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Everything posted by snubber

  1. Sounds like you're having fun learning what you like the most. Keep up the good work it is a lot of fun. And remember what nana always says...backups backups backups!!!! Good luck and happy vaping.
  2. That was hilarious. Storm...is there something you need to tell us??
  3. I agree. There have been many times when I've wanted to try just one or two juices and because of the shipping being more than the cost of my order I've passed up ordering. Sounds like a great idea to me.
  4. That little prick....needs his butt kicked!
  5. What a great skit. I laughed till I almost SHI.....
  6. Thanks for sharing Dave....some things are just worth remembering, like Honor and Duty to our country. Thank You.
  7. Very nicely done. Looks good and sounds like winner to me.
  8. I don't know where you got it from, but I got a couple before I got the VP/PT. Sometimes you just get a bad one. If you decide to go big get the vp/pt it really is worth the money IMHO.
  9. DANG...I knew I smelled gas. Have to get this checked out.....yea right!
  10. Thanks for that info guys...didn't know the resistance difference. Good to know.
  11. Hello...really cant say about the screwdriver because I haven't tried it but I do have the Ego/Tornado and I can tell you it's a great little unit. Very good battery life ( and I vape alot) and very easy to use. Match it up with a low resistance atty and you have one really great device. Just add a drip tip and you're good all day. Don't know if this helps any but I'm sure others will be along to give you some more input. Good luck and happy vaping.
  12. It means Open a vein in your forehead from frustration.
  13. I spent a good part of the day over at Marks house in Va. Now where to begin? Those of you that have received one of Marks mods really need to thank him for this great piece of handmade work. I started by getting to choose one of the ready turned blanks that he had and we then went out to his workshop. You really can't appreciate this unit till you see just how much work and attention he puts into making one of these. He drilled the center hole, split it, and proceeded to route out the cavity for the battery and electrical parts.(time for a Miller Lite) He took the circuit board material and soldered the connections,drilled out the placement for the magnets, (Miller time) Attached the wiring, and marked the placement for the LED and button. (sorry, time for a toot) He made sure every thing was working before placing anything in the unit and that all the circuits were operable. (another Miller) He sanded all the placement areas and checked and rechecked for fit. We talked a lot about vaping while the epoxy set and then it was time to solder all the connections. His attention to detail is really something. He has several units on his shelf that he says he wont use because they don't meet his approval. I personally didn't see too much wrong other than the one that the wood shrank and the seem showed. I'm sure they wouldn't be turned down by anyone who received one, but Mark's a perfectionist soooo. Ok, the epoxy set and the unit is ready for the final connections. Battery connections soldered, Led in place, button connected, all that's left is the 510 connection. That being done, final fit and it's ready for the test. New LR atty, and battery and it's time. So now I'm vaping on my new Marks' woodie and loving it. All in all I was there about 4+ hours watching, and talking while he worked his magic. This is truly a work of the heart, and I don't know how to truly express my gratitude for this wonderful gift. Mark is and always will be one of my greatest friends and all of us that have benefited from his generosity should tell him how much he is appreciated. Sorry for such a long post, and I really could go on, but I don't need to. (I think I should take pictures of this process so all could see just all he does0 So again...Thank you so much Mark I love you man!!!!
  14. Yea, it was nice while it lasted. But it looks like it's all down hill now.
  15. WOW...3 1/2 mins? way to go! (ooops) Yea and think of all those side-effects you miss out on. Tks for the info...(now if I can just get MY wife to notice..lol)
  16. Very well said. We need more officials like this. I could vote for him. Finally someone who at least sounds like he wants to help the people. Tks Chris
  17. Have to agree with Dayvape and Nero...get as much of that factory primer out as you can. Then 2 or 3 drops of your favorite and you should be good to go. On the LR attys, you don't have to take as long of a drag as the regular ones so be careful at first till you get use to them. You're gonna love that unit!!! Good luck and happy vaping.
  18. Maybe we'll have our own e-liquid "moodshiners"? This whole deal is just absurd.
  19. I tried one that was a test batch.....the experiment failed. So if you found one great!!!!!
  20. Go figure...they are willing to bio-screw with our food supply and yet they want to ban something they know so little about that is helping to save lives all for big business. "F"rickin "D"umb "A"sses
  21. I think E-Smokey Treats still carries the 801 and the 901.
  22. Still do at times. But it's nice not having to!
  23. I have the Tornado batteries and the delrin tips from SuperT and LR attys from TW. It's really one hell of a combination. And Luke over at Vaporgalaxy has them. Good luck and happy vaping.
  24. I'm going to put my 2cents worth in here. I'm sure that the cartos are the best choice if she is sightless. and I would normally suggest a 510 manual, however you might want to consider a auto battery so it's easier for her to just pick up and vape without worrying about the button. Maybe kr808d-1 with the charging case. The other problem I see is that she will not know when the batteries are low, need charging or when they are charged unless she has someone there that can help her. If that's the case then the 510 is probably her best choice right now. I'm sure you will get other suggestions as well.
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