck and happy vaping. P.S, Vapor Talk is not a juice, it's the name of this forum. and the VT store does carry devices and juice.
  20. Just wait..it come in other strengths, they just must be out right now. I got it in 24mg. Sorry to hear about you loss. But you might want to try some place else this time for your kits.
  21. That's one hell of a flashlight. Wonder how long before someone tries to turn it into a mod?
  22. I recently placed an order at ExtremeVaping for 60ml of their 100mg nic juice. I then got an e-mail fro Levy that their shipment of juice had come in with a very slight pink tint to it. He assured me that the juice was pure but that in the process to make the juice it had a reaction to something it is made with that gave it a pink tint. Checking on the website it stated that the juice would be on sale for 35% off. Since my order was placed at regular cost he gave me three options. 1. cancel my order and refund my money 2. hold my order till new juice came in, which could take several weeks. 3. double my order at no extra cost. I chose #3 since I wanted the juice and the color doesn't matter anyway when mixing. I don't know how many other companies would give service like this but I do know it made a repeat customer out of me. Way to go Levy!!!
  23. Just wanted to publicly thank Luke over at Vaporgalaxy for the great service and attention I received. As always he was right on top of his game. Quick delivery and even a little something extra. I think everyone should give him a try sometime, you wont be sorry. Tks Luke.
  24. I had one of those once. The filters are made of the same as a regular analog. I don't know if they would work in a cart, but you could give it a try and see what you think.
  25. Welcome back...great story with a great outcome. I'm not where you are with the no nic or being able to go weeks or even days with out my e-cig. After 40+ years of smoking I doubt that I will ever get to that point. My e-cig has just replaced my analogs but it's still better than it was. I keep it next to the bed and just like when I was smoking I reach for it and take a hit when I get up. But I do enjoy the flavor a whole lot more than I ever did cigarettes. Old habits are hard to break I guess. But with the encouragement of the folks here at VT I'm off analogs and I feel so much better for it. So congrats on your success and keep letting us know how you're doing. Good luck and happy vaping. p.s. Why does it say WVfem, your name is Patty, but the disscription says male??
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